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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the           
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: QMData.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.108 $      $Date: 2020/02/24 17:48:30 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *
00019  * The QMData class, which stores all QM calculation data that
00020  * are not dependent on the timestep (the latter are handled by
00021  * the QMTimestep class).
00022  * These data are, for instance, basis set and calculation input
00023  * parameters such as method and multiplicity.
00024  * Note that the wavefunctions are stored in QMTimestep but that
00025  * a signature of all wavefunctions that occur in the trajectory
00026  * is kept here in QMData. The signature is needed for setting up
00027  * the Orbital representation GUI.
00028  *
00029  * The basis set data are stored in hierarchical data structures
00030  * for convenient access and better readability of the non 
00031  * performance critical code. However, the actual orbital computation
00032  * (performed by the Orbital class) needs simple contiguous
00033  * arrays which is why we keep those too.
00034  *
00035  ***************************************************************************/
00037 #include <math.h>
00038 #include <stdio.h>
00039 #include "Inform.h"
00040 #include "Timestep.h"
00041 #include "QMData.h"
00042 #include "QMTimestep.h"
00043 #include "Orbital.h"
00044 #include "Molecule.h"
00046 //#define DEBUGGING 1
00049 QMData::QMData(int natoms, int nbasis, int nshells, int nwave) :
00050   num_wave_f(nwave),
00051   num_basis(nbasis),
00052   num_atoms(natoms),
00053   num_shells(nshells)
00054 {
00055   num_wavef_signa = 0;
00056   wavef_signa = NULL;
00057   num_shells_per_atom = NULL;
00058   num_prim_per_shell = NULL;
00059   wave_offset = NULL;
00060   atom_types = NULL;
00061   atom_basis = NULL;
00062   basis_array = NULL;
00063   basis_set = NULL;
00064   shell_types = NULL;
00065   angular_momentum = NULL;
00066   norm_factors = NULL;
00067   carthessian = NULL;
00068   inthessian  = NULL;
00069   wavenumbers = NULL;
00070   intensities = NULL;
00071   normalmodes = NULL;
00072   imagmodes   = NULL;
00073   runtype = RUNTYPE_UNKNOWN;
00074   scftype = SCFTYPE_UNKNOWN;
00075   status = QMSTATUS_UNKNOWN;
00076 };
00079 QMData::~QMData() {
00080   int i;
00081   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
00082     free(wavef_signa[i].orbids);
00083     free(wavef_signa[i].orbocc);
00084   }
00085   free(wavef_signa);
00086   delete [] basis_array;
00087   delete [] shell_types;
00088   delete [] num_shells_per_atom;
00089   delete [] num_prim_per_shell;
00090   delete [] atom_types;
00091   delete [] wave_offset;
00092   delete [] angular_momentum;
00093   delete [] carthessian;
00094   delete [] inthessian;
00095   delete [] wavenumbers;
00096   delete [] intensities;
00097   delete [] normalmodes;
00098   delete [] imagmodes;
00099   delete [] basis_string;
00100   delete [] atom_basis;
00101   if (norm_factors) {
00102     for (i=0; i<=highest_shell; i++) {
00103       if (norm_factors[i]) delete [] norm_factors[i];
00104     }
00105     delete [] norm_factors;
00106   }
00107   if (basis_set)
00108     delete_basis_set();
00109 }
00111 // Free memory of the basis set
00112 void QMData::delete_basis_set() {
00113   int i, j;
00114   for (i=0; i<num_types; i++) {
00115     for (j=0; j<basis_set[i].numshells; j++) {
00116       delete [] basis_set[i].shell[j].prim;
00117     }
00118     delete [] basis_set[i].shell;
00119   }
00120   delete [] basis_set;
00122   basis_set = NULL;
00123 }
00130 void QMData::init_electrons(Molecule *mol, int totcharge) {
00132   int i, nuclear_charge = 0;
00133   for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
00134     nuclear_charge += mol->atom(i)->atomicnumber;
00135   }
00137   totalcharge   = totcharge;
00138   num_electrons = nuclear_charge - totalcharge;
00139   //multiplicity  = mult;
00141 #if 0
00142   if (scftype == SCFTYPE_RHF) {
00143     if (mult!=1) {
00144       msgErr << "For RHF calculations the multiplicity has to be 1, but it is "
00145              << multiplicity << "!"
00146              << sendmsg;
00147     }
00148     if (num_electrons%2) {
00149       msgErr << "Unpaired electron(s) in RHF calculation!"
00150              << sendmsg;
00151     }
00152     num_orbitals_A = num_orbitals_B = num_electrons/2;
00153   }
00154   else if ( (scftype == SCFTYPE_ROHF) ||
00155             (scftype == SCFTYPE_UHF) ) {
00156     num_orbitals_B = (num_electrons-multiplicity+1)/2;
00157     num_orbitals_A = num_electrons-num_orbitals_B;
00158   }
00159 #endif
00160 }
00164 //   ======================================
00165 //   Functions for basis set initialization
00166 //   ======================================
00169 // Populate basis set data and organize them into
00170 // hierarcical data structures.
00171 int QMData::init_basis(Molecule *mol, int num_basis_atoms,
00172                        const char *bstring,
00173                        const float *basis,
00174                        const int *atomic_numbers,
00175                        const int *nshells,
00176                        const int *nprims,
00177                        const int *shelltypes) {
00178   num_types = num_basis_atoms;
00180   basis_string = new char[1+strlen(bstring)];
00181   strcpy(basis_string, bstring);
00183   if (!basis && (!strcmp(basis_string, "MNDO") ||
00184                  !strcmp(basis_string, "AM1")  ||
00185                  !strcmp(basis_string, "PM3"))) {
00186     // Semiempirical methods are based on STOs.
00187     // The only parameter we need for orbital rendering
00188     // are the exponents zeta for S, P, D,... shells for
00189     // each atom. Since most QM packages don't print these
00190     // values we have to generate the basis set here using
00191     // hardcoded table values.
00193     // generate_sto_basis(basis_string);
00195     return 1;
00196   }
00198   int i, j;
00201   // Copy the basis set arrays over.
00202   if (!basis || !num_basis) return 1;
00203   basis_array = new float[2*num_basis];
00204   memcpy(basis_array, basis, 2*num_basis*sizeof(float));
00206   if (!nshells || !num_basis_atoms) return 0;
00207   num_shells_per_atom = new int[num_basis_atoms];
00208   memcpy(num_shells_per_atom, nshells, num_basis_atoms*sizeof(int));
00210   if (!nprims || !num_shells) return 0;
00211   num_prim_per_shell = new int[num_shells];
00212   memcpy(num_prim_per_shell, nprims, num_shells*sizeof(int));
00214   if (!shelltypes || !num_shells) return 0;
00215   shell_types = new int[num_shells];
00216   highest_shell = 0;
00217   for (i=0; i<num_shells; i++) {
00218     // copy shell types ({0, 1, 2, ...} meaning {S, P, D, ...})
00219     shell_types[i] = shelltypes[i];
00221     // Translate the combined shell types that have negative
00222     // codes into their corresponding basic types in order
00223     // to be able to determine the highest shell.
00224     // The highest shell is needed by init_angular_norm_factors().
00225     int basictype = shell_types[i];
00226     switch (basictype) {
00227       case SP_S_SHELL:  basictype = S_SHELL; break;
00228       case SP_P_SHELL:  basictype = P_SHELL; break;
00229       case SPD_S_SHELL: basictype = S_SHELL; break;
00230       case SPD_P_SHELL: basictype = P_SHELL; break;
00231       case SPD_D_SHELL: basictype = D_SHELL; break;
00232     }
00233     if (basictype>highest_shell) highest_shell = basictype;
00234   }
00235 #ifdef DEBUGGING
00236   printf("highest shell = %d\n", highest_shell);
00237 #endif
00239   // Create table of angular normalization constants
00240   init_angular_norm_factors();
00242   // Organize basis set data hierarchically
00243   int boffset = 0;
00244   int shell_counter = 0;
00245   int numcartpershell[14] = {1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 93, 107}; 
00246   basis_set  = new basis_atom_t[num_basis_atoms];
00248   for (i=0; i<num_basis_atoms; i++) {
00249     basis_set[i].atomicnum = atomic_numbers[i];
00250     basis_set[i].numshells = num_shells_per_atom[i];
00251     basis_set[i].shell = new shell_t[basis_set[i].numshells];
00253     for (j=0; j<basis_set[i].numshells; j++) {
00254       // We keep the info about the origin of a shell from a
00255       // combined shell (e.g. SP shell having common exponents
00256       // for S and P) in an extra flag in the basis_set structure.
00257       // In shell_types we just store S, P, D ... (0, 1, 2, ...)
00258       // because this is the relevant info.
