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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the      
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: FreeVRDisplayDevice.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $                $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.33 $      $Date: 2019/01/17 21:20:59 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *
00019  * a FreeVR specific display device for VMD
00020  ***************************************************************************/
00022 #include <freevr.h> // include FreeVR library prototypes
00023 #include "Inform.h"
00024 #include "FreeVRDisplayDevice.h"
00026 // static string storage used for returning stereo modes
00027 static const char *freevrStereoNameStr[1] = {"FreeVR"};
00030 FreeVRDisplayDevice::FreeVRDisplayDevice(void) : OpenGLRenderer("FreeVR") {
00031   stereoNames = freevrStereoNameStr;
00032   stereoModes = 1;
00033   doneGLInit = FALSE;    
00034   num_display_processes  = vrContext->config->num_windows;
00036   // XXX migrated some initialization code into the constructor due
00037   //     to the order of initialization in CAVE/FreeVR builds
00038   aaAvailable = TRUE;               // enable antialiasing
00039   cueingAvailable = FALSE;          // disable depth cueing
00040   cullingAvailable = FALSE;         // disable culling
00041   ext->hasstereo = TRUE;            // stereo is on initially
00042   ext->stereodrawforced = FALSE;    // no need for force stereo draws
00044   ogl_useblendedtrans = 0;
00045   ogl_transpass = 0;
00046   ogl_useglslshader = 0;
00047   ogl_acrobat3dcapture = 0;
00048   ogl_lightingenabled = 0;
00049   ogl_rendstateserial = 1;    // force GLSL update on 1st pass
00050   ogl_glslserial = 0;         // force GLSL update on 1st pass
00051   ogl_glsltoggle = 1;         // force GLSL update on 1st pass
00052   ogl_glslmaterialindex = -1; // force GLSL update on 1st pass
00053   ogl_glslprojectionmode = DisplayDevice::PERSPECTIVE;
00054   ogl_glsltexturemode = 0;    // initialize GLSL projection to off
00057   // leave everything else up to the freevr_gl_init_fn
00058 }
00061 FreeVRDisplayDevice::~FreeVRDisplayDevice(void) {
00062   // nothing to do
00063 }
00068 // set up the graphics on the seperate FreeVR displays
00069 void FreeVRDisplayDevice::freevr_gl_init_fn(void) {
00070   setup_initial_opengl_state();     // do all OpenGL setup/initialization now
00072   // follow up with mode settings
00073   aaAvailable = TRUE;               // enable antialiasing
00074   cueingAvailable = FALSE;          // disable depth cueing
00075   cullingAvailable = FALSE;         // disable culling
00076   ext->hasstereo = TRUE;            // stereo is on initially
00077   ext->stereodrawforced = FALSE;    // no need for force stereo draws
00079   glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // set clear color to black
00081   aa_on();                          // force antialiasing on if possible
00082   cueing_off();                     // force depth cueing off
00084   // set default settings
00085   set_sphere_mode(sphereMode);
00086   set_sphere_res(sphereRes);
00087   set_line_width(lineWidth);
00088   set_line_style(lineStyle);
00090   clear();                          // clear screen
00091   update();                         // swap buffers
00093   // we want the CAVE to be centered at the origin, and in the range -1, +1
00094   (, 3.0, -2.0);
00095   (;
00097   doneGLInit = TRUE;                // only do this once
00098 }
00100 void FreeVRDisplayDevice::set_stereo_mode(int) {
00101   // cannot change to stereo mode in FreeVR, it is setup at init time
00102 }
00104 void FreeVRDisplayDevice::normal(void) {
00105   // prevent the OpenGLRenderer implementation of this routine
00106   // from overriding the projection matrices provided by the
00107   // FreeVR library.
00108 }
00110 // special render routine to check for graphics initialization
00111 void FreeVRDisplayDevice::render(const VMDDisplayList *cmdlist) {
00112   if(!doneGLInit) {
00113     freevr_gl_init_fn();
00114   }
00116   // prepare for rendering
00117   glPushMatrix();
00118   multmatrix((;  // add our FreeVR adjustment transformation
00120   // update the cached transformation matrices for use in text display, etc.
00121   // In FreeVR, we have to do this separately for all of the processors.
00122   // Would be nice to do this outside of the render routine however,
00123   // amortized over several Displayables.
00124   glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, ogl_pmatrix);
00125   glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ogl_mvmatrix);
00126   ogl_textMat.identity();
00127   ogl_textMat.multmatrix(ogl_pmatrix);
00128   ogl_textMat.multmatrix(ogl_mvmatrix);
00130   // call OpenGLRenderer to do the rest of the rendering the normal way
00131   OpenGLRenderer::render(cmdlist);
00132   glPopMatrix();
00133 }
00135 // update after drawing
00136 void FreeVRDisplayDevice::update(int do_update) {
00137   // XXX don't do buffer swaps in FreeVR!!!
00138   //     Though not well documented, it is implicitly illegal 
00139   //     to call glxSwapBuffers() or to call glDrawBuffer() 
00140   //     in a FreeVR application, since FreeVR does this for you.
