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I am wondering - what was your impression when you first came to Poland? How did you feel?
You are my new God! BTW I was there few months ago and the poles are still there on all route from Dębica to Straszęcin!
Miejsce trochę się zmieniło,21.400034,3a,75y,197.87h,91.39t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sTAzj3-PXCIhFdwsY62tHmw!2e0
Do tego obecnie budowany jest tunel pod torami kolejowymi.
Tatuś: Poland was beutiful in 1989 as it is beautiful today. Easy to travel. Interesting nature and interesting history. Kind population. Justforfun: Only one Photo from Tarnow. It is now published.
Respect for this historical and also beauty photo (and other photos!).