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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: VolumeTexture.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.29 $      $Date: 2020/10/22 03:43:24 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *   Class for managing volumetric texture maps for use by the various
00019  *   DrawMolItem representation methods.
00020  ***************************************************************************/
00022 #include "VolumeTexture.h"
00023 #include "VolumetricData.h"
00024 #include "AtomColor.h"
00025 #include "Scene.h"
00026 #include "VMDApp.h"
00027 #include "Inform.h"
00028 #include "WKFUtils.h"
00030 #include <math.h>
00031 #include <stdio.h>
00033 VolumeTexture::VolumeTexture()
00034 : v(NULL), texmap(NULL), texid(0) {
00035   size[0] = size[1] = size[2] = 0;
00036 }
00039 VolumeTexture::~VolumeTexture() {
00040   if (texmap) vmd_dealloc(texmap);
00041 }
00044 void VolumeTexture::setGridData(VolumetricData *voldata) {
00045   if (v == voldata) return;
00046   v = voldata;
00047   if (texmap) {
00048     vmd_dealloc(texmap);
00049     texmap = NULL;
00050   }
00051   size[0] = size[1] = size[2] = 0;
00052   texid = 0;
00053 }
00056 int VolumeTexture::allocateTextureMap(ptrdiff_t ntexels) {
00057   texid = 0;
00058   if (texmap) {
00059     vmd_dealloc(texmap);
00060     texmap = NULL;
00061   }
00062   ptrdiff_t sz = ntexels*3L*sizeof(unsigned char);
00063   texmap = (unsigned char *) vmd_alloc(sz);
00064   if (texmap == NULL) {
00065     msgErr << "Texture map allocation failed, out of memory?" << sendmsg;
00066     msgErr << "Texture map texel count: " << ntexels << sendmsg;
00067     msgErr << "Failed allocation of size: " << sz / (1024L*1024L) 
00068            << "MB" <<sendmsg;
00069     return FALSE;
00070   }
00071   memset(texmap, 0, ntexels*3L*sizeof(unsigned char));
00072   texid = VMDApp::get_texserialnum();
00073   return TRUE;
00074 }
00077 void VolumeTexture::generatePosTexture() {
00078   // nice small texture that will work everywhere
00079   size[0] = size[1] = size[2] = 32; 
00080   int x, y, z;
00081   ptrdiff_t addr, addr2;
00082   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00084   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00086   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00087   for (z=0; z<size[2]; z++) {
00088     for (y=0; y<size[1]; y++) {
00089       addr = z * planesz + y * size[0];
00090       for (x=0; x<size[0]; x++) {
00091         addr2 = (addr + x) * 3L;
00092         texmap[addr2    ] = (unsigned char) (((float) x / (float) size[0]) * 255.0f);
00093         texmap[addr2 + 1] = (unsigned char) (((float) y / (float) size[1]) * 255.0f);
00094         texmap[addr2 + 2] = (unsigned char) (((float) z / (float) size[2]) * 255.0f);
00095       }
00096     }
00097   }
00098 }
00101 // convert Hue/Saturation/Value to RGB colors
00102 static void HSItoRGB(float h, float s, float i, 
00103                      unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b) {
00104   float rv, gv, bv, t;
00106   t=float(VMD_TWOPI)*h;
00107   rv=(float) (1 + s*sinf(t - float(VMD_TWOPI)/3.0f));
00108   gv=(float) (1 + s*sinf(t));
00109   bv=(float) (1 + s*sinf(t + float(VMD_TWOPI)/3.0f));
00111   t=(float) (254.9999 * i / 2);
00113   *r=(unsigned char)(rv*t);
00114   *g=(unsigned char)(gv*t);
00115   *b=(unsigned char)(bv*t);
00116 }
00119 // return the smallest power of two greater than size, up to 2^16.
