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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: MayaDisplayDevice.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.9 $        $Date: 2019/01/17 21:21:00 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *
00019  *   Render to a Maya ASCII file.  Tested with Maya 2010 and Maya 2011.
00020  *
00021  ***************************************************************************/
00023 #include <stdio.h>
00024 #include <string.h>
00025 #include <math.h>
00026 #include <time.h>
00027 #include "MayaDisplayDevice.h"
00028 #include "Matrix4.h"
00029 #include "DispCmds.h"
00030 #include "Inform.h"
00031 #include "utilities.h"
00032 #include "config.h"    // for VMDVERSION string
00034 #define DASH_LENGTH 0.02
00036 // constructor ... call the parent with the right values
00037 MayaDisplayDevice::MayaDisplayDevice(void) 
00038 : FileRenderer("Maya", "Maya (ASCII)", "", "true") { }
00040 // destructor
00041 MayaDisplayDevice::~MayaDisplayDevice(void) { }
00043 // emit a representation geometry group line
00044 void MayaDisplayDevice::beginrepgeomgroup(const char *s) {
00045   fprintf(outfile, "// g %s\n", s);
00046 }
00048 // emit a comment line
00049 void MayaDisplayDevice::comment(const char *s) {
00050   fprintf(outfile, "// %s\n", s);
00051 }
00053 // draw a point
00054 void MayaDisplayDevice::point(float * spdata) {
00055   float vec[3];
00056   // transform the world coordinates
00057   (, vec);
00059   // draw the sphere
00060   fprintf(outfile, "// v %5f %5f %5f\n", vec[0], vec[1], -vec[2]);
00061   fprintf(outfile, "// p -1\n");
00062 }
00065 // draw a sphere
00066 void MayaDisplayDevice::sphere(float * spdata) {
00067   float vec[3];
00068   float radius;
00070   // transform the world coordinates
00071   (, vec);
00072   radius = scale_radius(spdata[3]);
00074   // draw the sphere
00075   fprintf(outfile, "createNode transform -n \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex);
00076   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".s\" -type \"double3\" %f %f %f;\n", radius, radius, radius);
00077   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".t\" -type \"double3\" %f %f %f;\n", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
00078   fprintf(outfile, "parent -s -nc -r -add \"|VMDNurbSphere|nurbsSphereShape1\" \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex);
00080   char strbuf[1024];
00081   sprintf(strbuf, "|vmd%d|nurbsSphereShape1", objnameindex);
00082   write_cindexmaterial(strbuf, colorIndex, materialIndex);
00084   // increment object name counter
00085   objnameindex++;
00086 }
00089 // draw a line from a to b
00090 void MayaDisplayDevice::line(float *a, float*b) {
00091   int i, j, test;
00092   float dirvec[3], unitdirvec[3];
00093   float from[3], to[3], tmp1[3], tmp2[3];
00095   if (lineStyle == ::SOLIDLINE) {
00096     // transform the world coordinates
00097     (, from);
00098     (, to);
00100     // draw the solid line
00101     fprintf(outfile, "// XXX lines not supported yet\n");
00102     fprintf(outfile, "// v %5f %5f %5f\n", from[0], from[1], -from[2]);
00103     fprintf(outfile, "// v %5f %5f %5f\n", to[0], to[1], -to[2]);
00104     fprintf(outfile, "// l -1 -2\n");
00105   } else if (lineStyle == ::DASHEDLINE) {
00106      // transform the world coordinates
00107     (, tmp1);
00108     (, tmp2);
00110     // how to create a dashed line
00111     vec_sub(dirvec, tmp2, tmp1);  // vector from a to b
00112     vec_copy(unitdirvec, dirvec);
00113     vec_normalize(unitdirvec);    // unit vector from a to b
00114     test = 1;
00115     i = 0;
00116     while (test == 1) {
00117       for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
00118         from[j] = (float) (tmp1[j] + (2*i    )*DASH_LENGTH*unitdirvec[j]);
00119           to[j] = (float) (tmp1[j] + (2*i + 1)*DASH_LENGTH*unitdirvec[j]);
00120       }
00121       if (fabsf(tmp1[0] - to[0]) >= fabsf(dirvec[0])) {
00122         vec_copy(to, tmp2);
00123         test = 0;
00124       }
00126       // draw the solid line dash
00127       fprintf(outfile, "// XXX lines not supported yet\n");
00128       fprintf(outfile, "// v %5f %5f %5f\n", from[0], from[1], -from[2]);
00129       fprintf(outfile, "// v %5f %5f %5f\n", to[0], to[1], -to[2]);
00130       fprintf(outfile, "// l -1 -2\n");
00131       i++;
00132     }
00133   } else {
00134     msgErr << "MayaDisplayDevice: Unknown line style "
00135            << lineStyle << sendmsg;
