From: Tsu-Fan Cheng (
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 22:02:23 CDT

hi vmders,
  how's it going (trying to be polite here)? i actually get vmd up and
going on my freebsd 4.8. I configured it as: Mesa, tcl, tl, python,
pthread, silent. I install linuxthread and use -llthread in Makefile.
Compilation went throught with some warning. But i don't know who to do
make_distrib, I do ./make_distrib FREEBSD mesa, and get stalled at: bst19-
196unix# ./make_distrib FREEBSD mesa
Removing old distrib directory (./distrib/vmd-1.8.2b3)
Making new distrib directory
Removing old plugin src distrib directory (./distrib/plugins)
Making distribution directory hierarchy
Copying toplevel files
Copying vmd startup script
Copying text files
Copying proteins
Copying VMD scripts
Redoing library distribution
./use: permission denied
making library binary distribution: at ./make_distrib line 251.

what is this "use"?

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