From: Luciano (
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 13:57:30 CDT

 I read a structure of polymer box (*.xyz file, type Tinker) in other
viewer package, but I had problem with vmd:

 Multithreading available, 1 CPU detected.
Info) OpenGL renderer: Mesa X11
Info) Features: STENCIL RN MTX TCM
Info) Textures: 2-D (2048x2048), 3-D (256x256x1), Multitexture (8)
vmd > Info) Using plugin xyz for structure file
xyz structure) missing type or coordinate(s) in file '' for
atom '1'
ERROR) molecule_structure: Unable to read structure for molecule 0
Info) Using plugin xyz for coordinates from file
xyz timestep) missing type or coordinate(s) in file '' for atom '1'
Info) Finished with coordinate file
Info) Analyzing structure ...
Info) Atoms: 85
Info) Residues: 85
Info) Waters: 0
Info) Segments: 0
Info) Fragments: 85 Protein: 0 Nucleic: 0

 What mean this ERROR ?! What do I do, please?!

 thanks in advance!!


               Luciano Tavares da Costa
             Mestre em Engenharia Química
   icq #232852036 ;
  Doutorando Laboratório de Espectroscopia Molecular
              Instituto de Química - USP

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