Thursday, 4 May 2017

We've been in France now for about 3 weeks.

While we've been here Roland has been very busy working outside

and I've been busy crotcheting
now all I need to do is join the squares.
I've been looking on the internet for a different method to the one I normally use and I think I've found one

Sunday, 4 December 2016

4th December 2016

We're into Advent already
We went to stay at Shauns for 6 weeks in September and October. We took an industrial sewing machine over with us to sew Fionas horse blankets. one of the naughty horses rips them off the other horses backs. Fiona now has 6 horses. Shaun and Roland also put a new worktop in their bathroom

Roland really enjoyed trying the new machine out. We are leaving the machine at their house.

Today we went to Heskin Hall where our family were raising money for Alderhay Childrens Hospital where our little grand daughter has to go every week.
Blowing Ballooons

 Singing Carols
 The Tombola Stall

I'm not sure how much we made but the tombola was very popular

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Tuesday 26th July 2016

Last week I was supposed to have an operation but it had to be cancelled because there weren't any high dependency beds for me to go to afterwards so it has been delayed until Friday 29th so another wait for me. I will stay in hospital for a week after that I will be as good as new.
I have been in a lot of pain for many months so the operation will be a relief.

I haven't posted my little nurse yet but am going to wait until I have finished another one. I have just started her. She is going to be sold to raise funds for equipment for disabled children.

I'm afraid the photos aren't very good
The doll I've finished

 The certificate I need to fill out
 and the doll I've just started. I'll give her different colour hair and try a different face

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Laylas 2nd Birthday

We were invited to our great grand daughter Laylas 2nd birthday today

Lucas, her brother and cousins Amber and Leo really enjoyed themselves 

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

These beautiful Yucca flower have just started to open. They are beautiful this year

Today I went to a craft class and as it was a while since I went there was a lot of talking and not much craft done

Friday, 24 June 2016

24th June

After saying I would post more Here I am over a month later and not one post. A great deal has happened. We have been to Cromer with Roland, Louise, Oliver and Saoirse. The weather wasn't good, lots of rain and wind but we had a great time.

This week we went over to Jens as it was Alistairs 6th birthday. He had a lovely birthday. The weather was good so they had a picnic outside and played.

 I think his favourite present was his bubble machine

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

11th May 2016

I did intend to do my blog while I was away but for some reason I didn't get round to it.
I took lots of photos while we were there so I'm going to add them a few at a time over the month.
It was quite cold while we were there until a week before we came home. Roland loved it and was outside mending fences, cutting down trees, chopping firewood and playing with the goats.