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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 2008-2009 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: msmpot_compute.c,v $
00013  *      $Author: dhardy $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.8 $      $Date: 2010/06/10 22:36:49 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00018 #include "msmpot_internal.h"
00020 /* macros below for debugging */
00021 /*
00031 #define MAPINDEX  0
00032 */
00034 #define USE_BIN_HASHING
00036 int Msmpot_compute(Msmpot *msm,
00037     float *epotmap,               /* electrostatic potential map
00038                                      assumed to be length mx*my*mz,
00039                                      stored flat in row-major order, i.e.,
00040                                      &ep[i,j,k] == ep + ((k*my+j)*mx+i) */
00041     int mx, int my, int mz,       /* map lattice dimensions */
00042     float lx, float ly, float lz, /* map lattice lengths */
00043     float x0, float y0, float z0, /* map origin (lower-left corner) */
00044     float vx, float vy, float vz, /* periodic cell lengths along x, y, z;
00045                                      set to 0 for non-periodic direction */
00046     const float *atom,            /* atoms stored x/y/z/q (length 4*natoms) */
00047     int natoms                    /* number of atoms */
00048     ) {
00049   int err;
00051   REPORT("Performing MSM calculation of electrostatic potential map.");
00053   err = Msmpot_check_params(msm, epotmap, mx, my, mz, lx, ly, lz,
00054       vx, vy, vz, atom, natoms);
00055   if (err != MSMPOT_SUCCESS) return ERROR(err);
00057   /* store user parameters */
00058   msm->atom = atom;
00059   msm->natoms = natoms;
00060   msm->epotmap = epotmap;
00061   msm->mx = mx;
00062   msm->my = my;
00063   msm->mz = mz;
00064   msm->lx = lx;
00065   msm->ly = ly;
00066   msm->lz = lz;
00067   msm->lx0 = x0;
00068   msm->ly0 = y0;
00069   msm->lz0 = z0;
00070   msm->dx = lx / mx;
00071   msm->dy = ly / my;
00072   msm->dz = lz / mz;
00073   msm->px = vx;
00074   msm->py = vy;
00075   msm->pz = vz;
00076   msm->isperiodic = 0;  /* reset flags for periodicity */
00077   /* zero length indicates nonperiodic direction */
00078   if (vx > 0) SET_X(msm->isperiodic);
00079   if (vy > 0) SET_Y(msm->isperiodic);
00080   if (vz > 0) SET_Z(msm->isperiodic);
00082   err = Msmpot_setup(msm);
00083   if (err != MSMPOT_SUCCESS) return ERROR(err);
00085   memset(epotmap, 0, mx*my*mz*sizeof(float));  /* clear epotmap */
00088 #if !defined(MSMPOT_LONGRANGE_ONLY)
00089 #ifdef MSMPOT_CUDA
00090   if (msm->use_cuda_shortrng) {
00091     err = Msmpot_cuda_compute_shortrng(msm->msmcuda);
00092     if (err && msm->cuda_optional) {  /* fall back on CPU */
00093 #ifdef USE_BIN_HASHING
00094       err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bins(msm);
00095 #else
00096       err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_linklist(msm, msm->atom, msm->natoms);
00097 #endif
00098       if (err) return ERROR(err);
00099     }
00100     else if (err) return ERROR(err);
00101   }
00102   else {
00103 #ifdef USE_BIN_HASHING
00104     err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bins(msm);
00105 #else
00106     err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_linklist(msm, msm->atom, msm->natoms);
00107 #endif /* USE_BIN_HASHING */
00108     if (err) return ERROR(err);
00109   }
00110 #else
00111 #ifdef USE_BIN_HASHING
00112   err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bins(msm);
00113 #else
00114   err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_linklist(msm, msm->atom, msm->natoms);
00115 #endif /* USE_BIN_HASHING */
00116   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00117 #endif
00118 #endif
00120 #if !defined(MSMPOT_SHORTRANGE_ONLY)
00121   err = Msmpot_compute_longrng(msm);
00122   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00123 #endif
00125 #ifdef MSMPOT_VERBOSE
00127   printf("epotmap[%d]=%g\n", MAPINDEX, epotmap[MAPINDEX]);
00128 #endif
00129 #endif
00131   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00132 }
00136 /*** long-range part *********************************************************/