00141 #if 0 /* BS: my proof of concept code */
00142   vrSystemSetStatusDescription("in update!");
00143   if (vrGet2switchValue(2)) {
00144     vrUserTravelTranslate3d(VR_ALLUSERS, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1);
00145   }
00146 #endif
00148   /****************************************************/
00149   /* Do some (global) world navigation                */
00150   /* BS: this is from my ex12_travel.c tutorial code. */
00151 #define WAND_SENSOR     1       /* TODO: this should really be based on the concept of props */
00152 #define JS_EPSILON      0.125                           /* the dead-zone before joystick movement is recognized */
00153 #define MOVE_FACTOR     2.5                             /* a scale factor to tune travel movement               */
00154 #define TURN_FACTOR     25.0                            /* a scale factor to tune travel movement               */
00155 #define SUB_JS_EPSILON(a)       ((a)-copysign(JS_EPSILON,(a)))  /* a macro to remove the joystick epsilon range */
00156 static  vrTime          last_time = -1.0;               /* initially set to an invalid value as a flag */
00157         vrTime          sim_time = vrCurrentSimTime();  /* the current time of the simulation  */
00158         double          delta_time;                     /* time since last update (in seconds) */
00159         double          delta_move;                     /* distance an object should be moved */
00160         double          joy_x, joy_y;                   /* Joystick values */
00161         vrVector        wand_rw_pointvec;               /* current vector pointing out of the wand (in RW coords) */
00163   /* These variables are for the grab-the-world travel */
00164 static  vrMatrix        wand_at_grab;                   /* the wand matrix as it was when the grab action was triggered */
00165 static  vrMatrix        travel_at_grab;                 /* the value of the travel matrix when the grab action was triggered */
00166 static  int             world_grabbed = 0;              /* whether or not we're in the middle of a grab action */
00167         vrMatrix        new_world_matrix;               /* the matrix into which we calculate the world transformation */
00168         vrMatrix        current_wand_matrix;
00169         vrMatrix        invmat;
00171         /*****************************************************/
00173         /*****************************************************/
00174         if (last_time == -1.0)
00175                 delta_time = 0.0;
00176         else    delta_time = sim_time - last_time;
00177         last_time = sim_time;                           /* now that delta_time has been calculated, we won't use last_time until next time */
00179         /* skip the update if the delta isn't big enough */
00180         if (delta_time <= 0.0)  /* can also choose a non-zero epsilon */
00181                 return;
00183         /****************************/
00185         /****************************/
00187         /* pressing the right wand button resets us to the initial position */
00188         if (vrGet2switchValue(3)) {
00189                 vrUserTravelReset(VR_ALLUSERS);
00190         }
00192         /* use wand joystick to fly through world */
00193         /*  (but not while the world is grabbed!) */
00194         joy_x = vrGetValuatorValue(0);
00195         joy_y = vrGetValuatorValue(1);
00197         if (fabs(joy_x) > JS_EPSILON && !world_grabbed)
00198                 vrUserTravelRotateId(VR_ALLUSERS, VR_Y, (delta_time * SUB_JS_EPSILON(joy_x) * -TURN_FACTOR));
00200         if (fabs(joy_y) > JS_EPSILON && !world_grabbed) {
00201                 delta_move = delta_time * SUB_JS_EPSILON(joy_y) * MOVE_FACTOR;
00202                 vrVectorGetRWFrom6sensorDir(&wand_rw_pointvec, WAND_SENSOR, VRDIR_FORE);
00203                 vrUserTravelTranslate3d(VR_ALLUSERS,
00204                         wand_rw_pointvec.v[VR_X] * delta_move,
00205                         wand_rw_pointvec.v[VR_Y] * delta_move,
00206                         wand_rw_pointvec.v[VR_Z] * delta_move);
00207         }
00209         /* New full-grab-the-world with matrix operations travel example */
00210         /* BS: NOTE that this can probably be done more cleanly/efficiently, and I will work on that in the future */
00211         switch (vrGet2switchDelta(2)) {
00212                 case 1: /* just pressed */
00213                         /* store the current location of the wand */
00214                         /* TODO: we should "subtract-out" the current travel matrix */
00215                         vrMatrixGet6sensorValues(&wand_at_grab, WAND_SENSOR);
00216                         vrMatrixGetUserTravel(&travel_at_grab, 0);
00217                         world_grabbed = 1;
00218                         break;
00219                 case 0: /* no change in state */
00220                         if (world_grabbed) {
00221                                 /* move the world with the wand */
00222                                 vrMatrixGet6sensorValues(&current_wand_matrix, WAND_SENSOR);
00223                                 vrMatrixInvert(&invmat, &wand_at_grab);
00224                                 vrMatrixPostMult(&invmat, &current_wand_matrix);
00225                                 new_world_matrix = invmat;
00227                                 /* use locks to make the travel manipulations atomic */
00228                                 vrUserTravelLockSet(VR_ALLUSERS);
00229                                 vrUserTravelReset(VR_ALLUSERS);
00230                                 vrUserTravelTransformMatrix(VR_ALLUSERS, &travel_at_grab);      /* first put back the inital travel */
00231                                 vrUserTravelTransformMatrix(VR_ALLUSERS, &new_world_matrix);    /* now add in the wand-delta */
00232                                 vrUserTravelLockRelease(VR_ALLUSERS);
00233                         }
00234                         break;
00235                 case -1: /* just released */
00236                         world_grabbed = 0;
00237                         break;
00238         }
00240 }

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:42:15 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002