00259       switch (shell_types[shell_counter]) {
00260       case SP_S_SHELL:
00261         shell_types[shell_counter] = S_SHELL;
00262         basis_set[i].shell[j].combo = 1;
00263         break;
00264       case SP_P_SHELL:
00265         shell_types[shell_counter] = P_SHELL;
00266         basis_set[i].shell[j].combo = 1;
00267         break;
00268       case SPD_S_SHELL: 
00269         shell_types[shell_counter] = S_SHELL;
00270         basis_set[i].shell[j].combo = 2;
00271         break;
00272       case SPD_P_SHELL:
00273         shell_types[shell_counter] = P_SHELL;
00274         basis_set[i].shell[j].combo = 2;
00275         break;
00276       case SPD_D_SHELL:
00277         shell_types[shell_counter] = D_SHELL;
00278         basis_set[i].shell[j].combo = 2;
00279         break;
00280       }
00282       basis_set[i].shell[j].type = shell_types[shell_counter];
00284       int shelltype = shell_types[shell_counter];
00285       basis_set[i].shell[j].num_cart_func = numcartpershell[shelltype];
00286       basis_set[i].shell[j].basis = basis_array+2*boffset;
00287       basis_set[i].shell[j].norm_fac = norm_factors[shelltype];
00288       basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims = num_prim_per_shell[shell_counter];
00290       basis_set[i].shell[j].prim = new prim_t[basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims];
00291 #ifdef DEBUGGING
00292       //printf("atom %i shell %i %s\n", i, j, get_shell_type_str(&basis_set[i].shell[j]));
00293 #endif
00295       int k;
00296       for (k=0; k<basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims; k++) {
00297         float expon = basis_array[2*(boffset+k)  ];
00298         float coeff = basis_array[2*(boffset+k)+1];
00299         basis_set[i].shell[j].prim[k].expon = expon;
00300         basis_set[i].shell[j].prim[k].coeff = coeff;
00301      }
00303       // Offsets to get to this shell in the basis array.
00304       boffset += basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims;
00306       shell_counter++;
00307     }
00308   }
00312   // Collapse basis set so that we have one basis set
00313   // per atom type.
00314   if (!create_unique_basis(mol, num_basis_atoms)) {
00315     return 0;
00316   }
00318   // Multiply the contraction coefficients with
00319   // the shell dependent part of the normalization factor.
00320   normalize_basis();
00322   return 1;
00323 }
00326 // =================================================
00327 // Helper functions for building the list of unique
00328 // basis set atoms
00329 // =================================================
00331 // Return 1 if the two given shell basis sets are identical,
00332 // otherwise return 0.
00333 static int compare_shells(const shell_t *s1, const shell_t *s2) {
00334   if (s1->type     != s2->type)     return 0;
00335   if (s1->numprims != s2->numprims) return 0;
00336   int i;
00337   for (i=0; i<s1->numprims; i++) {
00338     if (s1->prim[i].expon != s2->prim[i].expon) return 0;
00339     if (s1->prim[i].coeff != s2->prim[i].coeff) return 0;
00340   }
00341   return 1;
00342 }
00344 // Return 1 if the two given atomic basis sets are identical,
00345 // otherwise return 0.
00346 static int compare_atomic_basis(const basis_atom_t *a1, const basis_atom_t *a2) {
00347   if (a2->atomicnum != a1->atomicnum) return 0;
00348   if (a1->numshells != a2->numshells) return 0;
00349   int i;
00350   for (i=0; i<a1->numshells; i++) {
00351     if (!compare_shells(&a1->shell[i], &a2->shell[i])) return 0;
00352   }
00353   return 1;
00354 }
00356 static void copy_shell_basis(const shell_t *s1, shell_t *s2) {
00357   s2->numprims = s1->numprims;
00358   s2->type     = s1->type;
00359   s2->combo    = s1->combo;
00360   s2->norm_fac = s1->norm_fac;
00361   s2->num_cart_func = s1->num_cart_func;
00362   s2->prim = new prim_t[s2->numprims];
00363   int i;
00364   for (i=0; i<s2->numprims; i++) {
00365     s2->prim[i].expon = s1->prim[i].expon;
00366     s2->prim[i].coeff = s1->prim[i].coeff;
00367   }
00368 }
00370 static void copy_atomic_basis(const basis_atom_t *a1, basis_atom_t *a2) {
00371   a2->atomicnum = a1->atomicnum;
00372   a2->numshells = a1->numshells;
00373   a2->shell = new shell_t[a2->numshells];
00374   int i;
00375   for (i=0; i<a2->numshells; i++) {
00376     copy_shell_basis(&a1->shell[i], &a2->shell[i]);
00377   }
00378 }
00380 // Collapse basis set so that we have one basis set per
00381 // atom type rather that per atom. In most cases an atom
00382 // type is a chemical element. Create an array that maps
00383 // individual atoms to their corresponding atomic basis.
00384 int QMData::create_unique_basis(Molecule *mol, int num_basis_atoms) {
00385   basis_atom_t *unique_basis = new basis_atom_t[num_basis_atoms];
00386   copy_atomic_basis(&basis_set[0], &unique_basis[0]);
00387   int num_unique_atoms = 1;
00388   int i, j, k;
00389   for (i=1; i<num_basis_atoms; i++) {
00390     int found = 0;
00391     for (j=0; j<num_unique_atoms; j++) {
00392       if (compare_atomic_basis(&basis_set[i], &unique_basis[j])) {
00393         found = 1;
00394         break;
00395       }
00396     }
00397     if (!found) {
00398       copy_atomic_basis(&basis_set[i], &unique_basis[j]);
00399       num_unique_atoms++;
00400     }
00401   }
00403   msgInfo << "Number of unique atomic basis sets = "
00404           << num_unique_atoms <<"/"<< num_atoms << sendmsg;
00407   // Free memory of the basis set
00408   delete_basis_set();
00409   delete [] basis_array;
00411   num_types = num_unique_atoms;
00412   basis_set = unique_basis;
00414   // Count the new number of basis functions
00415   num_basis = 0;
00416   for (i=0; i<num_types; i++) {
00417     for (j=0; j<basis_set[i].numshells; j++) {
00418       num_basis += basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims;
00419     }
00420   }
00422   basis_array       = new float[2*num_basis];
00423   int *basis_offset = new int[num_types];
00425   int ishell = 0;
00426   int iprim  = 0;
00427   for (i=0; i<num_types; i++) {
00428      basis_offset[i] = iprim;
00430     for (j=0; j<basis_set[i].numshells; j++) {
00431       basis_set[i].shell[j].basis = basis_array+iprim;
00432 #ifdef DEBUGGING
00433       printf("atom type %i shell %i %s\n", i, j, get_shell_type_str(&basis_set[i].shell[j]));
00434 #endif
00435       for (k=0; k<basis_set[i].shell[j].numprims; k++) {
00436         basis_array[iprim  ] = basis_set[i].shell[j].prim[k].expon;
00437         basis_array[iprim+1] = basis_set[i].shell[j].prim[k].coeff;
00438 #ifdef DEBUGGING 
00439         printf("prim %i: % 9.2f % 9.6f \n", k, basis_array[iprim], basis_array[iprim+1]);
00440 #endif
00441         iprim += 2;
00442       }
00443       ishell++;
00444     }
00445   }
00447   atom_types = new int[num_atoms];
00449   // Assign basis set type to each atom and
00450   // create array of offsets into basis_array.
00451   for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
00452     int found = 0;
00453     for (j=0; j<num_types; j++) {
00454       //printf("atomicnum %d--%d\n", basis_set[j].atomicnum, mol->atom(i)->atomicnumber);
00455       if (basis_set[j].atomicnum == mol->atom(i)->atomicnumber) {
00456         found = 1;
00457         break;
00458       }
00459     }
00460     if (!found) {
00461       msgErr << "Error reading QM data: Could not assign basis set type to atom "
00462              << i << "." << sendmsg;
00463       delete_basis_set();
00464       delete [] basis_offset;
00465       return 0;
00466     }
00467     atom_types[i] = j;
00468 #ifdef DEBUGGING 
00469     printf("atom_types[%d]=%d\n", i, j);
00470 #endif
00471   }
00473   // Count the new number of shells
00474   num_shells = 0;
00475   for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
00476     num_shells += basis_set[atom_types[i]].numshells;
00477   }
00479   // Reallocate symmetry expanded arrays
00480   delete [] shell_types;
00481   delete [] num_prim_per_shell;
00482   delete [] num_shells_per_atom;
00483   shell_types      = new int[num_shells];
00484   num_prim_per_shell  = new int[num_shells];
00485   num_shells_per_atom = new int[num_atoms];
00486   atom_basis          = new int[num_atoms];
00487   wave_offset         = new int[num_atoms];
00488   int shell_counter = 0;
00489   int woffset = 0;
00491   // Populate the arrays again.
00492   for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
00493     int type = atom_types[i];
00495     // Offsets into wavefunction array
00496     wave_offset[i] = woffset;
00498     for (j=0; j<basis_set[type].numshells; j++) {
00499       shell_t *shell = &basis_set[type].shell[j];
00501       woffset += shell->num_cart_func;
00503       shell_types[shell_counter]        = shell->type;
00504       num_prim_per_shell[shell_counter] = shell->numprims;
00505       shell_counter++;
00506     }
00508     num_shells_per_atom[i] = basis_set[type].numshells;
00510     // Offsets into basis_array
00511     atom_basis[i] = basis_offset[type];
00512   }
00514   delete [] basis_offset;
00516   return 1;
00517 }
00521 // Multiply the contraction coefficients with
00522 // the shell dependent part of the normalization factor
00523 // N = (2a/pi)^(3/4) * sqrt[(8a)^L].
