MonteCarlo example
To test out some Chapel's language features let us program a MonteCarlo simulation to calculate PI. We can calculate PI by assessing how many points with coordinates x,y fit in the unit circle, ie x^2+y^2<=1.
Here is the basic routine that computes PI:
proc compute_pi(p_x: [] real(64), p_y: [] real(64)) : real { var c : sync int; c = 0; forall i in 1..n { if (x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= 1) then c += 1; } return c * 4.0 / n; }
Notice that the forall here will compute each iteration in parallel, hence the need to define variable c as a sync variable. Performance here is limited by the need to synchronize access to c. Take a look of this profile:
70% percent of the time is spent in synchronization. Let's see if we can do better.
Procedure promotion
One feature of Chapel is procedure promotion, this is where calling a procedure that takes scalar arguments with an array, will have be as if each element of the array is passed to the procedure in parallel:
proc compute_pi(p_x: [] real(64), p_y: [] real(64)) : real { var c : sync int; forall i in in_circle(p_x, p_y) { c += i; } return c * 4.0 / n; } proc in_circle(x: real(64), y: real(64)): bool { return (x ** 2 + y ** 2) <= 1; }
Furthermore with reorganization will allow us to take advantage of Chapel's built in reduction:
proc compute_pi(p_x: [] real(64), p_y: [] real(64)) : real { var c : int; c= +reduce in_circle(p_x, p_y); return c * 4.0 / n; }
This also improves performance:
Multiple Locales
Let's look at how the array of x and y values are allocated:
var p_x: [1..n] real(64); var p_y: [1..n] real(64);
However Chapel provides a way to distribute these array across multiple locales:
const space = {1..n}; var Dom: domain(1) dmapped Block(boundingBox=space) = space; var p_x: [Dom] real(64); var p_y: [Dom] real(64);
This Block mapping will allocate the elements block-wise among the locales. Furthermore the reduction used earlier will continue to work.