00120 static int nextpower2(int size) {
00121   int i;
00122   int power;
00124   if (size == 1)
00125     return 1;
00127   power=1;
00128   for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
00129     power <<= 1;
00130     if (power >= size)
00131       return power;
00132   } 
00134   return power; 
00135 }
00138 void VolumeTexture::generateIndexTexture() {
00139   // nice small texture that will work everywhere
00140   size[0] = size[1] = size[2] = 32; 
00141   int x, y, z;
00142   ptrdiff_t addr, addr2, addr3, index;
00143   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00144   unsigned char coltable[3 * 4096];
00146   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00148   // build a fast color lookup table
00149   for (index=0; index<4096; index++) {
00150     addr = index * 3L;
00151     HSItoRGB(8.0f * index / 4096.0f, 0.75, 1.0,
00152              coltable+addr, coltable+addr+1, coltable+addr+2);
00153   }
00155   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00156   for (z=0; z<size[2]; z++) {
00157     for (y=0; y<size[1]; y++) {
00158       addr = z * planesz + y * size[0];
00159       for (x=0; x<size[0]; x++) {
00160         index = addr + x;
00161         addr2 = index * 3L;
00162         addr3 = ((int) ((index / (float) num) * 4095)) * 3L;
00163         texmap[addr2    ] = coltable[addr3    ];
00164         texmap[addr2 + 1] = coltable[addr3 + 1];
00165         texmap[addr2 + 2] = coltable[addr3 + 2];
00166       }
00167     }
00168   }
00169 }
00172 void VolumeTexture::generateChargeTexture(float vmin, float vmax) {
00173   // need a volumetric dataset for this
00174   if (!v) return;
00176   int x, y, z;
00177   ptrdiff_t addr, addr2;
00178   ptrdiff_t daddr;
00179   float vscale, vrange;
00181   size[0] = v->xsize;
00182   size[1] = v->ysize;
00183   size[2] = v->zsize;
00184   for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00185     size[i] = nextpower2(size[i]);
00186   }
00187   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00188   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00190   vrange = vmax - vmin;
00191   if (fabs(vrange) < 0.00001)
00192     vscale = 0.0f;
00193   else
00194     vscale = 1.00001f / vrange;
00196   // map volume data scalars to colors
00197   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00198   ptrdiff_t vplanesz = v->xsize * v->ysize;
00199   for (z=0; z<v->zsize; z++) {
00200     for (y=0; y<v->ysize; y++) {
00201       addr = z * planesz + y * size[0];
00202       daddr = z * vplanesz + y * v->xsize;
00203       for (x=0; x<v->xsize; x++) {
00204         addr2 = (addr + x) * 3L;
00205         float level, r, g, b;
00207         // map data to range 0->1        
00208         level = (v->data[daddr + x] - vmin) * vscale; 
00209         level = level < 0 ? 0 :
00210                 level > 1 ? 1 : level;
00212         // low values are mapped to red, high to blue
00213         r = (1.0f - level) * 255.0f;
00214         b = level * 255.0f;
00215         if (level < 0.5f) {
00216           g = level * 2.0f * 128.0f;
00217         } else {
00218           g = (0.5f - (level - 0.5f)) * 2.0f * 128.0f;
00219         }
00221         texmap[addr2    ] = (unsigned char) r;
00222         texmap[addr2 + 1] = (unsigned char) g;
00223         texmap[addr2 + 2] = (unsigned char) b;
00224       }
00225     }
00226   }
00227 }
00230 void VolumeTexture::generateHSVTexture(float vmin, float vmax) {
00231   int x, y, z;
00232   ptrdiff_t index, addr, addr2, addr3;
00233   ptrdiff_t daddr;
00234   float vscale, vrange;
00235   unsigned char coltable[3 * 4096];
00237   size[0] = v->xsize;
00238   size[1] = v->ysize;
00239   size[2] = v->zsize;
00240   for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00241     size[i] = nextpower2(size[i]);
00242   }
00243   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00244   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00246   // build a fast color lookup table
00247   for (index=0; index<4096; index++) {
00248     addr = index * 3;
00249     HSItoRGB(4.0f * index / 4096.0f, 0.75, 1.0,
00250              coltable+addr, coltable+addr+1, coltable+addr+2);
00251   }
00253   // calculate scaling factors
00254   vrange = vmax - vmin;
00255   if (fabs(vrange) < 0.00001)
00256     vscale = 0.0f;
00257   else
00258     vscale = 1.00001f / vrange;
00260   // map volume data scalars to colors
00261   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00262   ptrdiff_t vplanesz = v->xsize * v->ysize;
00263   for (z=0; z<v->zsize; z++) {
00264     for (y=0; y<v->ysize; y++) {
00265       addr = z * planesz + y * size[0];
00266       daddr = z * vplanesz + y * v->xsize;
00267       for (x=0; x<v->xsize; x++) {
00268         addr2 = (addr + x) * 3L;
00269         float level;
00271         // map data to range 0->1        
00272         level = (v->data[daddr + x] - vmin) * vscale; 
00274         // Conditional range test written in terms of inclusion
00275         // within the 0:1 range so that cases that encounter a level
00276         // value of NaN will be clamped to 0 rather than remaining NaN
00277         // and subsequently calculating an out-of-bounds color map address.
00278         // Writing the range test this way works because IEEE FP is defined
00279         // such that all comparisons vs. NaN return false.