00524 // Here L denotes the shell type with L={0,1,2,3,...}
00525 // for {S,P,D,F,...} shells.
00526 //
00527 // Note that the angular momentum dependent part of the
00528 // normalization factor is
00529 // n = sqrt[i!j!k!/((2i)!(2j)!(2k)!)]
00530 // These values are stored in a table by 
00531 // init_angular_norm_factors().
00532 // 
00533 void QMData::normalize_basis() {
00534   int i, j, k;
00535   for (i=0; i<num_types; i++) {
00536     for (j=0; j<basis_set[i].numshells; j++) {
00537       shell_t *shell = &basis_set[i].shell[j];
00538       int shelltype = shell->type;
00539       for (k=0; k<shell->numprims; k++) {
00540         float expon = shell->prim[k].expon;
00541         float norm = (float) (pow(2.0*expon/VMD_PI, 0.75)*sqrt(pow(8*expon, shelltype)));
00542 #ifdef DEBUGGING
00543         //printf("prim %i: % 9.2f % 9.6f  norm=%f\n", k, expon, coeff, norm);
00544 #endif
00545         shell->basis[2*k+1] = norm*shell->prim[k].coeff;
00546       }
00547     }
00548   }
00549 }
00551 // Computes the factorial of n
00552 static int fac(int n) {
00553   if (n==0) return 1;
00554   int i, x=1;
00555   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) x*=i;
00556   return x;
00557 }
00559 // Computes the factorial of n
00560 // Caution: Recursive function! Don't use with large n.
00561 // (For the overlap integrals we need only very small n.)
00562 static int doublefac(int n) {
00563   if (n<=1) return 1;
00564   return n*doublefac(n-2);
00565 }
00567 // Initialize table of angular momentum dependent normalization
00568 // factors containing different factors for each shell and its
00569 // cartesian functions.
00570 void QMData::init_angular_norm_factors() {
00571   int shell;
00572   norm_factors = new float*[highest_shell+1];
00573   for (shell=0; shell<=highest_shell; shell++) {
00574     int i, j, k;
00575     int numcart = 0;
00576     for (i=0; i<=shell; i++) numcart += i+1;
00578     norm_factors[shell] = new float[numcart];
00579     int count = 0;
00580     for (k=0; k<=shell; k++) {
00581       for (j=0; j<=shell; j++) {
00582         for (i=0; i<=shell; i++) {
00583           if (i+j+k==shell) {
00584 #ifdef DEBUGGING
00585             printf("count=%i (%i%i%i) %f\n", count, i, j, k, sqrt(((float)(fac(i)*fac(j)*fac(k))) / (fac(2*i)*fac(2*j)*fac(2*k))));
00586 #endif
00587             norm_factors[shell][count++] = (float) sqrt(((float)(fac(i)*fac(j)*fac(k))) / (fac(2*i)*fac(2*j)*fac(2*k)));
00588           }
00589         }
00590       }
00591     }
00592   } 
00593 }
00597 //   =================
00598 //   Basis set acccess
00599 //   =================
00602 // Get basis set for an atom
00603 const basis_atom_t* QMData::get_basis(int atom) const {
00604   if (!basis_set || !num_types || atom<0 || atom>=num_atoms)
00605     return NULL;
00606   return &(basis_set[atom_types[atom]]);
00607 }
00610 // Get basis set for a shell
00611 const shell_t* QMData::get_basis(int atom, int shell) const {
00612   if (!basis_set || !num_types || atom<0 || atom>=num_atoms ||
00613       shell<0 || shell>=basis_set[atom_types[atom]].numshells)
00614     return NULL;
00615   return &(basis_set[atom_types[atom]].shell[shell]);
00616 }
00619 int QMData::get_num_wavecoeff_per_atom(int atom) const {
00620   if (atom<0 || atom>num_atoms) {
00621     msgErr << "Atom "<<atom<<" does not exist!"<<sendmsg;
00622     return -1;
00623   }
00624   int i;
00625   int a = atom_types[atom];
00626   int num_cart_func = 0;
00627   for (i=0; i<basis_set[a].numshells; i++) {
00628     num_cart_func += basis_set[a].shell[i].num_cart_func;
00629   }
00630   return num_cart_func;
00631 }
00633 // Get the offset in the wavefunction array for a specified
00634 // shell in an atom.
00635 int QMData::get_wave_offset(int atom, int shell) const {
00636   if (atom<0 || atom>num_atoms) {
00637     msgErr << "Atom "<<atom<<" does not exist!"<<sendmsg;
00638     return -1;
00639   }
00640   if (shell<0 || shell>=basis_set[atom_types[atom]].numshells) {
00641     msgErr << "Shell "<<shell<<" in atom "<<atom
00642            << " does not exist!"<<sendmsg;
00643     return -1;
00644   }
00645   int i;
00646   int numcart = 0;
00647   for (i=0; i<shell; i++) {
00648     numcart += basis_set[atom_types[atom]].shell[i].num_cart_func;
00649   }
00650   return wave_offset[atom]+numcart;
00651 }
00655 const char* QMData::get_shell_type_str(const shell_t *shell) {
00656   const char* map[14] = {"S\0", "P\0", "D\0", "F\0", "G\0", "H\0",
00657                   "I\0", "K\0", "L\0", "M\0", "N\0", "O\0", "Q\0", "R\0"};
00659   return map[shell->type];
00660 }
00664 int QMData::set_angular_momenta(const int *angmom) {
00665   if (!angmom || !num_wave_f) return 0;
00666   angular_momentum = new int[3*num_wave_f];
00667   memcpy(angular_momentum, angmom, 3*num_wave_f*sizeof(int));
00668   return 1;
00669 }
00671 void QMData::set_angular_momentum(int atom, int shell, int mom,
00672                                   int *array) {
00673   if (!array || !angular_momentum) return;
00674   int offset = get_wave_offset(atom, shell);
00675   if (offset<0) return;
00676   memcpy(&angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)], array, 3*sizeof(int));
00677 }
00680 // For a certain atom and shell return the exponent of the
00681 // requested cartesian component of the angular momentum
00682 // (specified by comp=0,1,2 for x,y,z resp.).
00683 // Example:
00684 // For XYYYZZ the exponents of the angular momentum are
00685 // X (comp 0): 1
00686 // Y (comp 1): 3
00687 // Y (comp 2): 2
00688 int QMData::get_angular_momentum(int atom, int shell, int mom, int comp) {
00689   if (!angular_momentum) return -1;
00690   int offset = get_wave_offset(atom, shell);
00691   if (offset<0 ||
00692       mom>=get_basis(atom, shell)->num_cart_func) return -1;
00693   //printf("atom=%d, shell=%d, mom=%d, comp=%d\n", atom, shell, mom, comp);
00694   return angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)+comp];
00695 }
00698 // Set the angular momentum from a string
00699 void QMData::set_angular_momentum_str(int atom, int shell, int mom,
00700                                   const char *tag) {
00701   unsigned int j;
00702   int offset = get_wave_offset(atom, shell);
00703   if (offset<0) return;
00705   int xexp=0, yexp=0, zexp=0;
00707   for (j=0; j<strlen(tag); j++) {
00708     switch (tag[j]) {
00709       case 'X':
00710         xexp++;
00711         break;
00712       case 'Y':
00713         yexp++;
00714         break;
00715       case 'Z':
00716         zexp++;
00717         break;
00718     }
00719   }
00720   angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)  ] = xexp;
00721   angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)+1] = yexp;
00722   angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)+2] = zexp;
00723 }
00726 // Returns a pointer to a string representing the angular
00727 // momentum of a certain cartesian basis function.
00728 // The strings for an F-shell would be for instance
00729 // XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ.
00730 // The necessary memory is automatically allocated.
00731 // Caller is responsible delete the string!