00139 int Msmpot_compute_longrng(Msmpot *msm) {
00140   int err = 0;
00142   /* permit only cubic interpolation - for now */
00143   switch (msm->interp) {
00144     case MSMPOT_INTERP_CUBIC:
00145       err = Msmpot_compute_longrng_cubic(msm);
00146       if (err) return ERROR(err);
00147       break;
00148     default:
00150           "interpolation method not implemented");
00151   }
00152   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00153 }
00157 /*** short-range part ********************************************************/
00160 static int bin_evaluation(Msmpot *msm);
00163 /*
00164  * hash atoms into bins, evaluation of grid points loops over neighborhood
00165  * of bins, any overflowed bins are handled using linked list approach
00166  */
00167 int Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bins(Msmpot *msm) {
00168   int err = 0;
00170   REPORT("Using atom hashing into bins for short-range part.");
00172   REPORT("Using tight neighborhood for nearby bins.");
00173   err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bin_neighborhood(msm,
00174       msm->bx, msm->by, msm->bz);
00175   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00177   err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bin_hashing(msm);
00178   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00180   err = bin_evaluation(msm);
00181   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00183   if (msm->nover > 0) {
00184 #ifdef MSMPOT_REPORT
00185     char msg[120];
00186     sprintf(msg, "Extra atoms (%d) from overflowed bins "
00187         "must also be evaluated.", msm->nover);
00188     REPORT(msg);
00189 #endif
00190     err = Msmpot_compute_shortrng_linklist(msm, msm->over, msm->nover);
00191     if (err) return ERROR(err);
00192   }
00194   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00195 }
00198 /*
00199  * Determine a tight neighborhood of bins, given a region of map points.
00200  * Store index offsets from (0,0,0).  Requires rectangular bins.
00201  *
00202  * (rx,ry,rz) gives size of region from which we select one or more map points.
00203  * To setup neighborhood for GPU, the region is the smallest (unrolled)
00204  * block of space for a thread block.  For CPU, set (rx,ry,rz)=(bx,by,bz).
00205  *
00206  * Space allocated as needed for bin offsets.
00207  */
00209 /*
00210  * XXX Intel icc 9.0 is choking on this routine.
00211  * The problem seems to be the triply nested loop. 
00212  * Although turning off optimizations for this routine is undesirable,
00213  * it allows the compiler to keep going.
00214  */
00215 #if defined( __INTEL_COMPILER)
00216 #pragma optimize("",off)
00217 #endif
00218 int Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bin_neighborhood(Msmpot *msm,
00219     float rx,  /* region length in x-dimension */
00220     float ry,  /* region length in y-dimension */
00221     float rz   /* region length in z-dimension */
00222     ) {
00224   union {  /* use this to do exact compare of floats */
00225     float f;
00226     int i;
00227   } v0, v1;
00229   const float cutoff = msm->a;  /* cutoff distance */
00231   const float bx = msm->bx;  /* bin length along x */
00232   const float by = msm->by;  /* bin length along y */
00233   const float bz = msm->bz;  /* bin length along z */
00235   const float invbx = msm->invbx;  /* 1 / bx */
00236   const float invby = msm->invby;  /* 1 / by */
00237   const float invbz = msm->invbz;  /* 1 / bz */
00239   const float bx2 = bx*bx;
00240   const float by2 = by*by;
00241   const float bz2 = bz*bz;
00243   float sqbindiag = 0.f;
00244   float r, r2;
00246   int bpr0, bpr1;
00248   int cx = (int) ceilf(cutoff * invbx);  /* number of bins on cutoff in x */
00249   int cy = (int) ceilf(cutoff * invby);  /* number of bins on cutoff in y */
00250   int cz = (int) ceilf(cutoff * invbz);  /* number of bins on cutoff in z */
00252   int nbrx, nbry, nbrz;  /* axes of ellipsoid for neighborhood */
00253   int i, j, k;
00254   int maxboff;
00256   int *boff;
00258   /* x-direction */
00259   v0.f = bx, v1.f = rx;
00260   if (v0.i == v1.i) {  /* should be true for CPU code path */
00261     bpr0 = bpr1 = 1;
00262   }
00263   else {
