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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the           
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00013 #ifndef Interp_EVENT_H 
00014 #define Interp_EVENT_H 
00016 #include "Command.h"
00017 #include "JString.h"
00018 #include "TextInterp.h"
00019 #include "utilities.h"
00020 #include "DisplayDevice.h"
00022 #include <ctype.h>
00024 class TextInterp;
00027 class InterpEvent : public Command {
00028 public:
00029   InterpEvent()
00030   : Command(INTERP_EVENT) {}
00031   virtual ~InterpEvent() {}
00032   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *) = 0;
00033 };
00036 class UserKeyEvent : public InterpEvent {
00037 private:
00038   char key_desc[128];
00040   // want to make the key command like the shift_state-less version so
00041   // force the shift_state change in the character, if set, and record
00042   // only the other terms of the shift_state by putting on either a prefix
00043   // such as Alt- or Ctrl- 
00044   void canonicalize(DisplayDevice::EventCodes ev, char c, int shiftstate) {
00045     key_desc[0] = 0;
00046     char tmp[2]; 
00047     tmp[1] = '\0';
00049     // Spaceball and other AUX devices ignore Keyboard/Mouse meta key state
00050     if (shiftstate & DisplayDevice::AUX) {
00051       sprintf(key_desc, "Aux-%c", c);
00052       return;
00053     }
00055     if (ev == DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD) { 
00056       // Guarantee case of incoming characters from display device
00057       if (shiftstate & DisplayDevice::SHIFT) {
00058         tmp[0] = toupper(c);
00059       } else {
00060         tmp[0] = tolower(c);
00061       }
00063       if (shiftstate & DisplayDevice::ALT) {
00064         strcat(key_desc, "Alt-");
00065       }
00066       if (shiftstate & DisplayDevice::CONTROL) {
00067         strcat(key_desc, "Control-");
00068         // however, if control is pressed then I have to adjust some of
00069         // the key information to get it in range.  Eg, Control-a == 0x01
00070         if (0 < tmp[0] && tmp[0] <= 26) { // a-Z
00071           tmp[0] += int('a') - 1;
00072           // and correct the case
00073           if (shiftstate & DisplayDevice::SHIFT) {
00074             tmp[0] = tolower(tmp[0]);
00075           }
00076         } else {
00077           // fix these by hand:
00078           switch (tmp[0]) {
00079           case 0: tmp[0] = '2'; break;
00080           case 27: tmp[0] = '3'; break;
00081           case 28: tmp[0] = '4'; break;
00082           case 29: tmp[0] = '5'; break;
00083           case 30: tmp[0] = '6'; break;
00084           case 31: tmp[0] = '7'; break;
00085           case 127: tmp[0] = '8'; break;
00086           default: break;
00087           }
00088         }
00089       }
00090       // and put on the character
00091       strcat(key_desc, tmp);
00092     } else {
00093       switch (ev) {
00094         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_ESCAPE:   strcpy(key_desc, "Escape"); break;
00095         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_UP:       strcpy(key_desc, "Up"); break;
00096         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_DOWN:     strcpy(key_desc, "Down"); break;
00097         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_LEFT:     strcpy(key_desc, "Left"); break;
00098         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_RIGHT:    strcpy(key_desc, "Right"); break;
00099         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_PAGE_UP:  strcpy(key_desc, "Page_Up"); break;
00100         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_PAGE_DOWN:strcpy(key_desc, "Page_Down"); break;
00101         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_HOME:     strcpy(key_desc, "Home"); break;
00102         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_END:      strcpy(key_desc, "End"); break;
00103         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_INSERT:   strcpy(key_desc, "Insert"); break;
00104         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_DELETE:   strcpy(key_desc, "Delete"); break;
00105         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F1:       strcpy(key_desc, "F1"); break;
00106         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F2:       strcpy(key_desc, "F2"); break;
00107         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F3:       strcpy(key_desc, "F3"); break;
00108         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F4:       strcpy(key_desc, "F4"); break;
00109         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F5:       strcpy(key_desc, "F5"); break;