00732 char* QMData::get_angular_momentum_str(int atom, int shell, int mom) const {
00733   int offset = get_wave_offset(atom, shell);
00734   if (offset<0) return NULL;
00736   char *s = new char[2+basis_set[atom_types[atom]].shell[shell].type];
00737   int i, j=0;
00738   for (i=0; i<angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)  ]; i++) s[j++]='X';
00739   for (i=0; i<angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)+1]; i++) s[j++]='Y';
00740   for (i=0; i<angular_momentum[3*(offset+mom)+2]; i++) s[j++]='Z';
00741   s[j] = '\0';
00742   if (!strlen(s)) strcpy(s, "S");
00744   return s;
00745 }
00749 //   ========================
00750 //   Hessian and normal modes
00751 //   ========================
00754 void QMData::set_carthessian(int numcart, double *array) {
00755   if (!array || !numcart || numcart!=3*num_atoms) return;
00756   carthessian = new double[numcart*numcart];
00757   memcpy(carthessian, array, numcart*numcart*sizeof(double));
00758 }
00760 void QMData::set_inthessian(int numint, double *array) {
00761   if (!array || !numint) return;
00762   nintcoords = numint;
00763   inthessian = new double[numint*numint];
00764   memcpy(inthessian, array, numint*numint*sizeof(double));
00765 }
00767 void QMData::set_normalmodes(int numcart, float *array) {
00768   if (!array || !numcart || numcart!=3*num_atoms) return;
00769   normalmodes = new float[numcart*numcart];
00770   memcpy(normalmodes, array, numcart*numcart*sizeof(float));
00771 }
00773 void QMData::set_wavenumbers(int numcart, float *array) {
00774   if (!array || !numcart || numcart!=3*num_atoms) return;
00775   wavenumbers = new float[numcart];
00776   memcpy(wavenumbers, array, numcart*sizeof(float));
00777 }
00779 void QMData::set_intensities(int numcart, float *array) {
00780   if (!array || !numcart || numcart!=3*num_atoms) return;
00781   intensities = new float[numcart];
00782   memcpy(intensities, array, numcart*sizeof(float));
00783 }
00785 void QMData::set_imagmodes(int numimag, int *array) {
00786   if (!array || !numimag) return;
00787   nimag = numimag;
00788   imagmodes = new int[nimag];
00789   memcpy(imagmodes, array, nimag*sizeof(int));
00790 }
00794 //   =====================
00795 //   Calculation meta data
00796 //   =====================
00799 // Translate the runtype constant into a string
00800 const char *QMData::get_runtype_string(void) const
00801 {
00802   switch (runtype) {
00803   case RUNTYPE_ENERGY:     return "single point energy";   break;
00804   case RUNTYPE_OPTIMIZE:   return "geometry optimization"; break;
00805   case RUNTYPE_SADPOINT:   return "saddle point search";   break;
00806   case RUNTYPE_HESSIAN:    return "Hessian/frequency";     break;
00807   case RUNTYPE_SURFACE:    return "potential surface scan"; break;
00808   case RUNTYPE_GRADIENT:   return "energy gradient";        break;
00809   case RUNTYPE_MEX:        return "minimum energy crossing"; break;
00810   case RUNTYPE_DYNAMICS:   return "molecular dynamics";    break;
00811   case RUNTYPE_PROPERTIES: return "properties"; break;
00812   default:                 return "(unknown)";  break;
00813   }
00814 }
00817 // Translate the scftype constant into a string
00818 const char *QMData::get_scftype_string(void) const
00819 {
00820   switch (scftype) {
00821   case SCFTYPE_NONE:  return "NONE";     break;
00822   case SCFTYPE_RHF:   return "RHF";      break;
00823   case SCFTYPE_UHF:   return "UHF";      break;
00824   case SCFTYPE_ROHF:  return "ROHF";     break;
00825   case SCFTYPE_GVB:   return "GVB";      break;
00826   case SCFTYPE_MCSCF: return "MCSCF";    break;
00827   case SCFTYPE_FF:    return "force field"; break;
00828   default:            return "(unknown)";   break;
00829   }
00830 }
00833 // Get status of SCF and optimization convergence
00834 const char* QMData::get_status_string() {
00835   if      (status==QMSTATUS_OPT_CONV)
00836     return "Optimization converged";
00837   else if (status==QMSTATUS_OPT_NOT_CONV)
00838     return "Optimization not converged";
00839   else if (status==QMSTATUS_SCF_NOT_CONV)
00840     return "SCF not converged";
00841   else if (status==QMSTATUS_FILE_TRUNCATED)
00842     return "File truncated";
00843   else
00844     return "Unknown";
00845 }
00849 //   =======================
00850 //   Wavefunction signatures
00851 //   =======================
00864 int QMData::assign_wavef_id(int type, int spin, int exci, char *info,
00865                             wavef_signa_t *(&signa_curts),
00866                             int &num_signa_curts) {
00867   int j, idtag=-1;
00869   // Check if a wavefunction with the same signature exists
00870   // already in the global signature list. In this case we
00871   // return the corresponding idtag (which will cause
00872   // QMTimestep::add_wavefunction to overwrite the existing
00873   // wavefunction with that idtag) .
00874   for (j=0; j<num_wavef_signa; j++) {
00875     if (wavef_signa[j].type==type &&
00876         wavef_signa[j].spin==spin &&
00877         wavef_signa[j].exci==exci &&
00878         (info && !strncmp(wavef_signa[j].info, info, QMDATA_BUFSIZ))) {
00879       idtag = j;
00880     }
00881   }
00883   // Check if we have the same signature in the current timestep
00884   int duplicate = 0;
00885   for (j=0; j<num_signa_curts; j++) {
00886     if (signa_curts[j].type==type &&
00887         signa_curts[j].spin==spin &&
00888         signa_curts[j].exci==exci &&
00889         (info && !strncmp(signa_curts[j].info, info, QMDATA_BUFSIZ))) {
00890       duplicate = 1;
00891     }
00892   }
00894   // Add a new signature for the current timestep
00895   if (!signa_curts) {
00896     signa_curts = (wavef_signa_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(wavef_signa_t));
00897   } else {
00898     signa_curts = (wavef_signa_t *)realloc(signa_curts,
00899                          (num_signa_curts+1)*sizeof(wavef_signa_t));
00900   }
00901   signa_curts[num_signa_curts].type = type;
00902   signa_curts[num_signa_curts].spin = spin;
00903   signa_curts[num_signa_curts].exci = exci;
00904   if (!info)
00905     signa_curts[num_signa_curts].info[0] = '\0';
00906   else
00907     strncpy(signa_curts[num_signa_curts].info, info, QMDATA_BUFSIZ-1);
00908   num_signa_curts++;
00910   // Add new wavefunction ID tag in case this signature wasn't
00911   // found at all or in case we have a duplicate in the current
00912   // timestep.
00913   // If in a single timestep two wavefunction with the same type
00914   // are sent by the molfile_plugin then we assume that the plugin
00915   // considers them different wavefunctions. Our categories are
00916   // just not sufficient to distinguish them.
00917   if (idtag<0 || duplicate) {
00918     if (!wavef_signa) {
00919       wavef_signa = (wavef_signa_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(wavef_signa_t));
00920     } else {
00921       wavef_signa = (wavef_signa_t *)realloc(wavef_signa,
00922                            (num_wavef_signa+1)*sizeof(wavef_signa_t));
00923     }
00924     wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].type = type;
00925     wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].spin = spin;
00926     wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].exci = exci;
00927     wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].max_avail_orbs = 0;
00928     wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].orbids = NULL;
00929     if (!info)
00930       wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].info[0] = '\0';
00931     else
00932       strncpy(wavef_signa[num_wavef_signa].info, info, QMDATA_BUFSIZ-1);
00933     idtag = num_wavef_signa;
00934     num_wavef_signa++;
00935   }
00937   //printf("idtag=%d (%d, %d, %d, %s)\n", idtag, type, spin, exci, info);
00939   return idtag;  
00940 }
00943 // Find the wavefunction ID tag by comparing
00944 // type, spin, and excitation with the signatures
00945 // of existing wavefunctions
00946 // Returns -1 if no such wavefunction exists.
00947 int QMData::find_wavef_id_from_gui_specs(int guitype, int spin, int exci) {
00948   int i, idtag = -1;
00949   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
00950     if (spin==wavef_signa[i].spin &&
00951         exci==wavef_signa[i].exci) {
00952       if (compare_wavef_guitype_to_type(guitype, wavef_signa[i].type)) {
00953         idtag = i;
00954       }
00956     }
00957   }
00958   //if (idtag<0) { printf("Couldn't find_wavef_id_from_gui_specs: guitype=%d \n", guitype); }
00959   return idtag;
00960 }
00964 int QMData::has_wavef_guitype(int guitype) {
00965   int i;
00966   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
00967     if (compare_wavef_guitype_to_type(guitype, wavef_signa[i].type)) {
00968       return 1;
00969     }
00970   }
00971   return 0;
00972 }
00974 int QMData::compare_wavef_guitype_to_type(int guitype, int type) {
00975    if ((guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_CANON    && type==WAVE_CANON)    ||
00976        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_GEMINAL  && type==WAVE_GEMINAL)  ||
00977        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_MCSCFNAT && type==WAVE_MCSCFNAT) ||
00978        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_MCSCFOPT && type==WAVE_MCSCFOPT) ||
00979        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_CINAT    && type==WAVE_CINATUR)  ||
00980        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_OTHER    && type==WAVE_UNKNOWN)  ||
00981        (guitype==GUI_WAVEF_TYPE_LOCAL    && 
00982         (type==WAVE_BOYS || type==WAVE_RUEDEN || type==WAVE_PIPEK))) {
00983      return 1;
00984    }
00985    return 0;
00986 }
00990 int QMData::has_wavef_spin(int spin) {
00991   int i;
00992   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
00993     if (wavef_signa[i].spin==spin) return 1;
00994   }
00995   return 0;
00996 }
01000 int QMData::has_wavef_exci(int exci) {
01001   int i;
01002   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
01003     if (wavef_signa[i].exci==exci) return 1;
01004   }
01005   return 0;
01006 }
01011 int QMData::has_wavef_signa(int type, int spin, int exci) {
01012   int i;
01013   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
01014     if (wavef_signa[i].type==type &&
01015         wavef_signa[i].exci==exci &&
01016         wavef_signa[i].spin==spin) return 1;
01017   }
01018   return 0;
01019 }
01024 int QMData::get_highest_excitation(int guitype) {
01025   int i, highest=0;
01026   for (i=0; i<num_wavef_signa; i++) {
01027     if (wavef_signa[i].exci>highest &&
01028         compare_wavef_guitype_to_type(guitype, wavef_signa[i].type)) {
01029       highest = wavef_signa[i].exci;
01030     }
01031   }
01032   return highest;
01033 }
01036 //   =====================================================
01037 //   Functions dealing with the list of orbitals available 
01038 //   for a given wavefunction. Needed for the GUI.