00136   }
00137 }
00141 void MayaDisplayDevice::triangle(const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *v3, 
00142                                  const float *n1, const float *n2, const float *n3) {
00143   float a[3], b[3], c[3];
00144   float norm1[3], norm2[3], norm3[3];
00146   // transform the world coordinates
00147   (, a);
00148   (, b);
00149   (, c);
00151   // and the normals
00152   (, norm1);
00153   (, norm2);
00154   (, norm3);
00156   // draw the triangle
00157   fprintf(outfile, "createNode transform -n \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex);
00158   fprintf(outfile, "createNode mesh -n \"vmd%dShape\" -p \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00159   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -k off \".v\";\n");
00160   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 1 \".iog[0].og\";\n");
00161   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".iog[0].og[0].gcl\" -type \"componentList\" 1 \"f[0]\";\n");
00162   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".uvst[0].uvsn\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";\n");
00163   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cuvs\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";\n");
00164   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".dcc\" -type \"string\" \"Ambient+Diffuse\";\n");
00165   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".vt[0:2]\" \n"); 
00166   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", a[0], a[1], a[2]);
00167   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", b[0], b[1], b[2]);
00168   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
00169   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".ed[0:2]\"  \n");
00170   fprintf(outfile, "    0 1 0\n");
00171   fprintf(outfile, "    1 2 0\n");
00172   fprintf(outfile, "    2 0 0 ;\n");
00173   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".n[0:2]\" -type \"float3\"  \n");
00174   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", norm1[0], norm1[1], norm1[2]);
00175   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", norm2[0], norm2[1], norm2[2]);
00176   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", norm3[0], norm3[1], norm3[2]);
00177   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 1 \".fc[0]\" -type \"polyFaces\"\n"); 
00178   fprintf(outfile, "    f 3 0 1 2 ;\n");
00179   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cd\" -type \"dataPolyComponent\" Index_Data Edge 0 ;\n");
00180   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cvd\" -type \"dataPolyComponent\" Index_Data Vertex 0 ;\n");
00182   char strbuf[1024];
00183   sprintf(strbuf, "|vmd%d|vmd%dShape", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00184   write_cindexmaterial(strbuf, colorIndex, materialIndex);
00186   // increment object name counter
00187   objnameindex++;
00188 }
00190 #if 0
00191 void MayaDisplayDevice::tricolor(const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *v3, 
00192                                  const float *n1, const float *n2, const float *n3,
00193                                  const float *c1, const float *c2, const float *c3) {
00194   float a[3], b[3], c[3];
00195   float norm1[3], norm2[3], norm3[3];
00197   // transform the world coordinates
00198   (, a);
00199   (, b);
00200   (, c);
00202   // and the normals
00203   (, norm1);
00204   (, norm2);
00205   (, norm3);
00207   // draw the triangle
00208   fprintf(outfile, "createNode transform -n \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex);
00209   fprintf(outfile, "createNode mesh -n \"vmd%dShape\" -p \"vmd%d\";\n", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00210   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -k off \".v\";\n");
00211   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 1 \".iog[0].og\";\n");
00212   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".iog[0].og[0].gcl\" -type \"componentList\" 1 \"f[0]\";\n");
00213   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".uvst[0].uvsn\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";\n");
00214   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cuvs\" -type \"string\" \"map1\";\n");
00216   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".dcol\" yes;\n");
00217   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".dcc\" -type \"string\" \"Ambient+Diffuse\";\n");
00218 // ????