00264     bpr0 = (int) floorf(rx*invbx);
00265     bpr1 = (int) ceilf(rx*invbx);
00266   }
00268   if (bpr0 == bpr1) {  /* special case:  bins exactly cover region */
00269     nbrx = cx + (bpr0 >> 1);  /* brp0 / 2 */
00270     /* if bin cover is odd, use square of half-bin-length */
00271     sqbindiag += ((bpr0 & 1) ? 0.25f : 1.f) * bx2;
00272   }
00273   else {
00274     nbrx = (int) ceilf((cutoff + 0.5f*rx + bx) * invbx);
00275     sqbindiag += bx2;
00276   }
00278   /* y-direction */
00279   v0.f = by, v1.f = ry;
00280   if (v0.i == v1.i) {  /* should be true for CPU code path */
00281     bpr0 = bpr1 = 1;
00282   }
00283   else {
00284     bpr0 = (int) floorf(ry*invby);
00285     bpr1 = (int) ceilf(ry*invby);
00286   }
00288   if (bpr0 == bpr1) {  /* special case:  bins exactly cover region */
00289     nbry = cy + (bpr0 >> 1);  /* brp0 / 2 */
00290     /* if bin cover is odd, use square of half-bin-length */
00291     sqbindiag += ((bpr0 & 1) ? 0.25f : 1.f) * by2;
00292   }
00293   else {
00294     nbry = (int) ceilf((cutoff + 0.5f*ry + by) * invby);
00295     sqbindiag += by2;
00296   }
00298   /* z-direction */
00299   v0.f = bz, v1.f = rz;
00300   if (v0.i == v1.i) {  /* should be true for CPU code path */
00301     bpr0 = bpr1 = 1;
00302   }
00303   else {
00304     bpr0 = (int) floorf(rz*invbz);
00305     bpr1 = (int) ceilf(rz*invbz);
00306   }
00308   if (bpr0 == bpr1) {  /* special case:  bins exactly cover region */
00309     nbrz = cz + (bpr0 >> 1);  /* brp0 / 2 */
00310     /* if bin cover is odd, use square of half-bin-length */
00311     sqbindiag += ((bpr0 & 1) ? 0.25f : 1.f) * bz2;
00312   }
00313   else {
00314     nbrz = (int) ceilf((cutoff + 0.5f*rz + bz) * invbz);
00315     sqbindiag += bz2;
00316   }
00318   r = cutoff + 0.5f*sqrtf(rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz) + sqrtf(sqbindiag);
00319   r2 = r*r;
00321   /* upper bound on the size of the neighborhood */
00322   maxboff = (2*nbrx+1) * (2*nbry+1) * (2*nbrz+1);
00324   if (msm->maxboff < maxboff) {
00325     void *v = realloc(msm->boff, 3*maxboff*sizeof(int));
00326     if (NULL == v) return ERROR(MSMPOT_ERROR_MALLOC);
00327     msm->boff = (int *) v;
00328     msm->maxboff = maxboff;
00329   }
00331   boff = msm->boff;
00332   for (k = -nbrz;  k <= nbrz;  k++) {
00333     for (j = -nbry;  j <= nbry;  j++) {
00334       for (i = -nbrx;  i <= nbrx;  i++) {
00335         if ((i*i*bx2 + j*j*by2 + k*k*bz2) >= r2) continue;
00336         *boff++ = i;
00337         *boff++ = j;
00338         *boff++ = k;
00339       }
00340     }
00341   }
00342   msm->nboff = (boff - msm->boff) / 3;  /* count of the neighborhood */
00344   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00345 }
00346 #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
00347 #pragma optimize("",on)
00348 #endif
00351 int Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bin_hashing(Msmpot *msm) {
00353   union {  /* use this to do exact compare of floats */
00354     float f;
00355     int i;
00356   } q;     /* atom charge */
00358   int i, j, k;
00359   int n;   /* index atoms */
00360   int nb;  /* index bins */
00361   const int ispx = (IS_SET_X(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00362   const int ispy = (IS_SET_Y(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00363   const int ispz = (IS_SET_Z(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00364   const float px0 = msm->px0;  /* domain origin */
00365   const float py0 = msm->py0;
00366   const float pz0 = msm->pz0;
00367   const float px = msm->px;    /* domain lengths */
00368   const float py = msm->py;
00369   const float pz = msm->pz;
00370   const float invbx = msm->invbx;
00371   const float invby = msm->invby;
00372   const float invbz = msm->invbz;
00373   float x, y, z;  /* atom position relative to (xmin,ymin,zmin) */
00375   const float *atom = msm->atom;
00376   const int natoms = msm->natoms;
00378   const int nbx = msm->nbx;
00379   const int nby = msm->nby;
00380   const int nbz = msm->nbz;
00381   const int nbins = (nbx * nby * nbz);
00382   const int bindepth = msm->bindepth;
00383   float *bin = msm->bin;
00384   int *bincount = msm->bincount;
