Simple tools to train seeing without eyes

Wear a blindfold (like the Mindfold), and try to detect what is being displayed on the screen with sustained intentioned focused awareness.

About the tools
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All the tools (without instructions)

Here is a playlist of videos to inspire you, and guide you. Try the experiment from the first video. If you are among the 50% of people who don't detect their hands at all in the dark, just keep trying. Don't force it, just try now and then, let it come. Be patient, but you need expectation. Whenever you give it a try, intend and expect to see your hands in the dark.
Here are a few tricks to help you :
Make sure you are focusing on your hands, not just looking in the distance.
You can blow gently on your hands in front of your face. Or rub them together until you feel heat, then pull them apart to the side and back together again.
Raise a finger in front of you, look straight towards it, and move both your finger and your head towards the left and right, without moving your eyes. while doing this, pay attention to what goes on in the periphery.
I am deliberately not telling you what to expect when doing these exercises. Just observe.

If you are among the 50% who see something right away, that's a great start. There is nothing unusual about it, it is a form of synesthesia. Now, take it further, play with it. Wear the mask for prolonged periods, to perform tasks, maybe move around cautiously in a safe environment. I bet you will start detecting other things, not just your hands. You will detect variations in shadows, walls, doors, furniture ? Now that is weird and wonderful, isn't it ? Maybe you will want to continue exploring the possibilities.
Now you are entering a new paradigm...
Watch the other videos in the playlist to explore your consciousness in a new way.

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The concept of "seeing without eyes" encompasses a range of practices worldwide, known under various names:
