From: Rob (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2006 - 23:53:31 CDT


Everything installs fine with precompiled 1.8.5
for Linux-IA64, but the vmd-script in bin directory
does not work, because the installation has the
wrong flags in the lib directory:

-rwxr-x--- Announcement
drwxr-xr-x doc
-rwxr-x--- LICENSE
drwxr-x--- plugins
-rwxr-x--- README
drwxr-x--- scripts
drwxr-x--- shaders
-rwxr-x--- stride_LINUXIA64
-rwxr-x--- surf_LINUXIA64
-rwxr-x--- tachyon_LINUXIA64
-rwxr-x--- vmd_LINUXIA64
-rwxr-x--- .vmdrc
-rwxr-x--- .vmdsensors

When I change "rwxr-x---" to "rwxr-xr-x", it all
works. Is this a bug?

I should mention that I run the "./configure" as
regular user, but the "make install" as root.


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