00386   memset(bin, 0, nbins*bindepth*ATOM_SIZE*sizeof(float)); /* clear bins */
00387   memset(bincount, 0, nbins*sizeof(int));
00388   msm->nover = 0;  /* clear count of overflowed bins */
00390   for (n = 0;  n < natoms;  n++) {
00392     /* atoms with zero charge make no contribution */
00393     q.f = atom[ATOM_Q(n)];
00394     if (0==q.i) continue;
00396     x = atom[ATOM_X(n)] - px0;  /* atom position wrt domain */
00397     y = atom[ATOM_Y(n)] - py0;
00398     z = atom[ATOM_Z(n)] - pz0;
00399     i = (int) floorf(x * invbx);
00400     j = (int) floorf(y * invby);
00401     k = (int) floorf(z * invbz);
00403     /* for periodic directions, wrap bin index and atom coordinate */
00404     if (ispx) {
00405       if      (i < 0)    do { i += nbx;  x += px; } while (i < 0);
00406       else if (i >= nbx) do { i -= nbx;  x -= px; } while (i >= nbx);
00407     }
00408     if (ispy) {
00409       if      (j < 0)    do { j += nby;  y += py; } while (j < 0);
00410       else if (j >= nby) do { j -= nby;  y -= py; } while (j >= nby);
00411     }
00412     if (ispz) {
00413       if      (k < 0)    do { k += nbz;  z += pz; } while (k < 0);
00414       else if (k >= nbz) do { k -= nbz;  z -= pz; } while (k >= nbz);
00415     }
00417 #if 0
00418     if (i < 0 || i >= nbx ||
00419         j < 0 || j >= nby ||
00420         k < 0 || k >= nbz) {
00421       printf("nbx=%d  nby=%d  nbz=%d\n", nbx, nby, nbz);
00422       printf("i=%d  j=%d  k=%d\n", i, j, k);
00423       return ERROR(MSMPOT_ERROR_ASSERT);
00424     }
00425 #endif
00427     nb = (k*nby + j)*nbx + i;
00428     ASSERT(0 <= nb && nb < nbins);
00429     if (bincount[nb] < bindepth) {
00430       float *p = bin + (nb*bindepth + bincount[nb])*ATOM_SIZE;
00431       *p++ = x;
00432       *p++ = y;
00433       *p++ = z;
00434       *p   = q.f;
00435       bincount[nb]++;
00436     }
00437     else {  /* atom must be appended  to overflow bin array */
00438       int nover = msm->nover;
00439       float *p;
00440       if (nover == msm->maxover) {  /* extend length of overflow bin array */
00441         void *v = realloc(msm->over, 2*msm->maxover*ATOM_SIZE*sizeof(float));
00442         if (NULL == v) return ERROR(MSMPOT_ERROR_MALLOC);
00443         msm->over = (float *) v;
00444         msm->maxover *= 2;
00445       }
00446       p = msm->over + nover*ATOM_SIZE;
00447       *p++ = x;
00448       *p++ = y;
00449       *p++ = z;
00450       *p   = q.f;
00451       msm->nover++;
00452     }
00453   }
00454   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00455 } /* Msmpot_compute_shortrng_bin_hashing() */
00458 int bin_evaluation(Msmpot *msm) {
00460   const float lx0 = msm->lx0;  /* epotmap origin */
00461   const float ly0 = msm->ly0;
00462   const float lz0 = msm->lz0;
00464   const float dx = msm->dx;    /* epotmap spacings */
00465   const float dy = msm->dy;
00466   const float dz = msm->dz;
00468   const float px0 = msm->lx0;  /* domain origin */
00469   const float py0 = msm->ly0;
00470   const float pz0 = msm->lz0;
00472   const float px = msm->px;    /* domain length */
00473   const float py = msm->py;
00474   const float pz = msm->pz;
00476   const float invbx = msm->invbx;  /* inverse bin length */
00477   const float invby = msm->invby;
00478   const float invbz = msm->invbz;
00480   const int nbx = msm->nbx;    /* number of bins along each dimension */
00481   const int nby = msm->nby;
00482   const int nbz = msm->nbz;
00484   const int bindepth = msm->bindepth;  /* number of atom slots per bin */
00486   const int ispx = (IS_SET_X(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00487   const int ispy = (IS_SET_Y(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00488   const int ispz = (IS_SET_Z(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00490   const float a = msm->a;      /* cutoff for splitting */
00491   const float a2 = a*a;
00492   const float a_1 = 1/a;
00493   const float inv_a2 = a_1 * a_1;
00495   const int split = msm->split;
00497   float *epotmap = msm->epotmap;  /* the map */
00499   const int mx = msm->mx;  /* lengths of epotmap lattice */
00500   const int my = msm->my;
00501   const int mz = msm->mz;
00503   int n;
00504   int ic, jc, kc;