00110         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F6:       strcpy(key_desc, "F6"); break;
00111         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F7:       strcpy(key_desc, "F7"); break;
00112         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F8:       strcpy(key_desc, "F8"); break;
00113         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F9:       strcpy(key_desc, "F9"); break;
00114         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F10:      strcpy(key_desc, "F10"); break;
00115         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F11:      strcpy(key_desc, "F11"); break;
00116         case DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F12:      strcpy(key_desc, "F12"); break;
00117         default:
00118           ; // Do nothing for any other event codes
00119       }
00120     }
00121   }
00123 public:
00124   UserKeyEvent(DisplayDevice::EventCodes ev, char thekey, int theshiftstate) { 
00125     canonicalize(ev, thekey, theshiftstate);
00126   }
00127   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00128     interp->userkey_cb(key_desc);
00129   }
00130 };
00133 class TclEvalEvent : public InterpEvent {
00134 private:
00135   JString keystring;
00136 public:
00137   TclEvalEvent(const char *k)
00138   : keystring(k) {}
00139   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00140     interp->tcl_cb((const char *)keystring);
00141   }
00142 };
00146 class PythonEvalEvent : public InterpEvent {
00147 private:
00148   JString keystring;
00149 public:
00150   PythonEvalEvent(const char *k)
00151   : keystring(k) {}
00152   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00153     interp->python_cb((const char *)keystring);
00154   }
00155 };
00159 class FrameEvent : public InterpEvent {
00160 private:
00161   int mol, frame;
00162 public:
00163   FrameEvent(int m, int f)
00164   : mol(m), frame(f) {}
00165   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00166     interp->frame_cb(mol, frame);
00167   }
00168 };
00172 class InitializeStructureEvent : public InterpEvent {
00173 private:
00174   int mol, code;
00175 public:
00176   InitializeStructureEvent(int m, int c)
00177     : mol(m), code(c) {}
00178   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00179     interp->initialize_structure_cb(mol, code);
00180   }
00181 };
00185 class MoleculeEvent : public InterpEvent {
00186 private:
00187   int mol, code;
00188 public:
00189   enum MolEvent { MOL_DELETE=0, MOL_NEW=1, MOL_RENAME=2, MOL_REGEN=3,
00190                   MOL_TOP=4 };
00191   MoleculeEvent(int m, MolEvent c)
00192     : mol(m), code((int) c) {}
00193   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00194     interp->molecule_changed_cb(mol, code);
00195   }
00196 };
00200 class MouseModeEvent : public InterpEvent {
00201   private:
00202     JString mode;
00203     int submode;
00205   public:
00206     MouseModeEvent(const char *m, int sm) : mode(m), submode(sm) {}
00207     virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00208       interp->mousemode_cb((const char *)mode, submode);
00209     }
00210 };
00214 class MousePositionEvent : public InterpEvent {
00215 private:
00216   float x, y;
00217   int buttondown;
00219 public:
00220   MousePositionEvent(float xv, float yv, int bdown) : x(xv), y(yv), buttondown(bdown) {}
00221   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00222     interp->mouse_pos_cb(x, y, buttondown);
00223   }
00224 };
00228 class MobileEvent : public InterpEvent {
00229 private:
00230   float tx;
00231   float ty;
00232   float tz;
00233   float rx;
00234   float ry; 
00235   float rz;
00236   int buttondown;
00238 public:
00239   MobileEvent(float utx, float uty, float utz,
00240               float urx, float ury, float urz,
00241               int bdown) : tx(utx), ty(uty), tz(utz),
00242                               rx(urx), ry(ury), rz(urz), buttondown(bdown) {}
00243   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00244     interp->mobile_cb(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, buttondown);
00245   }
00246 };
00249 class MobileStateChangedEvent : public InterpEvent {
00250 public:
00251   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00252     interp->mobile_state_changed_cb();
00253   }
00254 };
00257 class MobileDeviceCommandEvent : public InterpEvent {
00258 private:
00259   JString str;
00260 public:
00261   MobileDeviceCommandEvent(const char *event)
00262     : str(event) {}
00263   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00264     interp->mobile_device_command_cb((const char *)str);
00265   }
00266 };
00270 class SpaceballEvent : public InterpEvent {
00271 private:
00272   float tx;
