Giulio Biddau in Concert - Canberra


Canberra International Music Festival, together with the European Union Delegation to Australia and the Italian Embassy in Australia, announce a special evening with renowned Italian pianist Giulio Biddau, in the majestic Gandel Hall at the National Gallery of Australia.


Canberra International Music Festival, together with the European Union Delegation to Australia and the Italian Embassy in Australia, announce a special evening with renowned Italian pianist Giulio Biddau, in the majestic Gandel Hall at the National Gallery of Australia.

The concert comes as a celebration of European-Australian cultural ties, with Biddau performing a stunning selection of works by Scarlatti, Brahms, Fauré and Chopin.


Date: Sunday 18 August 6.30 pm

Venue: Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia, Parkes ACT


The bar will be open from 6 pm for pre-concert drinks, and free parking is available in the underground carpark from 5.45 pm.


Event information:


The concert is supported by the European Union Delegation to Australia.

06:30 pm
National Gallery of Australia, 30 Parkes Pl E, Parkes ACT 2600, Australia