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Recreational activities

Apart from competitive activities, the Sports Service at the University of Castilla-La Mancha carries out an interesting programme of initiatives of a recreational nature in which the programme for group classes stands out for disciplines such as pilates, badminton, cardio-dance, functional training or step; the opening of the body building room or organization of more and more popular hiking routes.
Activities list
To take part in any activity, a university card must be shown or failing this your National Identification.

In accordance with that set out in Organic Law 15/1999  on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will become part of the university archives, whose aim is to use them to manage sports activities and may be transferred in accordance with laws in force and eventually to institutions and organizing bodies for these activities.

Likewise, we inform you that you may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the data by writing to the Academic Director of Computer Systems Security at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, calle Altagracia, 50, 13071, Ciudad Real, and attaching a copy of a document that provides proof of your identity.


In order to participate in any activity organized by the Sports Service of the University of  Castilla-La Mancha, it is essential to be a member of the university community (student, PDI(Teaching and Research Staff) PAS (Administrative and Services Staff) or alumni (the latter must pay for health insurance)).

Rule for reimbursement of fees paid for registration in physical-sports activities organized by the university sports service:

  • In order to receive a reimbursement for fees paid to the UCLM in reference to registration for  physical-sports activities organized by the Sports Service, the interested party must attach the original  official receipt of the applicant with his or her request for reimbursement or receipt for on-line payment.
  • Decisions regarding requests for reimbursement of fees paid for registration for  physical-sports activities organized by the Sports Service, will be made by means of a  properly reasoned judgement from the Deputy Manager of the University Extension area,  after the Sports Service management has issued a report.
  • Reimbursement will solely be given for cases which are attributable to the university or exceptionally for reasons  of force majeure  for which the applicant must show supporting evidence.

Cancellation of activities by the UCLM

To carry out the activities programmed at least 80% of the places offered will need to be covered  before these start. If this condition is not fulfilled, the activity will be cancelled and the fees reimbursed to all those who have paid the registration fee.