00273   float ty;
00274   float tz;
00275   float rx;
00276   float ry; 
00277   float rz;
00278   int buttondown;
00280 public:
00281   SpaceballEvent(float utx, float uty, float utz,
00282                  float urx, float ury, float urz,
00283                  int bdown) : tx(utx), ty(uty), tz(utz),
00284                               rx(urx), ry(ury), rz(urz), buttondown(bdown) {}
00285   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00286     interp->spaceball_cb(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, buttondown);
00287   }
00288 };
00292 class PickValueEvent : public InterpEvent {
00293 private:
00294   double val;
00295 public:
00296   PickValueEvent(double v) : val(v) {}
00297   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00298     interp->pick_value_cb((float) val);
00299   }
00300 };
00304 class PickAtomEvent : public InterpEvent {
00305 private:
00306   int mol, atom, key_shift_state;
00307   bool is_pick;
00308 public:
00309   PickAtomEvent(int m, int a , int ss, bool ispick=false)
00310     : mol(m), atom(a), key_shift_state(ss), is_pick(ispick) {}
00311   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00312     interp->pick_atom_cb(mol, atom, key_shift_state, is_pick);
00313   }
00314 };
00317 class PickGraphicsEvent : public InterpEvent {
00318 private:
00319   int mol, tag, btn, key_shift_state;
00320 public:
00321   PickGraphicsEvent(int m, int t , int b, int ss)
00322     : mol(m), tag(t), btn(b), key_shift_state(ss) {}
00323   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00324     interp->pick_graphics_cb(mol, tag, btn, key_shift_state);
00325   }
00326 };
00329 class PickAtomCallbackEvent : public InterpEvent {
00330 private:
00331   int mol, atom;
00332   JString client;
00333 public:
00334   PickAtomCallbackEvent(int m, int a, const char *c)
00335     : mol(m), atom(a), client(c) {}
00336   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00337     interp->pick_atom_callback_cb(mol, atom, (const char *)client);
00338   }
00339 };
00343 class TrajectoryReadEvent : public InterpEvent {
00344 private:
00345   int id;
00346   char *name;
00347 public:
00348   TrajectoryReadEvent(int m, const char *n) {
00349     id = m;
00350     name = stringdup(n);
00351   }
00352   ~TrajectoryReadEvent() { delete [] name; }
00353   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00354     interp->trajectory_cb(id, name);
00355   }
00356 };
00360 class TimestepEvent : public InterpEvent {
00361 private:
00362   int id, frame;
00363 public:
00364   TimestepEvent(int m, int f) : id(m), frame(f) {}
00365   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00366     interp->timestep_cb(id, frame);
00367   }
00368 };
00372 class HelpEvent : public InterpEvent {
00373 private:
00374   JString str;
00375 public:
00376   HelpEvent(const char *topic)
00377     : str(topic) {}
00378   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00379     interp->help_cb((const char *)str);
00380   }
00381 };
00385 class LogfileEvent : public InterpEvent {
00386 private:
00387   JString str;
00388 public:
00389   LogfileEvent(const char *event)
00390     : str(event) {}
00391   virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00392     interp->logfile_cb((const char *)str);
00393   }
00394 };
00399 class GraphLabelEvent : public InterpEvent {
00400   private:
00401     char *type;  // Atoms, Bonds, etc.
00402     int *ids;
00403     int nlabels;
00404   public:
00405     GraphLabelEvent(const char *labeltype, const int *labels, int n) {
00406       type = stringdup(labeltype); 
00407       nlabels = n;
00408       if (n > 0) {
00409         ids = new int[n];
00410         memcpy(ids, labels, n*sizeof(int));
00411       } else {
00412         ids = NULL;
00413       }
00414     }
00415     virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00416       interp->graph_label_cb(type, ids, nlabels);
00417     }
00418     ~GraphLabelEvent() {
00419       delete [] type;
00420       delete [] ids;
00421     }
00422 };
00426 class PickSelectionEvent : public InterpEvent {
00427   private:
00428     int num;
00429     int *atoms;
00430   public:
00431     PickSelectionEvent(int n, const int *a) : num(n) {
00432       if (n > 0) {
00433         atoms = new int[n];
00434         memcpy(atoms, a, n*sizeof(int));
00435       } else {
00436         atoms = NULL;
00437       }
00438     }
00439     ~PickSelectionEvent() { delete [] atoms; }
00440     virtual void do_callback(TextInterp *interp) {
00441       interp->pick_selection_cb(num, atoms);
00442     }
00443 };
00445 #endif

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:19 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002