01039 //   =====================================================
01042 // Merge the provided list of orbital IDs with the existing
01043 // list of available orbitals. Available orbitals are the union
01044 // of all orbital IDs for the wavefunction with ID iwavesig
01045 // occuring throughout the trajectory.
01046 void QMData::update_avail_orbs(int iwavesig, int norbitals,
01047                                const int *orbids, const float *orbocc) {
01048   int i, j;
01050   // Signature of wavefunction
01051   wavef_signa_t *cursig = &wavef_signa[iwavesig];
01053   for (i=0; i<norbitals; i++) {
01054     int found = 0;
01055     for (j=0; j<cursig->max_avail_orbs; j++) {
01056       if (cursig->orbids[j]==orbids[i]) {
01057         found = 1;
01058         break;
01059       }
01060     }
01061     if (!found) {
01062       if (!cursig->orbids) {
01063         cursig->orbids = (int  *)calloc(1, sizeof(int));
01064         cursig->orbocc = (float*)calloc(1, sizeof(float));
01065       } else {
01066         cursig->orbids = (int  *)realloc(cursig->orbids,
01067                                   (cursig->max_avail_orbs+1)*sizeof(int));
01068         cursig->orbocc = (float*)realloc(cursig->orbocc,
01069                                   (cursig->max_avail_orbs+1)*sizeof(float));
01070       }
01071       cursig->orbids[cursig->max_avail_orbs] = orbids[i];
01072       cursig->orbocc[cursig->max_avail_orbs] = orbocc[i];
01073       cursig->max_avail_orbs++;
01074     }
01075   }
01076 //   printf("iwavesig=%d, ", iwavesig);
01077 //   for (j=0; j<cursig->max_avail_orbs; j++) {
01078 //     printf("%d %.2f\n",cursig->orbids[j], cursig->orbocc[j]);
01079 //   }
01080 //   printf("\n");
01081 }
01089 int QMData::get_max_avail_orbitals(int iwavesig) {
01090   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa) return -1;
01091   return wavef_signa[iwavesig].max_avail_orbs;
01092 }
01098 int QMData::get_avail_orbitals(int iwavesig, int *(&orbids)) {
01099   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa) return 0;
01101   int i;
01102   for (i=0; i<wavef_signa[iwavesig].max_avail_orbs; i++) {
01103     orbids[i] = wavef_signa[iwavesig].orbids[i];
01104   }
01105   return 1;
01106 }
01112 int QMData::get_avail_occupancies(int iwavesig, float *(&orbocc)) {
01113   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa) return 0;
01115   int i;
01116   for (i=0; i<wavef_signa[iwavesig].max_avail_orbs; i++) {
01117     orbocc[i] = wavef_signa[iwavesig].orbocc[i];
01118   }
01119   return 1;
01120 }
01128 int QMData::get_orbital_label_from_gui_index(int iwavesig, int iorb) {
01129   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa ||
01130       iorb<0 ||iorb>=wavef_signa[iwavesig].max_avail_orbs)
01131     return -1;
01132   return wavef_signa[iwavesig].orbids[iorb];
01133 }
01137 int QMData::has_orbital(int iwavesig, int orbid) {
01138   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa) return 0;
01140   int i;
01141   for (i=0; i<wavef_signa[iwavesig].max_avail_orbs; i++) {
01142     if (orbid==wavef_signa[iwavesig].orbids[i]) return 1;
01143   }
01144   return 0;
01146 }
01148 int QMData::expand_atompos(const float *atompos,
01149                            float *(&expandedpos)) {
01150   int i, at;
01151   expandedpos = new float[3*num_wave_f];
01153   int t = 0;
01154   // loop over all the QM atoms
01155   for (at=0; at<num_atoms; at++) {
01156     int a = atom_types[at];
01157     float x = atompos[3*at  ]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01158     float y = atompos[3*at+1]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01159     float z = atompos[3*at+2]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01160     printf("{%.2f %.2f %.2f}\n", x, y, z);
01161     for (i=0; i<basis_set[a].numshells; i++) {
01162       // Loop over the Gaussian primitives of this contracted 
01163       // basis function to build the atomic orbital
01164       shell_t *shell = &basis_set[a].shell[i];
01165       int shelltype = shell->type;
01166       printf("shelltype = %d\n", shelltype);
01167       int l, m, n;
01168       for (n=0; n<=shelltype; n++) {
01169         int mmax = shelltype - n; 
01170         for (m=0, l=mmax; m<=mmax; m++, l--) {
01171           expandedpos[3*t  ] = x;
01172           expandedpos[3*t+1] = y;
01173           expandedpos[3*t+2] = z;
01174           t++;
01175         }
01176       }
01177     }
01178   }
01179   return 0;
01180 }
01183 int QMData::expand_basis_array(float *(&expandedbasis), int *(&numprims)) {
01184   int i, at;
01185   int num_prim_total = 0;
01186   for (at=0; at<num_atoms; at++) {
01187     int a = atom_types[at];
01188     for (i=0; i<basis_set[a].numshells; i++) {
01189       num_prim_total += basis_set[a].shell[i].numprims *
01190         basis_set[a].shell[i].num_cart_func;
01191     }
01192   }
01194   numprims = new int[num_wave_f];
01195   expandedbasis = new float[2*num_prim_total];
01196   int t=0, ifunc=0;
01197   // loop over all the QM atoms
01198   for (at=0; at<num_atoms; at++) {
01199     int a = atom_types[at];
01200     printf("atom %d\n", at);
01202     for (i=0; i<basis_set[a].numshells; i++) {
01203       // Loop over the Gaussian primitives of this contracted 
01204       // basis function to build the atomic orbital
01205       shell_t *shell = &basis_set[a].shell[i];
01206       int maxprim   = shell->numprims;
01207       int shelltype = shell->type;
01208       printf("shelltype = %d\n", shelltype);
01209       int l, m, n, icart=0;
01210       for (n=0; n<=shelltype; n++) {
01211         int mmax = shelltype - n; 
01212         for (m=0, l=mmax; m<=mmax; m++, l--) {
01213           printf("lmn=%d%d%d %d%d%d\n", l, m, n,
01214                  angular_momentum[3*ifunc],
01215                  angular_momentum[3*ifunc+1],
01216                  angular_momentum[3*ifunc+2]);
01217           numprims[ifunc++] = maxprim;
01218           float normfac = shell->norm_fac[icart];
01219           icart++;
01220           int prim;
01221           for (prim=0; prim<maxprim; prim++) {
01222             expandedbasis[2*t  ] = shell->prim[prim].expon;
01223             //expandedbasis[2*t+1] = normfac*shell->prim[prim].coeff;
01224             expandedbasis[2*t+1] = normfac*shell->basis[2*prim+1];
01225             printf("expon=%f coeff=%f numprims=%d\n", expandedbasis[2*t], expandedbasis[2*t+1], numprims[ifunc-1]);
01226             t++;
01227           }
01228         }
01229       }
01230     }
01231   }
01232   return 1;
01233 }
01236 #define MIN(X,Y) (((X)<(Y))? (X) : (Y))
01237 #define MAX(X,Y) (((X)>(Y))? (X) : (Y))
01240 // 1-electron integral evaluation
01241 // ==============================
01242 //
01243 // Below are function for the evaluation of the overlap
01244 // integrals which can be used as a template for developing
01245 // other 1e-integral such as the kinetic energy integrals
01246 // or the nuclear attraction integrals.
01247 // The implemetation for the overlap matrix closely follows
01248 // "Fundamentals of Molecular Integrals Evaluation" by 
01249 // Fermann & Valeev (lecture notes):
01250 //
01251 // See also "Molecular Integrals", Huzinaga 1967, p.68.
01252 // and "Modern Quantum Chemistry", Szabo & Ostlund 1989,
01253 // Appendix A.
01254 // 
01255 // The molecular integral scheme used below represents the
01256 // direct computation of the analytical integrals and is not
01257 // optimized.
01258 // Improved algorithms for molecular integrals include
01259 // * the Obara-Saika scheme (exploiting the translational
01260 //   and horizontal recurrence relation for cartesian overlap
01261 //   integrals)
01262 // * the McMurchie-Davidson scheme (expanding the overlap
01263 //   distribution in Hermite Gaussians).
01266 // Binomial coefficient
01267 static int binomial(int n, int k) {
01268   return fac(n)/(fac(k)*fac(n-k));
01269 }
01272 // Expression (2.46) for f_k on page 13 of Fermann & Valeev.