00505   int ig, jg, kg;
00506   int i, j, k;
00508   for (kg = 0;  kg < mz;  kg++) { /* loop over map points */
00509     for (jg = 0;  jg < my;  jg++) {
00510       for (ig = 0;  ig < mx;  ig++) {
00512         float e = 0;  /* accumulate potential on each map point */
00514         float xg = ig * dx;  /* coordinate of map point wrt map origin */
00515         float yg = jg * dy;
00516         float zg = kg * dz;
00518         int index = (kg*my + jg)*mx + ig;  /* map point index */
00520         xg += lx0;  /* absolute position */
00521         yg += ly0;
00522         zg += lz0;
00524         xg -= px0;  /* position wrt domain origin */
00525         yg -= py0;
00526         zg -= pz0;
00528         ic = (int) floorf(xg * invbx);  /* find bin containing this point */
00529         jc = (int) floorf(yg * invby);
00530         kc = (int) floorf(zg * invbz);
00532         for (n = 0;  n < msm->nboff;  n++) {
00533           float *pbin;  /* point into this bin */
00534           int bindex, bincount, m;
00535           int iw, jw, kw;
00537           float xw = 0;  /* periodic offset for wrapping coordinates */
00538           float yw = 0;
00539           float zw = 0;
00541           i = ic + msm->boff[3*n    ];
00542           j = jc + msm->boff[3*n + 1];
00543           k = kc + msm->boff[3*n + 2];
00545           if ( ! ispx  &&  (i < 0 || i >= nbx) )  continue;
00546           if ( ! ispy  &&  (j < 0 || j >= nby) )  continue;
00547           if ( ! ispz  &&  (k < 0 || k >= nbz) )  continue;
00549           iw = i;
00550           jw = j;
00551           kw = k;
00553           if (ispx) {  /* wrap bin neighborhood around periodic edges */
00554             while (iw < 0)    { iw += nbx;  xw -= px; }
00555             while (iw >= nbx) { iw -= nbx;  xw += px; }
00556           }
00557           if (ispy) {
00558             while (jw < 0)    { jw += nby;  yw -= py; }
00559             while (jw >= nby) { jw -= nby;  yw += py; }
00560           }
00561           if (ispz) {
00562             while (kw < 0)    { kw += nbz;  zw -= pz; }
00563             while (kw >= nbz) { kw -= nbz;  zw += pz; }
00564           }
00566           bindex = (kw*nby + jw)*nbx + iw;  /* the bin index */
00567           pbin = msm->bin + bindex*bindepth*ATOM_SIZE;  /* first atom */
00568           bincount = msm->bincount[bindex];
00570           for (m = 0;  m < bincount;  m++) {
00571             float x = *pbin++;  /* get next atom from bin */
00572             float y = *pbin++;
00573             float z = *pbin++;
00574             float q = *pbin++;
00576             float rx = (x+xw) - xg;  /* positions both relative to domain */
00577             float ry = (y+yw) - yg;
00578             float rz = (z+zw) - zg;
00580             float r2 = rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz;
00581             float s, gs;
00583             if (r2 >= a2) continue;
00585             s = r2 * inv_a2;
00586             SPOLY(&gs, s, split);  /* macro expands into switch */
00587             e += q * (1/sqrtf(r2) - a_1 * gs);  /* accumulate potential */
00588           } /* loop over binned atoms */
00590         } /* loop over bin neighborhood */
00592         epotmap[index] = e;  /* store entire potential at map point */
00593       }
00594     }
00595   } /* loop over map points */
00597   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00598 }
00601 static int linklist_hashing(Msmpot *msm, const float *atom, int natoms);
00602 static int linklist_evaluation(Msmpot *msm, const float *atom);
00605 /*
00606  * explicitly pass atoms, so we can use this for bin overflow array
00607  */
00608 int Msmpot_compute_shortrng_linklist(Msmpot *msm,
00609     const float *atom,    /* array of atoms stored x/y/z/q */
00610     int natoms            /* number of atoms in array */
00611     ) {
00612   int err = 0;
00614   REPORT("Using linked lists of atoms for short-range part.");
00616   err = linklist_hashing(msm, atom, natoms);
00617   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00619   err = linklist_evaluation(msm, atom);
00620   if (err) return ERROR(err);
00622   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00623 }
00626 /*