00219   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ccls\" -type \"string\" \"colorSet1\";\n");
00220   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".clst[0].clsn\" -type \"string\" \"colorSet1\";\n");
00222 #if 0
00223   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".clst[0].clsp[0:2]\" -type \"colorSet1\" \n");
00224   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1.0\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
00225   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1.0\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
00226   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1.0 ;\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
00227 #elif 0
00228   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".vclr[0].vfcl\";\n");
00229   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[0].vfcl[0].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
00230   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[0].vfcl[1].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
00231   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[0].vfcl[2].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
00232 #elif 0
00233   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[0].vrgb\" -type \"float3\" ");
00234   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
00235   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[1].vrgb\" -type \"float3\" ");
00236   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
00237   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[2].vrgb\" -type \"float3\" "); 
00238   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
00239 #endif
00241   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".vt[0:2]\" \n"); 
00242   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", a[0], a[1], a[2]);
00243   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", b[0], b[1], b[2]);
00244   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
00246 #if 1
00247   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".clr[0:2]\" \n");
00248   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
00249   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
00250   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f 1 ;\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
00251 #endif
00253   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".ed[0:2]\"  \n");
00254   fprintf(outfile, "    0 1 0\n");
00255   fprintf(outfile, "    1 2 0\n");
00256   fprintf(outfile, "    2 0 0 ;\n");
00257   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".n[0:2]\" -type \"float3\"  \n");
00258   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", norm1[0], norm1[1], norm1[2]);
00259   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f\n", norm2[0], norm2[1], norm2[2]);
00260   fprintf(outfile, "    %f %f %f ;\n", norm3[0], norm3[1], norm3[2]);
00261   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 1 \".fc[0]\" -type \"polyFaces\"\n"); 
00262   fprintf(outfile, "    f 3 0 1 2 ;\n");
00263   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cd\" -type \"dataPolyComponent\" Index_Data Edge 0 ;\n");
00264   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cvd\" -type \"dataPolyComponent\" Index_Data Vertex 0 ;\n");
00266 #if 0
00267   fprintf(outfile, "createNode polyColorPerVertex -n \"polyColorPerVertex%d\";\n", objnameindex);
00268   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".uopa\" yes;\n");
00269   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 3 \".vclr\";\n");
00270   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -s 1 \".vclr[0].vfcl\";\n");
00271   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[0].vfcl[0].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
00272   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[1].vfcl[0].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
00273   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vclr[1].vfcl[0].frgb\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f ;\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);
00274   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cn\" -type \"string\" \"colorSet1\";\n");
00275   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".clam\" no;\n");
00276 //  fprintf(outfile, "  connectAttr \"polyColorPerVertex%d.out\" \"vmd%dShape.i\";\n", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00277 //  fprintf(outfile, "  connectAttr \"vmd%d.out\" \"polyColorPerVertex%d.ip\";\n", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00278 #endif
00281   char strbuf[1024];
00282   sprintf(strbuf, "|vmd%d|vmd%dShape", objnameindex, objnameindex);
00283   write_cindexmaterial(strbuf, colorIndex, materialIndex);
00285   // increment object name counter
00286   objnameindex++;
00287 }
00288 #endif
00290 int MayaDisplayDevice::open_file(const char *filename) {
00291   if (isOpened) {
00292     close_file();
00293   }
00294   if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) {
00295     msgErr << "Could not open file " << filename
00296            << " in current directory for writing!" << sendmsg;
00297     return FALSE;
00298   }
00299   my_filename = stringdup(filename);
00300   isOpened = TRUE;
00301   reset_state();
00302   objnameindex = 0;
00303   oldColorIndex = -1; 
00304   oldMaterialIndex = -1; 
00305   oldMaterialState = -1; 
00306   return TRUE;
00307 }
00309 void MayaDisplayDevice::close_file(void) {
00310   if (outfile) {
00311     fclose(outfile);
00312     outfile = NULL;
00313   }
00314   delete [] my_filename;
00315   my_filename = NULL;
00316   isOpened = FALSE;
00317 }
00319 void MayaDisplayDevice::write_header(void) {
00320   fprintf(outfile, "//Maya ASCII 2010 scene\n");
00321   fprintf(outfile, "//Codeset: UTF-8\n");
00322   fprintf(outfile, "requires maya \"2010\";\n");
00323   fprintf(outfile, "currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;\n");
00324   fprintf(outfile, "fileInfo \"application\" \"vmd\";\n");
00325   fprintf(outfile, "fileInfo \"product\" \"VMD %s\";\n", VMDVERSION);
00326   fprintf(outfile, "fileInfo \"version\" \"%s\";\n", VMD_ARCH);
00328   write_material_block();
00330   fprintf(outfile, "// VMD template objects for instancing/copying geometry\n");
00331   fprintf(outfile, "createNode transform -n \"VMDNurbSphere\";\n");
00332   // hide the template NURBS Sphere by default
00333   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".v\" no;\n");
00335   fprintf(outfile, "createNode nurbsSurface -n \"nurbsSphereShape1\" -p \"VMDNurbSphere\";\n");
00336   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr -k off \".v\";\n");
00337   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vir\" yes;\n");
00338   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".vif\" yes;\n");
00339   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".tw\" yes;\n");
00340   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".covm[0]\"  0 1 1;\n");
00341   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cdvm[0]\"  0 1 1;\n");
00342   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".dvu\" 0;\n");
00343   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".dvv\" 0;\n");
00344   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cpr\" 3;\n");
00345   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".cps\" 3;\n");
00346   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".nufa\" 4.5;\n");
00347   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".nvfa\" 4.5;\n");
00349   fprintf(outfile, "createNode makeNurbSphere -n \"makeNurbSphere1\";\n");
00350   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ax\" -type \"double3\" 0 1 0;\n");
00351   fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".r\" 1.0;\n");
00353   fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"makeNurbSphere1.os\" \"\";\n");
00354   fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"|VMDNurbSphere|nurbsSphereShape1.iog\" \":initialShadingGroup.dsm\" -na;\n");
00356   fprintf(outfile, "// End of template objects\n");
00357 }
00359 void MayaDisplayDevice::write_material_block(void) {
00360    int n;
00362    // materials for normal lighting modes
00363    for (n=BEGREGCLRS; n < (BEGREGCLRS + REGCLRS + MAPCLRS); n++) {
00364      fprintf(outfile, "createNode blinn -n \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d\";\n", n);
00365      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".c\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f;\n", 
00366              matData[n][0], matData[n][1], matData[n][2]);
00367      fprintf(outfile, "createNode shadingEngine -n \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d_SG\";\n", n);
00368      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ihi\" 0;\n");
00369      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ro\" yes;\n");
00370      fprintf(outfile, "createNode materialInfo -n \"vmd_mat_info_cindex_%d\";\n", n);
00371      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d.oc\" \"\";\n", n, n);
00372      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d_SG.msg\" \"\";\n", n, n);
00373      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d.msg\" \"vmd_mat_info_cindex_%d.m\";\n", n, n);
00374      fprintf(outfile, "\n");
00375    }
00377    // materials for non-lighted modes
00378    for (n=BEGREGCLRS; n < (BEGREGCLRS + REGCLRS + MAPCLRS); n++) {
00379      fprintf(outfile, "createNode lambert -n \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d\";\n", n);
00380      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".c\" -type \"float3\" %f %f %f;\n", 
00381              matData[n][0], matData[n][1], matData[n][2]);
00382      fprintf(outfile, "createNode shadingEngine -n \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d_SG\";\n", n);
00383      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ihi\" 0;\n");
00384      fprintf(outfile, "  setAttr \".ro\" yes;\n");
00385      fprintf(outfile, "createNode materialInfo -n \"vmd_nomat_info_cindex_%d\";\n", n);
00386      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d.oc\" \"\";\n", n, n);
00387      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d_SG.msg\" \"\";\n", n, n);
00388      fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d.msg\" \"vmd_nomat_info_cindex_%d.m\";\n", n, n);
00389      fprintf(outfile, "\n");
00390    }
00391 }
00393 void MayaDisplayDevice::write_cindexmaterial(const char *mayaobjstr, int cindex, int material) {
00394 //  fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"%s.iog\" \":initialShadingGroup.dsm\" -na;\n", mayaobjstr, cindex);
00395   if (materials_on) {
00396     fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"%s.iog\" \"vmd_mat_cindex_%d_SG.dsm\" -na;\n", mayaobjstr, cindex);
00397   } else {
00398     fprintf(outfile, "connectAttr \"%s.iog\" \"vmd_nomat_cindex_%d_SG.dsm\" -na;\n", mayaobjstr, cindex);
00399   }
00400   oldMaterialIndex = material;
00401   oldColorIndex = cindex;
00402   oldMaterialState = materials_on;
00403 }
00405 void MayaDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial(float *rgb, int material) {
00406 //  int cindex = nearest_index(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
00407 //  write_cindexmaterial(cindex, material);
00408 }
00410 void MayaDisplayDevice::write_trailer (void) {
00411   msgWarn << "Materials are not exported to Maya files.\n";
00412 }

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:42:24 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002