I doubt that any of Nurse With Wound realised it at the time, but the list that accompanied the first Nurse With Wound album, (and also the revised version, included with their second) has become almost like a bible for the intrepid musical adventurer. Sporting the enigmatic text: "Categories strain, crack and sometimes break, under their burden - step out of the space provided..." it has become legendary, as a reference list of revolutionary music, and a challenge to Nurse With Wound collectors around the world, who curious enough to want to hear all the music on it. Of course, this is not an easy task, as the full list nears 300 artists, and many are extremely obscure! As Steve once pointed out, some artists are listed for obvious reasons, some less-so, some are there just for one track! |
The original list... categories strain, crack and sometimes break, under their burden - step out of the space provided ALL-7-70 ALTERNATIVE TV ALVARO AME SON AMM MUSIC AMON DUUL AMON DUUL II ANIMA ANNEXUS QUAM ARBETE The additional list... ANAL MAGIC AND REVEREND DWIGHT FRIZZEL AQSAK MABOUL STEVE BERESFORD PHILIPPE BESOMBES XXX CABERET |
Over the years lots of curious people have persistantly enquired as to what all these revolutionary artists are, what albums they should buy, etc. Well, in a bid to help you out, we've put together our own guide, suggesting the recording we beleive that the artist is listed for. As many of these were John Fothergill's or Heeman Pathak's choices, we may be wrong with our assumption on some, however we've tried to pick out what seems like the most logical pointer to the influences behind Nurse With Wound. We did have the idea to give descriptions on all these too, but that would have been an awesome task, and would have spoilt the fun! In the spirit of all things Nursey, we included one "bogus" entry, to see if anyone would notice. Steve didn't, and it seems neither did anyone else, that is not not until over 10 years later. So, well-done to Simon Pound for noting the bogus entry of Heldon. I'd even forgotten about it myself! Key to abbreviations used... ! point of interest. |
AGITATION FREE PEKKA AIRAKSINEN AIRWAY ALBRECHT D ALCATRAZ ÄLGARNAS TRÄDGÅRD ALL 7-70 ALTERNATIVE TV ALVARO AME SON AMM MUSIC AMON DÜÜL ! If you've read the Nurse With Wound interview, you'll know why this is listed! Certainly one of the most essential for the NWW collector! AMON DÜÜL II ANAL MAGIC & REVEREND DWIGHT FRIZZELL ANIMA ANNEXUS QUAM AQSAK MABOUL ARBETE OCH FRITID ARCANE V ARCHAÏA ARCHIMEDES BADKAR AREA GILBERT ARTMAN ART BEARS ART ZOYD III ARZACHEL ROBERT ASHLEY ASH RA TEMPEL ASSOCIATION PC IL BALLETTO DI BRONZO BANTEN FRANCO BATTIATO HAN BENNINK STEVE BERESFORD JACQUES BERROCAL PHILIPPE BESOMBES BIGLIETTO PER L'INFERNO BIRGÉ GORGÉ SHIROC BLUE SUN RAYMOND BONI DON BRADSHAW LEATHER BRAINSTORM BRAINTICKET ! This is where Brained By Falling Masonry came from, the rhythm is hijacked direct and looped. Other references to the Brainticket can be heard on numerous Nurse With Wound and Current 93 recordings. BRAST BURN BRAVE NEW WORLD ANTON BRUHIN BRUHWARM THEATRE XXXXX XX XXX CABARET VOLTAIRE JOHN CAGE ! For those who know the text "In the grooves of this record..." CAN CAPSICUM RED CAPTAIN BEEFHEART CHAMBERPOT CHECKPOINT CHARLIE CHÊNE NOIR CHILLUM HENRI CHOPIN CHROME COHELMEC ENSEMBLE JEAN COHEN-SOLAL COLLEGIUM MUSICUM ! Snippets from this album can be heard in the remixed Brained. ROBERTO COLOMBO COME COMPANYIA ELECTRICA DHARMA COMUS CORNUCOPIA CRASS ! Featuring: Eve Libertine. CREATIVE ROCK CRO MAGNON DAVID CUNNINGHAM CUPOL DADAZUZU WOLFGANG DAUNER ! Although the loop for Cooloorta Moon is directly stolen from this, Steven's favourite Dauner album when we first met him was OUTPUT. DEBRIS DECAYES DEDALUS DEEP FREEZE MICE DEUTSCH-AMERIKANISCHEN FREUNDSCHAFT DHARMA QUINTET DIES IRAE DOME DOO DOOETTES PHILIPPE DORAY ROGER DOYLE JEAN DUBUFFET DZYAN EILIFF EMTIDI EROC ETRON FOU LELOUBLAN EXMAGMA FAMILY FODDER PATRIZIO FARISELLI FAUST LUC FERRARI ! Ciconia on MASSE MENSCH is dedicated to this. FILLE QUI MOUSSE FLOH DE COLOGNE FLYING LIZARDS FOOD BRAIN WALTER FRANCO FREE AGENTS FRIENDSOUND FRED FRITH GASH RON GEESIN GILA JEF GILSON GLAXO BABIES GOD IN DISGUISE (FORKLAD GUD) ! Steve always insists that some of the NWW list was "made up", yet would never say what. As we know that everything here does exist, it must be that some things are coincidental, like this Swedish band Forklad Gud, whose name is translated on the cover as "God In Disguise" - a record which Steve had in his collection. GOMORRHA GONG GOOD MISSIONARIES GRAND MAGIC CIRCUS JOHN GREAVES & PETER BLEGVAD FERNANDO GRILLO RAGNAR GRIPPE GROBSCHNITT GROUP 1850 JEAN GUERIN ! The rhythm from this can be heard on CHANCE MEETING... FRIEDRICH GULDA GURU GURU HAIRY CHAPTER HAMPTON GREASE BAND PIERRE HENRY ! Although some sections of Pierre Henry's Voile d'Orphee uncannily resemble Nurse With Wound, Steve had never heard it! HENRY COW HERATIUS HERO JUAN HIDALGO HUGH HOPPER HORDE CATALTYQUE POUR LA FIN HORRIFIC CHILD IBLISS L'INFONIE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER ISKRA ISLAND MARTIN DAVORIN JAGODIC JAN DUKES DE GREY KING CRIMSON BASIL KIRCHIN OSAMU KITAJIMA KLUSTER FRANK KOLGES KOLLEKTIV ROTE RÜBE ! For those who know the phrase "Ich will nicht Papa.." KOMINTERN KRAFTWERK KROKODIL STEVE LACY LARD FREE LE FORTE FOUR LEMON KITTENS LILY LIMBUS 3 LIMBUS 4 BERNARD LUBAT ALVIN LUCIER ! Various Lucier recordings have been used by Nurse With Wound. MAGICAL POWER MAKO MAGMA ! Interesting note: when meeting Nurse With Wound in 1979, we all voted for our favourite Magma album, the results were: Fothergill MAGMA, Pathak 1001° CENTIGRADES, Stapleton MEKANIK..., Steve and I voted for KÖHNTARKÖSZ and UDU WUDU respectively! COLETTE MAGNY MAHJUN MAHOGANY BRAIN MALFATTI-WITTWER MAMA DADA 1919 MICHAEL MANTLER ALBERT MARCOEUR MARS MASCHINE NR. 9 MATE & VALLANCIEN COSTIN MIEREANU MIN BUL MNEMONISTS ! This was our personal choice, and not what they would have been listed for. MODRY EFEKT MOOLAH ANTHONY MOORE MOTHERS OF INVENTION MOVING GELATINE PLATES FRITZ MULLER THIERRY MULLER (ILITCH) MUSICA ELETTRONICA VIVA ! Although some people may quote other MEV albums, this relates most closely to NWW's own music, being more rock avant-garde. MUSIC IMPROVISATION COMPANY MYTHOS NAPOLI CENTRALE NEGATIVLAND NEU! NEW PHONIC ART NICO NIGHT SUN