00627  * perform spatial hashing of atoms, store results using linked list
00628  */
00629 int linklist_hashing(Msmpot *msm, const float *atom, int natoms) {
00631   union {  /* use this to do exact compare of floats */
00632     float f;
00633     int i;
00634   } q;     /* atom charge */
00636   int i, j, k;
00637   int n;   /* index atoms */
00638   int nb;  /* index bins */
00639   const int ispx = (IS_SET_X(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00640   const int ispy = (IS_SET_Y(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00641   const int ispz = (IS_SET_Z(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00642   const float x0 = msm->px0;  /* domain origin */
00643   const float y0 = msm->py0;
00644   const float z0 = msm->pz0;
00645   const float invbx = msm->invbx;
00646   const float invby = msm->invby;
00647   const float invbz = msm->invbz;
00648   float x, y, z;  /* atom position relative to (xmin,ymin,zmin) */
00649   int *first = msm->first_atom_index;  /* first index in grid cell list */
00650   int *next = msm->next_atom_index;    /* next index in grid cell list */
00651   const int nbx = msm->nbx;
00652   const int nby = msm->nby;
00653   const int nbz = msm->nbz;
00654   const int nbins = (nbx * nby * nbz);
00656 #ifdef MSMPOT_VERBOSE
00657   printf("bin array:  %d %d %d\n", nbx, nby, nbz);
00658   printf("bin lengths:  %f %f %f\n", 1/invbx, 1/invby, 1/invbz);
00659 #endif
00661   /* must clear first and next links before we hash */
00662   for (nb = 0;  nb < nbins;  nb++)  first[nb] = -1;
00663   for (n = 0;  n < natoms;  n++)  next[n] = -1;
00665   for (n = 0;  n < natoms;  n++) {
00667     /* atoms with zero charge make no contribution */
00668     q.f = atom[ATOM_Q(n)];
00669     if (0==q.i) continue;
00671     x = atom[ATOM_X(n)] - x0;
00672     y = atom[ATOM_Y(n)] - y0;
00673     z = atom[ATOM_Z(n)] - z0;
00674     i = (int) floorf(x * invbx);
00675     j = (int) floorf(y * invby);
00676     k = (int) floorf(z * invbz);
00678     /* for periodic directions, make sure bin index is wrapped */
00679     if (ispx) {
00680       if      (i < 0)     do { i += nbx; } while (i < 0);
00681       else if (i >= nbx)  do { i -= nbx; } while (i >= nbx);
00682     }
00683     if (ispy) {
00684       if      (j < 0)     do { j += nby; } while (j < 0);
00685       else if (j >= nby)  do { j -= nby; } while (j >= nby);
00686     }
00687     if (ispz) {
00688       if      (k < 0)     do { k += nbz; } while (k < 0);
00689       else if (k >= nbz)  do { k -= nbz; } while (k >= nbz);
00690     }
00692     nb = (k*nby + j)*nbx + i;  /* flat bin index */
00693     next[n] = first[nb];       /* insert index n at front of list nb */
00694     first[nb] = n;
00695   }
00696   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00697 } /* linklist_hashing() */
00700 /*
00701  * evaluate short-range contribution of atoms to mapped potential,
00702  * must first perform linklist_hashing()
00703  */
00704 int linklist_evaluation(Msmpot *msm, const float *atom) {
00706   const float lx0 = msm->lx0;  /* epotmap origin */
00707   const float ly0 = msm->ly0;
00708   const float lz0 = msm->lz0;
00710   const float dx = msm->dx;    /* epotmap spacings */
00711   const float dy = msm->dy;
00712   const float dz = msm->dz;
00713   const float inv_dx = 1/dx;
00714   const float inv_dy = 1/dy;
00715   const float inv_dz = 1/dz;
00717   const float px = msm->px;
00718   const float py = msm->py;
00719   const float pz = msm->pz;
00721   const float plx = px - msm->lx;
00722   const float ply = py - msm->ly;
00723   const float plz = pz - msm->lz;
00725   const float pxd = px * inv_dx;
00726   const float pyd = py * inv_dy;
00727   const float pzd = pz * inv_dz;
00729   const int ispx = (IS_SET_X(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00730   const int ispy = (IS_SET_Y(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00731   const int ispz = (IS_SET_Z(msm->isperiodic) != 0);
00733   const float a = msm->a;      /* cutoff for splitting */
00734   const float a2 = a*a;
00735   const float a_1 = 1/a;
00736   const float inv_a2 = a_1 * a_1;
00738   float x, y, z;     /* position of atom relative to epotmap origin */