00280         level = (level >= 0) ? ((level <= 1) ? level : 1) : 0;
00282         // map values to an HSV color map
00283         addr3 = ((int) (level * 4095)) * 3L;
00284         texmap[addr2    ] = coltable[addr3    ];
00285         texmap[addr2 + 1] = coltable[addr3 + 1];
00286         texmap[addr2 + 2] = coltable[addr3 + 2];
00287       }
00288     }
00289   }
00290 }
00293 void VolumeTexture::generateColorScaleTexture(float vmin, float vmax, const Scene *scene) {
00294   int i, x, y, z;
00295   ptrdiff_t addr;
00296   ptrdiff_t daddr;
00297   float vscale, vrange;
00299   wkf_timerhandle timer=wkf_timer_create();
00300   wkf_timer_start(timer);
00302   size[0] = v->xsize;
00303   size[1] = v->ysize;
00304   size[2] = v->zsize;
00305   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00306     size[i] = nextpower2(size[i]);
00307   }
00308   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00309   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00311   vrange = vmax - vmin;
00312   if (fabs(vrange) < 0.00001)
00313     vscale = 0.0f;
00314   else
00315     vscale = 1.00001f / vrange;
00317   // build an unsigned byte RGB color table to speed up conversion
00318   // by eliminating floating point to unsigned char conversions in the
00319   // innermost loops over voxels
00320   unsigned char * rgb3ub = (unsigned char *) calloc(1, MAPCLRS * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char)); 
00321   for (i=0; i<MAPCLRS; i++) {
00322     const float *rgb = scene->color_value(MAPCOLOR(i));
00323     int idx = i*3;
00324     rgb3ub[idx + 0] = (unsigned char)(rgb[0]*255.0f);
00325     rgb3ub[idx + 1] = (unsigned char)(rgb[1]*255.0f);
00326     rgb3ub[idx + 2] = (unsigned char)(rgb[2]*255.0f);
00327   }
00329   // map volume data scalars to colors
00330   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00331   ptrdiff_t vplanesz = v->xsize * v->ysize;
00332   const int maxcolorindex = MAPCLRS-1;
00333   const float colscale = vscale * maxcolorindex;
00334   for (z=0; z<v->zsize; z++) {
00335     for (y=0; y<v->ysize; y++) {
00336       addr = (z * planesz + y * size[0]) * 3L;
00337       daddr = z * vplanesz + y * v->xsize;
00338       const float *data = &v->data[daddr];    // simplify inner loop ptr arith
00339       unsigned char *tmaprow = &texmap[addr]; // simplify inner loop ptr arith
00340       for (x=0; x<v->xsize; x++,tmaprow+=3) {
00341         // map data min/max to range 0->1
00342         // values must be clamped before use, since user-specified
00343         // min/max can cause out-of-range color indices to be generated
00344         int colindex = (int) ((data[x] - vmin) * colscale); 
00346         // This code isn't vulnerable to the effects of NaN inputs 
00347         // because the value clamping logic is performed in the integer
00348         // domain, so regardless what comes out of the colindex calculation,
00349         // it will be clamped to the legal color index range.
00351         // clamp integer color index to 0..maxcolorindex
00352 #if 1
00353         colindex = (colindex < 0) ? 0 : colindex;
00354         colindex = (colindex > maxcolorindex) ? maxcolorindex : colindex;
00355 #elif 1
00356         int mask = 0 - (colindex > maxcolorindex);
00357         colindex = (maxcolorindex & mask) | (colindex & ~mask); 
00358 #else
00359         if (colindex < 0) 
00360           colindex = 0;
00361         else if (colindex > maxcolorindex) 
00362           colindex = maxcolorindex;
00363 #endif
00365         colindex *= 3; // compute offset in color table
00366         tmaprow[0] = rgb3ub[colindex    ];
00367         tmaprow[1] = rgb3ub[colindex + 1];
00368         tmaprow[2] = rgb3ub[colindex + 2];
00369       }
00370     }
00371   }
00373   free(rgb3ub);
00375   wkf_timer_stop(timer);
00376   double t = wkf_timer_time(timer);
00377   if (t > 5.0) 
00378     msgInfo << "Texture generation time: " << t << " sec." << sendmsg;
00379   wkf_timer_destroy(timer);
00380 }
00383 void VolumeTexture::generateContourLineTexture(float densityperline, float linewidth) {
00384   int x, y, z;
00385   ptrdiff_t addr, addr2;
00386   float xp, yp, zp;
00388   float datamin, datamax;
00389   v->datarange(datamin, datamax);
00390 printf("Contour lines...\n");
00391 printf("range / densityperline: %f\n", log(datamax - datamin) / densityperline);
00393   size[0] = nextpower2(v->xsize*2);
00394   size[1] = nextpower2(v->ysize*2);
00395   size[2] = nextpower2(v->zsize*2);
00396   ptrdiff_t num = num_texels();
00397   if (!allocateTextureMap(num)) return;