01273 float overlap_f(int k, int l1, int l2, float PAx, float PBx) {
01274   int q;
01275   float f = 0.f;
01276   for (q=MAX(-k, k-2*l2); q<=MIN(k, 2*l1-k); q+=2) {
01277     int i = (k+q)/2;
01278     int j = (k-q)/2;
01279     f += (float) (binomial(l1, i)*binomial(l2, j)*pow(PAx, l1-i)*pow(PBx, l2-j));
01280   }
01281   return f;
01282 }
01285 // Expression (3.15) for Ix on page 16 of Fermann & Valeev.
01286 float overlap_I(int l1, int l2, float PAx, float PBx, float gamma) {
01287   int i;
01288   float Ix = 0.f;
01289   for (i=0; i<=(l1+l2)/2; i++) {
01290     Ix += (float) (overlap_f(2*i, l1, l2, PAx, PBx) * doublefac(2*i-1)/pow(2*gamma,i) * sqrtf(float(VMD_PI)/gamma));
01291   }
01292   return Ix;
01293 }
01296 // Expression (3.12) for S12 on page 16 of Fermann & Valeev:
01297 // Overlap of primitive functions with arbitrary angular momentum 
01298 float overlap_S12(int l1, int m1, int n1, int l2, int m2, int n2,
01299                   float alpha, float beta, float rAB2,
01300                   const float *PA, const float *PB) {
01301   float gamma = alpha+beta;
01303   float Ix = overlap_I(l1, l2, PA[0], PB[0], gamma);
01304   float Iy = overlap_I(m1, m2, PA[1], PB[1], gamma);
01305   float Iz = overlap_I(n1, n2, PA[2], PB[2], gamma);
01306   //printf("   I = {%f %f %f}\n", Ix, Iy, Iz);
01307   return (float) exp(-alpha*beta*rAB2/gamma)*Ix*Iy*Iz;
01308 }
01311 // Overlap of contracted functions with arbitrary angular momentum
01312 // Summing up contributions from oververlap integrals between all
01313 // combinations of primitives of the two contrated functions. 
01314 float overlap_S12_contracted(const float *basis1, const float *basis2,
01315                              int numprim1, int numprim2,
01316                              int l1, int m1, int n1, int l2, int m2, int n2,
01317                              const float *A, const float *B) {
01318   int i, j;
01319   float S12_contracted = 0.f;
01320   float sqrtpigamma3 = 1.0f;
01321   float rAB2 = distance2(A, B);
01322   int SS = 0;
01324   if (l1+m1+n1==0 && l2+m2+n2==0) SS = 1;
01326   for (i=0; i<numprim1; i++) {
01327     float alpha = basis1[2*i];
01328     for (j=0; j<numprim2; j++) {
01329       float beta  = basis2[2*j];
01330       float gamma = alpha+beta;
01332       // P = (alpha*A + beta*B)/gamma
01333       float P[3], PA[3], PB[3];
01334       vec_scale(P, alpha, A);     // P = alpha*A
01335       vec_scaled_add(P, beta, B); // P += beta*B
01336       vec_scale(P, 1/gamma, P);   // P = P/gamma
01337       vec_sub(PA, P, A);
01338       vec_sub(PB, P, B);
01340       switch (SS) {
01341       case 1:
01342         // We can use a simpler formula for S-S overlap
01343         sqrtpigamma3 = sqrtf(float(VMD_PI)/gamma);
01344         sqrtpigamma3 = sqrtpigamma3*sqrtpigamma3*sqrtpigamma3;
01345         S12_contracted += float(basis1[2*i+1]*basis2[2*j+1]*exp(-alpha*beta*rAB2/gamma)*sqrtpigamma3);
01346         break;
01347       default:
01348         float S = basis1[2*i+1]*basis2[2*j+1]*
01349           overlap_S12(l1, m1, n1, l2, m2, n2,
01350                       alpha, beta, rAB2, PA, PB);
01351         //printf("  prim %d,%d: co %f %f ex %f %f\n",
01352         //           i+1, j+1, 
01353         //           basis1[2*i+1], basis2[2*j+1],
01354         //           basis1[2*i],   basis2[2*j]);
01355         S12_contracted += S;
01356       }
01357     }
01358   }
01359   return S12_contracted;
01360 }
01362 int get_overlap_matrix(int num_wave_f, const float *expandedbasis,
01363                           const int *numprims,
01364                           const float *atompos,
01365                           const int *lmn,
01366                           float *overlap_matrix) {
01367   int i, j;
01368   int t1 = 0;
01369   for (i=0; i<num_wave_f; i++) {
01370     const float *basis1 = &expandedbasis[2*t1];
01371     int numprim1 = numprims[i];
01372     const float *pos1 = &atompos[3*i];
01373     int l1 = lmn[3*i  ];
01374     int m1 = lmn[3*i+1];
01375     int n1 = lmn[3*i+2];
01376     int t2 = t1;
01377     for (j=i; j<num_wave_f; j++) {
01378       int l2 = lmn[3*j  ];
01379       int m2 = lmn[3*j+1];
01380       int n2 = lmn[3*j+2];
01381       const float *basis2 = &expandedbasis[2*t2];
01382       int numprim2 = numprims[j];
01383       const float *pos2 = &atompos[3*j];
01384       printf("%d,%d %d%d%d--%d%d%d %d-%d {%.2f %.2f %.2f} {%.2f %.2f %.2f}\n",
01385              i, j, l1, m1, n1, l2, m2, n2, numprim1, numprim2,
01386              pos1[0], pos1[1], pos1[2], pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2]);
01388       float Sij = overlap_S12_contracted(basis1, basis2, numprim1, numprim2, 
01389                                l1, m1, n1, l2, m2, n2, pos1, pos2);
01390       overlap_matrix[i*num_wave_f+j] = Sij;
01391       overlap_matrix[j*num_wave_f+i] = Sij;
01392       printf("  S12 = %f\n", Sij);
01393       t2 += numprim2;
01394     }
01395     t1 += numprim1;
01396   }
01397   return 0;
01398 }
01400 #if 0
01402 float* QMData::get_overlap_integrals(const float *atompos) {
01403   float *ao_overlap_integrals=NULL;
01404   if (!ao_overlap_integrals) {
01405     ao_overlap_integrals = new float[num_wave_f*num_wave_f];
01406     int i;
01407     for (i=0; i<num_wave_f*num_wave_f; i++) {
01408       ao_overlap_integrals[i] = 1.f;
01409     }
01411     int at1;
01412     int shell_counter = 0;
01413     int prim_counter = 0;
01414     // loop over all the QM atoms
01415     for (at1=0; at1<num_atoms; at1++) {
01416       int maxshell1 = num_shells_per_atom[at1];
01417       float x1 = atompos[3*at1  ]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01418       float y1 = atompos[3*at1+1]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01419       float z1 = atompos[3*at1+2]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01420       int shell1;
01421       for (shell1=0; shell1 < maxshell1; shell1++) {
01422         // Loop over the Gaussian primitives of this contracted 
01423         // basis function to build the atomic orbital
01424         int numprims = num_prim_per_shell[shell_counter];
01425         int shelltype = shell_types[shell_counter];
01426         int prim1;
01427         for (prim1=0; prim1 < numprims;  prim1++) {
01428           float exponent1       = basis_array[prim_counter    ];
01429           float contract_coeff1 = basis_array[prim_counter + 1];
01430           int at2;
01431           for (at2=0; at2<num_atoms; at2++) {
01432             int maxshell2 = num_shells_per_atom[at2];
01433             float x2 = atompos[3*at2  ]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01434             float y2 = atompos[3*at2+1]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01435             float z2 = atompos[3*at2+2]*ANGS_TO_BOHR;
01436             float dx = x2-x1;
01437             float dy = y2-y1;
01438             float dz = z2-z1;
01439             float dist2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
01440             int shell2;
01441             for (shell2=0; shell2 < maxshell2; shell2++) {
01442               int numprims2 = num_prim_per_shell[shell_counter];
01443               int shelltype = shell_types[shell_counter];
01444               int prim2;
01445               for (prim2=0; prim2 < numprims;  prim2++) {
01446                 float exponent2       = basis_array[prim_counter    ];
01447                 float contract_coeff2 = basis_array[prim_counter + 1];
01448                 prim_counter += 2;
01449               }
01450             }
01451           }
01452         }
01453       }
01454     }
01455   }
01456   return ao_overlap_integrals;
01457 }
01458 #endif
01463 void QMData::compute_overlap_integrals(Timestep *ts,
01464                                       const float *expandedbasis,
01465                                       const int *numprims,
01466                                       float *(&overlap_matrix)) {
01467   float *expandedpos = NULL;
01468   expand_atompos(ts->pos, expandedpos);
01471   overlap_matrix = new float[num_wave_f*num_wave_f];
01472   memset(overlap_matrix, 0, num_wave_f*num_wave_f*sizeof(float));
01474   get_overlap_matrix(num_wave_f, expandedbasis, numprims, 
01475                      expandedpos,
01476                      angular_momentum, overlap_matrix);
01477   delete [] expandedpos;
01478 }
01481 // matrix multiplication
01482 static void mm_mul(const float *a, int awidth, int aheight,
01483             const float *b, int bwidth, int bheight, 
01484             float *(&c)) {
01485   if (awidth!=bheight)
01486     printf("mm_mul(): incompatible sizes %d,%d\n", awidth, bheight);
01487   c = new float[aheight*bwidth];
01488   for (int i=0; i<aheight; i++) {