NIHILIST SPASM BAND ! On the original list, there was the text "These sleeve notes are dedicated to The Nihilist Spasm Band". NINE DAYS WONDER ! A bass-line from this is used on The Tumultuos Upsurge from HOMOTOPY TO MARIE, mixed up with the sounds of a brass band. NOSFERATU NU CREATIVE METHODS OKTOBER YOKO ONO OPERATION RHINO OPUS AVANTRA ORCHID SPANGIAFORA ! A great influence behind the "Wounded Nurse" recordings. OUT OF FOCUS OVARY LODGE TONY OXLEY PARKER & LYTTON PATAPHONIE PAUVROS & BIZIEN PERE UBU PIERROT LUNAIRE DER PLAN PLASTIC ONO BAND PLASTIC PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE POISON GIRLS PÔLE POP GROUP MICHEL PORTAL BOMIS PRENDIN PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED RED CRAYOLA RED NOISE ! Lots of ideas have been borrowed from this revolutionary album, like The Poo-Poo Song and lots of text from the early Diana Rogerson era. REFORM ART UNIT STEVE REICH ! This features one Steve Reich composition: Come Out. ACHIM REICHEL THE RESIDENTS ! Any early Residents can be considered as influential, though this is arguably closest to Nurse With Wound's SYLVIE & BABS. When we first met Steve in 1979 his favourite album was ESKIMO. CATHERINE RIBEIRO & ALPES BOYD RICE TERRY RILEY CLAUDIO ROCCHI ROCKY'S FILJ RON PATES DEBONAIRES ! Steve was fascinated by this, especially where at one moment it sounds like the musicians are sawing the stage to bits! ROTH, RÜHM & WIENER RAY RUSSELL TERJE RYPDAL MARTIN SAINT PIERRE SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA GÜNTER SCHICKERT SECOND HAND SECRET OYSTER SEESSELBERG SEMOOL SONNY SHARROCK SILBERBART SILOAH SMEGMA SALLY SMMIT (& HER MUSICIANS) SNATCH SOFT MACHINE SPERM SPHINX TUSH ! 1 track only! (In fact they only ever released 2 tracks!) KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN ! Of course lots of Stockhausen's electronic works are also of utmost importance, and many could be listed here! STOOGES DEMETRIO STRATOS SUPERSISTER ! A very loose version of Schizo from this album can be heard on Chrystal Belle Scrodd's BEASTINGS. TAJ MAHAL TRAVELLERS TAMIA TANGERINE DREAM GHEDALIA TAZARTÉS TECHNICAL SPACE COMPOSERS CREW MAMA BEA TEKEILSKI ! One of the many female voices heard on MERZBILD SCHWET. THIRD EAR BAND THIRSTY MOON THIS HEAT JACQUES THOLLOT THRICE MICE THROBBING GRISTLE PAOLO TOFANI TOKYO KID BROTHERS TOLERANCE ! This is where "To the quiet men from a tiny girl" came from! TOMORROW'S GIFT ! This was our personal choice. Apparently Steve had only heard their debut at the time of the original list. TON STEINE SCHERBEN TRANS MUSEQ ULI TREPTE TWENTY SIXTY SIX & THEN UNIVERS ZERO CHRISTIAN VANDER VELVET UNDERGROUND VERTØ PATRICK VIAN L. VOAG MICHEL WAISVISZ IGOR WAKHEVITCH JAMES WHITE & THE CONTORTIONS WHITEHOUSE LAWRENCE WIENER WIRED ! 1 LP of of a triple boxed set, featuring other LP's by Iskra 1903 and New Phonic Art. TREVOR WISHART WOORDEN ROBERT WYATT ! Equally valid for its experimentation is ROCK BOTTOM, though Steve never heard it until the mid 80's! IANNIS XENAKIS XHOL CARAVAN XHOL YA HO WA 13 LA MONTE YOUNG FRANK ZAPPA ! Ideas from Zappa's use of electronics can be heard on various Nurse With Wound recordings. ZNR ZWEISTEIN |