00399   // map volume data scalars to contour line colors
00400   ptrdiff_t planesz = size[0] * size[1];
00401   for (z=0; z<size[2]; z++) {
00402     zp = ((float) z / size[2]) * v->zsize;
00403     for (y=0; y<size[1]; y++) {
00404       addr = z * planesz + y * size[0];
00405       yp = ((float) y / size[1]) * v->ysize;
00406       for (x=0; x<size[0]; x++) {
00407         addr2 = (addr + x) * 3L;
00408         xp = ((float) x / size[0]) * v->xsize;
00409         float level;
00411         level = float(fmod(log(v->voxel_value_interpolate(xp,yp,zp)), densityperline) / densityperline);
00413         if (level < linewidth) {
00414           texmap[addr2    ] = 0;
00415           texmap[addr2 + 1] = 0;
00416           texmap[addr2 + 2] = 0;
00417         } else {        
00418           texmap[addr2    ] = 255;
00419           texmap[addr2 + 1] = 255;
00420           texmap[addr2 + 2] = 255;
00421         }
00422       }
00423     }
00424   }
00425 }
00428 void VolumeTexture::calculateTexgenPlanes(float v0[3], float v1[3], float v2[3], float v3[3]) const {
00430   int i;
00431   if (!texmap || !v) {
00432     // do something sensible
00433     vec_zero(v0);
00434     vec_zero(v1);
00435     vec_zero(v2);
00436     vec_zero(v3);
00437     v1[0] = v2[1] = v3[2] = 1;
00438     return;
00439   }
00441   // rescale texture coordinates by the portion of the 
00442   // entire texture volume they reference
00443   // XXX added an additional scale factor to keep "nearest" texture modes 
00444   //     rounding into the populated area rather than catching black
00445   //     texels in the empty part of the texture volume
00446   float tscale[3];
00447   tscale[0] = (v->xsize / (float)size[0]) * 0.99999f;
00448   tscale[1] = (v->ysize / (float)size[1]) * 0.99999f;
00449   tscale[2] = (v->zsize / (float)size[2]) * 0.99999f;
00451   // calculate length squared of volume axes
00452   float lensq[3];
00453   vec_zero(lensq);
00454   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00455     lensq[0] += float(v->xaxis[i] * v->xaxis[i]);
00456     lensq[1] += float(v->yaxis[i] * v->yaxis[i]);
00457     lensq[2] += float(v->zaxis[i] * v->zaxis[i]);
00458   }
00460   // Calculate reciprocal space lattice vectors, which are used
00461   // in the OpenGL texgen eye space plane equations in order to transform
00462   // incoming world coordinates to the correct texture coordinates.
00463   // This code should work for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal volumes.
00464   // The last step adds in the NPOT texture scaling where necessary.
00465   // Reference: Introductory Solid State Physics, H.P.Myers, page 43
00466   float xaxdir[3], yaxdir[3], zaxdir[3];
00467   float nxaxdir[3], nyaxdir[3], nzaxdir[3];
00468   float bxc[3], cxa[3], axb[3];
00469   float tmp;
00471   // copy axis direction vectors
00472   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00473     xaxdir[i] = float(v->xaxis[i]);
00474     yaxdir[i] = float(v->yaxis[i]);
00475     zaxdir[i] = float(v->zaxis[i]);
00476   }
00478   // calculate reciprocal lattice vector for X texture coordiante
00479   cross_prod(bxc, yaxdir, zaxdir);
00480   tmp = dot_prod(xaxdir, bxc); 
00481   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00482     nxaxdir[i] = bxc[i] / tmp;
00483   }
00485   // calculate reciprocal lattice vector for Y texture coordiante
00486   cross_prod(cxa, zaxdir, xaxdir);
00487   tmp = dot_prod(yaxdir, cxa); 
00488   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00489     nyaxdir[i] = cxa[i] / tmp;
00490   }
00492   // calculate reciprocal lattice vector for Z texture coordiante
00493   cross_prod(axb, xaxdir, yaxdir);
00494   tmp = dot_prod(zaxdir, axb); 
00495   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00496     nzaxdir[i] = axb[i] / tmp;
00497   }
00499   // negate and transform the volume origin to reciprocal space
00500   // for use in the OpenGL texgen plane equation
00501   float norigin[3];
00502   for (i=0; i<3; i++)
00503     norigin[i] = float(v->origin[i]);
00505   v0[0] = -dot_prod(norigin, nxaxdir) * tscale[0];
00506   v0[1] = -dot_prod(norigin, nyaxdir) * tscale[1];
00507   v0[2] = -dot_prod(norigin, nzaxdir) * tscale[2];
00509   // scale the volume axes for the OpenGL texgen plane equation
00510   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00511     v1[i] = nxaxdir[i] * tscale[0];
00512     v2[i] = nyaxdir[i] * tscale[1];
00513     v3[i] = nzaxdir[i] * tscale[2];
00514   }
00515 }

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:28 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002