00739   float q;           /* charge on atom */
00741   float xg, yg, zg;  /* positions given in grid spacings */
00743   int i, j, k;
00744   int ic, jc, kc;    /* closest map point less than or equal to atom */
00745   int ia, ib;        /* extent of surrounding box in x-direction */
00746   int ja, jb;        /* extent of surrounding box in y-direction */
00747   int ka, kb;        /* extent of surrounding box in z-direction */
00748   int iw, jw, kw;    /* wrapped epotmap indexes within loops */
00749   int n;             /* index atoms */
00750   int nbs;           /* index bins */
00751   long index;        /* index into epotmap */
00752   long jkoff;        /* tabulate stride into epotmap */
00753   int koff;          /* tabulate stride into epotmap */
00754   float rx, ry, rz;  /* distances between an atom and a map point */
00755   float rz2, ryrz2;  /* squared circle and cylinder distances */
00756   float r2;          /* squared pairwise distance */
00757   float s;           /* normalized distance squared */
00758   float gs;          /* result of normalized splitting */
00759   float e;           /* contribution to short-range potential */
00761   const int split = msm->split;
00763   const int mx = msm->mx;  /* lengths of epotmap lattice */
00764   const int my = msm->my;
00765   const int mz = msm->mz;
00767   const int mri = (int) ceilf(a * inv_dx) - 1;
00768   const int mrj = (int) ceilf(a * inv_dy) - 1;
00769   const int mrk = (int) ceilf(a * inv_dz) - 1;
00770                      /* lengths (measured in points) of ellipsoid axes */
00772   const int nbins = (msm->nbx * msm->nby * msm->nbz);
00773   const int *first = msm->first_atom_index;
00774   const int *next = msm->next_atom_index;
00776   float *epotmap = msm->epotmap;
00777 #if 0
00778   float *pem = NULL;        /* point into epotmap */
00779 #endif
00781   for (nbs = 0;  nbs < nbins;  nbs++) {
00782     for (n = first[nbs];  n != -1;  n = next[n]) {
00784       /* position of atom relative to epotmap origin */
00785       x = atom[ATOM_X(n)] - lx0;
00786       y = atom[ATOM_Y(n)] - ly0;
00787       z = atom[ATOM_Z(n)] - lz0;
00789       /* charge on atom */
00790       q = atom[ATOM_Q(n)];
00792       /*
00793        * make sure atom is wrapped into cell along periodic directions
00794        *
00795        * NOTE: we can avoid this redundancy by storing wrapped
00796        *   coordinate during geometric hashing
00797        */ 
00798       if (ispx) {
00799         if      (x < 0)   do { x += px; } while (x < 0);
00800         else if (x >= px) do { x -= px; } while (x >= px);
00801       }
00802       if (ispy) {
00803         if      (y < 0)   do { y += py; } while (y < 0);
00804         else if (y >= py) do { y -= py; } while (y >= py);
00805       }
00806       if (ispz) {
00807         if      (z < 0)   do { z += pz; } while (z < 0);
00808         else if (z >= pz) do { z -= pz; } while (z >= pz);
00809       }
00811       /* calculate position in units of grid spacings */
00812       xg = x * inv_dx;
00813       yg = y * inv_dy;
00814       zg = z * inv_dz;
00816       /* find closest map point with position less than or equal to atom */
00817       ic = (int) floorf(xg);
00818       jc = (int) floorf(yg);
00819       kc = (int) floorf(zg);
00821       /* find extent of surrounding box of map points */
00822       ia = ic - mri;
00823       ib = ic + mri + 1;
00824       ja = jc - mrj;
00825       jb = jc + mrj + 1;
00826       ka = kc - mrk;
00827       kb = kc + mrk + 1;
00829       /* for nonperiodic directions, trim box edges to be within map */
00830       if ( ! ispx ) {
00831         if (ia < 0)   ia = 0;
00832         if (ib >= mx) ib = mx - 1;
00833       }
00834       else {
00835         if (ia-1 < (mx-1) - pxd) {
00836           /* atom influence wraps around low end of cell */
00837           int na = ((int) floorf(xg + pxd)) - mri;
00838           if (na < 0) na = 0;
00839           ia = na - mx;
00840         }
00841         if (ib+1 > pxd) {
00842           /* atom influence wraps around high end of cell */
00843           int nb = ((int) floorf(xg - pxd)) + mri + 1;
00844           if (nb >= mx) nb = mx - 1;
00845           ib = nb + mx;