01489     for (int j=0; j<bwidth; j++) {
01490       float cc = 0.f;
01491       for (int k=0; k<awidth; k++)
01492         cc += a[i*awidth+k]*b[k*bwidth+j];
01493       c[i*bwidth+j] = cc;
01494     }
01495   }
01496 }
01500 int QMData::mullikenpop(Timestep *ts, int iwavesig, 
01501                         const float *expandedbasis,
01502                         const int *numprims) {
01503   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa || !ts) return 0;
01505   int iwave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavef_index(iwavesig);
01506   const Wavefunction *wave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavefunction(iwave);
01509   float *S;
01510   compute_overlap_integrals(ts, expandedbasis, numprims, S);
01512   int numcoeffs = wave->get_num_coeffs();
01514   float *P;
01515   wave->population_matrix(S, P);
01517   int i,j;
01518   for (i=0; i<numcoeffs; i++) {
01519     for (j=0; j<numcoeffs; j++) {
01520       printf("P[%d,%d]=%f\n", i, j, P[i*numcoeffs+j]);
01521     }
01522   }
01524   float *PA;
01525   wave->population_matrix(this, 2, S, PA);
01526   //wave->density_matrix(this, 0, PA);
01528   for (i=0; i<get_num_wavecoeff_per_atom(2); i++) {
01529     for (j=0; j<numcoeffs; j++) {
01530       printf("PA[%d,%d]=%f\n", i, j, PA[i*numcoeffs+j]);
01531     }
01532   }
01533   delete [] PA;
01535   float *GOP = new float[numcoeffs];
01536   for (i=0; i<numcoeffs; i++) {
01537     GOP[i] = 0.f;
01538     for (j=0; j<numcoeffs; j++) {
01539       GOP[i] += P[i*numcoeffs+j];
01540     }
01541     printf("GOP[%d] = %f\n", i, GOP[i]);
01542   }
01544   float *GAP = new float[num_atoms];
01545   int coeff_count = 0;
01546   int a;
01547   for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01548     int num_cart_func = get_num_wavecoeff_per_atom(a);
01549     GAP[a] = 0.f;
01550     for (i=0; i<num_cart_func; i++) {
01551       GAP[a] += GOP[coeff_count++];
01552     }
01553     printf("GAP[%d] = %f\n", a, GAP[a]);
01554   }
01556   float *D;
01557   wave->density_matrix(D);
01558   float *DS = new float[numcoeffs*numcoeffs];
01560   mm_mul(D, numcoeffs, numcoeffs, S, numcoeffs, numcoeffs, DS);
01562   float Nelec = 0.f;
01563   for (i=0; i<numcoeffs; i++) {
01564     printf("DS[%d,%d] = %f\n", i, i, DS[i*numcoeffs+i]);
01565     Nelec += DS[i*numcoeffs+i];
01566   }
01568   printf("Nelec=%f\n", Nelec);
01570   delete [] S;
01571   delete [] P;
01572   delete [] D;
01573   delete [] DS;
01575   return 1;
01576 }
01579 // ========================================================
01580 // Orbital localization
01581 // ========================================================
01601 int QMData::orblocalize(Timestep *ts, int iwavesig, 
01602                         const float *expandedbasis,
01603                         const int *numprims) {
01604   if (iwavesig<0 || iwavesig>=num_wavef_signa || !ts) return 0;
01606   int iwave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavef_index(iwavesig);
01607   Wavefunction *wave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavefunction(iwave);
01610   float *S;
01611   compute_overlap_integrals(ts, expandedbasis, numprims, S);
01613   int i, j;
01614   for (i=0; i<num_wave_f; i++) {
01615     for (j=i; j<num_wave_f; j++) {
01616       printf("S12[%d,%d] = %f\n", i, j, S[i*num_wave_f+j]);
01617     }
01618   }
01619   int numoccorbs = wave->get_num_occupied_double();
01620   //  int numorbs = wave->get_num_orbitals();
01621   float *C = new float[numoccorbs*num_wave_f];
01622   const float *Ccanon = wave->get_coeffs();
01623   //  for (i=0; i<num_wave_f; i++) {
01624   //  memcpy(&C[i*numoccorbs], &Ccanon[i*numorbs],
01625   //         numoccorbs*sizeof(float));
01626   // }
01627   memcpy(C, Ccanon, numoccorbs*num_wave_f*sizeof(float));
01628   double D = mean_localization_measure(numoccorbs, C, S);
01629   printf("Delocalization D=%f \n", D);
01631   double Dold = D;
01632   int iter;
01633   for (iter=0; iter<20; iter++) {
01634     // Find that orbital pair for which 2x2 maximization of D
01635     // yields the greatest increase in total delocalization D:
01636     // deltaD = Dmax(ui,uj) - D(phii,phij)
01637     //        = Aij + sqrt(Aij^2 + Bij^2)
01638     // where 
01639     // ui, uj     = rotated orbital pair
01640     // phii, phij = non-rotated orbital pair 
01641     // Aij = gross Mulliken population of orbital pair i,j
01642     // Bij = see localization_rotation_angle()
01644     double deloc, maxchange = 0.0;
01645     int maxdelocorb1 = 0;
01646     int maxdelocorb2 = 0;
01647     for (i=0; i<numoccorbs; i++) {
01648       for (j=i+1; j<numoccorbs; j++) {
01649         deloc = pair_localization_measure(numoccorbs, i, j, C, S);
01650         double change = localization_orbital_change(i, j, C, S);
01651         printf("deloc[%d,%d] = %f change = %.7f\n", i, j, deloc, change);
01652         if (change>maxchange) {
01653           maxchange = change;
01654           maxdelocorb1 = i;
01655           maxdelocorb2 = j;
01656         }
01657       }
01658     }
01659     if (maxchange<0.000001) {
01660       printf("maxchange = %f\n",maxchange);
01661       break;
01662     }
01664     double gamma = localization_rotation_angle(C, S, maxdelocorb1,
01665                                               maxdelocorb2);
01667     printf("Rotating orbitals %d,%d by %f\n", maxdelocorb1, maxdelocorb2, gamma);
01669     rotate_2x2_orbitals(C, maxdelocorb1, maxdelocorb2, gamma);
01671     D = mean_localization_measure(numoccorbs, C, S);
01672     printf("Delocalization after rot[%d] D=%f \n", iter, D);
01674     if (fabs(D-Dold)<0.000001) break;
01676     Dold = D;
01677   }
01679   int b;
01680   int ncol = 5;
01681   for (b=0; b<=(numoccorbs-1)/ncol; b++) {
01682     for (j=0; j<num_wave_f; j++) {
01683       printf("%4d   ", j);
01684       for (i=0; i<ncol && b*ncol+i<numoccorbs; i++) {
01685         printf("% f  ", C[(b*ncol+i)*num_wave_f+j]);
01686       }
01687       printf("\n");
01688     }
01689     printf("\n");
01690   }
01692 //  XXX dead code?
01693 //  float occupancies[numoccorbs];
01694 //  for (i=0; i<numoccorbs; i++) occupancies[i] = 2;
01696   int num_signa_ts = 0;
01697   wavef_signa_t *signa_ts = NULL;
01698   ts->qm_timestep->add_wavefunction(this, num_wave_f, numoccorbs,
01699                                     C, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.0,
01700                                     WAVE_PIPEK, wave->get_spin(), 
01701                                     wave->get_excitation(),
01702                                     wave->get_multiplicity(),
01703                                     "Pipek-Mezey localization",
01704                                     signa_ts, num_signa_ts);
01705   free(signa_ts);
01707   delete [] S;
01708   delete [] C;
01710   return 1;
01711 }
01713 double QMData::localization_orbital_change(int orbid1, int orbid2,
01714                                           const float *C,
01715                                           const float *S) {
01716   double Ast = 0.0;
01717   double Bst = 0.0;
01718   int a;
01719   for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01720     double QAs = gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid1);
01721     double QAt = gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid2);
01722     double QAst = orb_pair_gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid1, orbid2);
01723     double QAdiff = (QAs-QAt);
01724     Ast += QAst*QAst - 0.25*QAdiff*QAdiff;
01725     Bst += QAst*QAdiff;
01726   }
01728   return Ast + sqrtf(float(Ast*Ast+Bst*Bst));
01729 }
01731 // Return the delocalization of an orbital pair.
01732 float QMData::pair_localization_measure(int num_orbitals,
01733                                         int orbid1, int orbid2,
01734                                         const float *C,
01735                                         const float *S) {
01736   int a;
01737   float deloc1 = 0.0;
01738   float deloc2 = 0.0;
01739   for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01740     // gross Mulliken population of orbital <orbid1> on atom <a>
01741     float mullpop = float(gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid1));
01742     //printf("mullpop[%d,%d] = %f\n", a, orbid1, mullpop);
01743     deloc1 += mullpop*mullpop;
01744   }
01745   for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01746     // gross Mulliken population of orbital <orbid2> on atom <a>
01747     float mullpop = float(gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid2));
01748     //printf("mullpop[%d,%d] = %f\n", a, orbid2, mullpop);
01749     deloc2 += mullpop*mullpop;
01750   }
01751   return deloc1+deloc2;
01752 }
01755 // Return the mean over-all localization.
