Nouveau (NzN)3D.Blender   : Archives du 19/12/1999 au 01/09/2000
Expéditeur:   jmsoler Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 18:33:48 +0100 Numéro:1053
Sujet précédent. Sujet: Re: invitation Sujet suivant.
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Au vu de la liste des gens actifs et prometteurs
je suis déçu, c'est sûr...mais c'est l'équipe de
Ton Roosental qui a choisi. Tant pis.


alex wrote:

> salut
> comme je l'ai dit sur la mailing liste blender, j'ai recu ca d'un certain
> bart de blender, quelqu'un pourrait il me traduire un tit peu, car en
> anglais je suis pas trop fort ;(
> merci ;-)
> alex
> "Hi Alex,
> As you are probably aware, 2000 will be a very exciting year for Not a
> Number. We have attracted significant investment and work on the GameBlender
> (Blender 2.0) is focussed toward an on-line release coinciding with Siggraph
> in July.
> We think this is a good time to exchange ideas about the future of Blender
> with our community, and to talk about opportunities for all of you. We want
> to achieve this by organising an international Blender workshop.
> For this workshop, we have been looking for people who have been prominent
> in the Blender community either because of the quality of their work or
> their commitment and enthusiasm. After a lot of thought - and discussion ! -
> 24 people have been selected for the first workshop, and we are pleased to
> tell you that you are one of them. The workshop will take place in NaN's
> offices in Amsterdam and Eindhoven, and the invitation to attend is based on
> NaN's meeting all your expenses.
> Some highlights of the programme are:
> - 2 days off, 5 days 'work'  (arrive on Saturday and leave on Saturday or
> Sunday as you choose)
> - Meet the Not a Number crew.
> - Learn more about Blender's history and future.
> - Take part in discussions about 3D graphics, games, tools, and our ideas to
> make being a Blender user even more rewarding for you...
> - Be at the Not a Number launch party in Amsterdam.
> Of course there will be plenty of hardware available for lots of hands-on
> GameBlender time and for your Blendering pleasure!
> The workshop will take place from April 3rd until April 7th in Amsterdam and
> Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Not a Number will provide you with plane tickets
> and a hotel in Amsterdam (one night in Eindhoven). Unfortunately, we have
> had to set a minimum age for participating in the workshop: participants
> must be sixteen years old, and for people younger than eighteen years old we
> need written approval from your parents or guardian.
> One last thing: we ask you to keep this information to yourself for the
> moment. It has been very challenging for us to select such a short list of
> people and we feel we must take great care in communicating this to the
> community - other people may feel left out if we are not careful. We will
> post a general announcement annoucement on the website as soon as we can.
> You are of course free to discuss this with the other invitees/attendees on
> the attached list.
> We really look forward to meeting each and every one of you - we have all
> known each other online for quite a while now and it will be excellent to
> meet each other 'in real life'!
> Please let me know if you will be able to attend so that I can start making
> reservations.
> Have fun!
> B@rt
> ----
> Bart Veldhuizen
> Community Manager Not a Number
> Email:
> GSM:  +31 6 246 751 96
> Participant list (in alphabetical order):
> 01 - Ekakija,
> 02 - Gabriel Chau,
> 03 - Alex Crampdon,
> 04 - Daniel Dunbar (Zr),
> 05 - Rob Haarsma (PhaseIV),
> 06 - Kiernan Holland,
> 07 - Joeri Kassenaar (Exwhale),
> 08 - Samo Korosec (Xype),
> 09 - Reevan McKay (Mikado),
> 10 - David Michaud (cshell),
> 11 - Jason Nairn (Egad),
> 12 - Tatsuya Nakamura,
> 13 - David Richard Nelson,
> 14 - Willem-Paul van Overbruggen (WP/Waypay),
> 15 - Alex Penner,
> 16 - Rowan J Peter (Compagnie/Purcell),
> 17 - Randal Rickert
> 18 - Geno Ruffalo (the IceMan),
> 19 - Hiroshi Saito (Hiroshi),
> 20 - Viacheslav Slavinsky (SVO),
> 21 - Martin Strubel (Strubi),
> 22 - Frédéric Toussaint,
> 23 - Petr Vlk (Vlk),
> 24 - John Walton (SkyWriter),
> 25 - Carsten Wartmann,
> "

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Archives réalisées avec Python 2.0 + PythonWin par JmSoler. mon livre sur blender.