00846         }
00847       }
00849       if ( ! ispy ) {
00850         if (ja < 0)   ja = 0;
00851         if (jb >= my) jb = my - 1;
00852       }
00853       else {
00854         if (ja-1 < (my-1) - pyd) {
00855           /* atom influence wraps around low end of cell */
00856           int na = ((int) floorf(yg + pyd)) - mrj;
00857           if (na < 0) na = 0;
00858           ja = na - my;
00859         }
00860         if (jb+1 > pyd) {
00861           /* atom influence wraps around high end of cell */
00862           int nb = ((int) floorf(yg - pyd)) + mrj + 1;
00863           if (nb >= my) nb = my - 1;
00864           jb = nb + my;
00865         }
00866       }
00868       if ( ! ispz ) {
00869         if (ka < 0)   ka = 0;
00870         if (kb >= mz) kb = mz - 1;
00871       }
00872       else {
00873         if (ka-1 < (mz-1) - pzd) {
00874           /* atom influence wraps around low end of cell */
00875           int na = ((int) floorf(zg + pzd)) - mrk;
00876           if (na < 0) na = 0;
00877           ka = na - mz;
00878         }
00879         if (kb+1 > pzd) {
00880           /* atom influence wraps around high end of cell */
00881           int nb = ((int) floorf(zg - pzd)) + mrk + 1;
00882           if (nb >= mz) nb = mz - 1;
00883           kb = nb + mz;
00884         }
00885       }
00887       /* loop over surrounding map points, add contribution into epotmap */
00888       for (k = ka;  k <= kb;  k++) {
00889         rz = k*dz - z;
00890         kw = k;
00891         if (k < 0) {
00892           rz -= plz;
00893           kw += mz;
00894         }
00895         else if (k >= mz) {
00896           rz += plz;
00897           kw -= mz;
00898         }
00899         koff = kw*my;
00900         rz2 = rz*rz;
00903         /* clipping to the circle makes it slower */
00904         if (rz2 >= a2) continue;
00905 #endif
00907         for (j = ja;  j <= jb;  j++) {
00908           ry = j*dy - y;
00909           jw = j;
00910           if (j < 0) {
00911             ry -= ply;
00912             jw += my;
00913           }
00914           else if (j >= my) {
00915             ry += ply;
00916             jw -= my;
00917           }
00918           jkoff = (koff + jw)*(long)mx;
00919           ryrz2 = ry*ry + rz2;
00922           /* clipping to the cylinder is faster */
00923           if (ryrz2 >= a2) continue;
00924 #endif
00926 #if 0
00927 #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
00928           for (i = ia;  i <= ib;  i++, pem++, rx += dx) {
00929             r2 = rx*rx + ryrz2;
00930             s = r2 * inv_a2;
00931             gs = 1.875f + s*(-1.25f + s*0.375f);  /* TAYLOR2 */
00932             e = q * (1/sqrtf(r2) - a_1 * gs);
00933             *pem += (r2 < a2 ? e : 0);  /* LOOP VECTORIZED! */
00934           }
00935 #else
00936           for (i = ia;  i <= ib;  i++, pem++, rx += dx) {
00937             r2 = rx*rx + ryrz2;
00938             if (r2 >= a2) continue;
00939             s = r2 * inv_a2;
00940             gs = 1.875f + s*(-1.25f + s*0.375f);  /* TAYLOR2 */
00941             e = q * (1/sqrtf(r2) - a_1 * gs);
00942             *pem += e;
00943           }
00944 #endif
00945 #else
00946           for (i = ia;  i <= ib;  i++) {
00947             rx = i*dx - x;
00948             iw = i;
00949             if (i < 0) {
00950               rx -= plx;
00951               iw += mx;
00952             }
00953             else if (i >= mx) {
00954               rx += plx;
00955               iw -= mx;
00956             }
00957             index = jkoff + iw;
00958             r2 = rx*rx + ryrz2;
00959             if (r2 >= a2) continue;
00960             s = r2 * inv_a2;
00961             SPOLY(&gs, s, split);  /* macro expands into switch */
00962             e = q * (1/sqrtf(r2) - a_1 * gs);
00963             epotmap[index] += e;
00964           }
00965 #endif
00967         }
00968       } /* end loop over surrounding map points */
00970     } /* end loop over atoms in grid cell */
00971   } /* end loop over grid cells */
00973   return MSMPOT_SUCCESS;
00974 } /* linklist_evaluation() */

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:42:33 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002