01756 double QMData::mean_localization_measure(int num_orbitals,
01757                                         const float *C,
01758                                         const float *S) {
01759   double Dinv = 0.0;
01760   int a, orbid=0;
01761   for (orbid=0; orbid<num_orbitals; orbid++) {
01762     double deloc = 0.0;
01764     for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01765       // gross Mulliken population of orbital <orbid> on atom <a>
01766       float mullpop = float(gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid));
01768       //printf("mullpop[%d,%d] = %f\n", a, orbid, 2*mullpop);
01769       deloc += mullpop*mullpop;
01770     }
01771     //deloc[orbid] = deloc;
01772     //printf("deloc[%d] = %f\n", orbid, deloc);
01773     Dinv += deloc;
01774   }
01775   //Dinv /= num_orbitals;
01777   return Dinv;
01778 }
01782 void QMData::rotate_2x2_orbitals(float *C, int orbid1, int orbid2,
01783                          double gamma) {
01784   int num_coeffs = num_wave_f;
01785   float *Corb1 = &C[orbid1*num_coeffs];
01786   float *Corb2 = &C[orbid2*num_coeffs];
01787   double singamma, cosgamma;
01788   sincos(gamma, &singamma, &cosgamma);
01789   int i;
01790   for (i=0; i<num_coeffs; i++) {
01791     double tmp =  cosgamma*Corb1[i] + singamma*Corb2[i];
01792     Corb2[i]   = float(-singamma*Corb1[i] + cosgamma*Corb2[i]);
01793     Corb1[i]   = float(tmp);
01794   }
01795 }
01803 double QMData::localization_rotation_angle(const float *C, const float *S,
01804                                           int orbid1, int orbid2) {
01805   double Ast = 0.0;
01806   double Bst = 0.0;
01807   int a;
01808   for (a=0; a<num_atoms; a++) {
01809     double QAs = gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid1);
01810     double QAt = gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid2);
01811     double QAst = orb_pair_gross_atom_mulliken_pop(C, S, a, orbid1, orbid2);
01812     double QAdiff = (QAs-QAt);
01813     Ast += QAst*QAst - 0.25*QAdiff*QAdiff;
01814     Bst += QAst*QAdiff;
01815   }
01816 #if 0
01817   double T = 0.25*atan2(4.0*Bst, 4.0*Ast);
01818   while (T>0) {
01819   double sig = 1.0;
01820   if (T>0) sig = -1.0;
01821   T += sig*0.25*VMD_PI;
01822   printf("atan(Bst,Ast) = %f\n", T);
01823   if (fabs(T)<0.00001 || fabs(fabs(T)-0.25*VMD_PI)<0.00001) break;
01824   }
01825   return T;
01826 #endif
01828   double sign = 1.0;
01829   if (Bst<0.f) sign = -1.0;
01831   return sign*0.25*acos(-Ast/sqrt(Ast*Ast+Bst*Bst));
01832 }
01835 // Return the gross Mulliken population of orbital <orbid>
01836 // on atom <atomid>.
01837 //
01838 // QA = sum_i(sum_j(C_orb,i * C_orb,j * S_ij))
01839 //
01840 // where i runs over all coefficients related to the atom <atomid>
01841 // and j runs over all coefficients.
01843 // Input arrays:
01844 // C = wavefunction coefficients
01845 // S = overlap matrix
01846 double QMData::gross_atom_mulliken_pop(const float *C, const float *S,
01847                                       int atomid, int orbid) const {
01848   int num_coeffs = num_wave_f;
01849   int first_coeff = get_wave_offset(atomid, 0);
01850   const float *Corb = &C[orbid*num_coeffs];
01851   int num_atom_coeffs = get_num_wavecoeff_per_atom(atomid);
01852   double QA = 0.0;
01853   int i, j;
01854   for (i=first_coeff; i<first_coeff+num_atom_coeffs; i++) {
01855     double Corbi = Corb[i];
01856     for (j=0; j<num_coeffs; j++) {
01857       QA += Corbi*Corb[j]*S[i*num_coeffs+j];
01858     }
01859   }
01861   return QA;
01862 }
01865 // Return the gross Mulliken population of orbital pair 
01866 //<orbid1>/<orbid2> on atom <atomid>.
01867 // Input arrays:
01868 // C = wavefunction coefficients
01869 // S = overlap matrix
01870 double QMData::orb_pair_gross_atom_mulliken_pop(const float *C,
01871                                                const float *S,
01872                                                int atomid,
01873                                                int orbid1, int orbid2) {
01874   int num_coeffs = num_wave_f;
01875   int first_coeff = get_wave_offset(atomid, 0);
01876   const float *Corb1 = &C[orbid1*num_coeffs];
01877   const float *Corb2 = &C[orbid2*num_coeffs];
01878   int num_atom_coeffs = get_num_wavecoeff_per_atom(atomid);
01879   double QA = 0.f;
01880   int i, j;
01881   for (i=first_coeff; i<first_coeff+num_atom_coeffs; i++) {
01882     double C1mu = Corb1[i];
01883     double C2mu = Corb2[i];
01884     //printf("Cmu[%d]=%f\n", i, Cmu);
01885     for (j=0; j<num_coeffs; j++) {
01886       double C1nu = Corb1[j];
01887       double C2nu = Corb2[j];
01888       //printf("  Cnu=%f S[%d,%d]=%f\n", orbital[j], i, j, S[wave_offset+i*num_coeffs+j]);
01889       QA += (C1nu*C2mu+C1mu*C2nu)*S[i*num_coeffs+j];
01890     }
01891   }
01892   return 0.5*QA;
01893 }
01895 #if 0
01896 void QMData::gross_atom_mulliken_pop_matrix(const float *C,
01897                                             const float *S,
01898                                             int atomid) {
01900 }
01901 #endif
01903 // ========================================================
01904 // Orbital rendering
01905 // ========================================================
01907 // Create a new Orbital object and return the pointer.
01908 // User is responsible for deleting.
01909 // The orbital object can be used to compute the wavefunction
01910 // amplitude or electron density for rendering.
01911 Orbital* QMData::create_orbital(int iwave, int orbid, float *pos,
01912                          QMTimestep *qmts) {
01913   Orbital *orbital = new Orbital(pos,
01914                   qmts->get_wavecoeffs(iwave),
01915                   basis_array, basis_set, atom_types,
01916                   atom_sort, atom_basis,
01917                   (const float**)norm_factors,
01918                   num_shells_per_atom,
01919                   num_prim_per_shell, shell_types,
01920                   num_atoms, num_types, num_wave_f, num_basis,
01921                   orbid);
01922   return orbital;
01923 }
01927 // =========================================
01928 // Currently unused stuff I might need later
01929 // =========================================
01932 #if 0                           // XXX: unused
01933 // XXX these quicksort routines are duplicates of the ones
01934 // in QMTimestep.
01935 static void quicksort(const int *tag, int *A, int p, int r);
01936 static int  quickpart(const int *tag, int *A, int p, int r);
01938 // Create an index array *atom_sort that sorts the atoms
01939 // by basis set type (usually that means by atomic number).
01940 void QMData::sort_atoms_by_type() {
01941   int i;
01942   if (atom_sort) delete [] atom_sort;
01944   // Initialize the index array;
01945   atom_sort = new int[num_atoms];
01946   for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
01947     atom_sort[i] = i;
01948   }
01950   // Sort index array according to the atom_types
01951   quicksort(atom_types, atom_sort, 0, num_atoms-1);
01953   //int *sorted_types = new int[num_atoms];
01955   // Copy data over into sorted arrays
01956   //for (i=0; i<num_atoms; i++) {
01957   //  sorted_types[i] = atom_types[atom_sort[i]];
01958   //}
01959 }
01961 // The standard quicksort algorithm except for it doesn't
01962 // sort the data itself but rather sorts array of ints *A
01963 // in the same order as it would sort the integers in array
01964 // *tag. Array *A can then be used to reorder any array
01965 // according to the string tags.
01966 // Example:
01967 // tag:   BC DD BB AA  -->  AA BB BC DD
01968 // index:  0  1  2  3  -->   3  2  0  1
01969 //
01970 static void quicksort(const int* tag, int *idx, int p, int r) {
01971   int q;
01972   if (p < r) {
01973     q=quickpart(tag, idx, p, r);
01974     quicksort(tag, idx, p, q);
01975     quicksort(tag, idx, q+1, r);
01976   }
01977 }
01979 // Partitioning for quicksort.
01980 static int quickpart(const int *tag, int *idx, int p, int r) {
01981   int i, j;
01982   int tmp;
01983   int x = tag[idx[p]];
01984   i = p-1;
01985   j = r+1;
01987   while (1) {
01988     // Find highest element smaller than idx[p]
01989     do j--; while (tag[idx[j]] > x);
01991     // Find lowest element larger than idx[p]
01992     do i++; while (tag[idx[i]] < x);
01994     if (i < j) {
01995       tmp    = idx[i];
01996       idx[i] = idx[j];
01997       idx[j] = tmp;
01998     }
01999     else {
02000       return j;
02001     }
02002   }
02003 }
02004 #endif

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:07 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002