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CmdDisplay.h File Reference

#include "Command.h"
#include "DisplayDevice.h"
#include "utilities.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  CmdDisplayAAOn
 turn on/off antialiasing. More...

class  CmdDisplayAOAmbient
 Set ambient occlusion ambient factor. More...

class  CmdDisplayAODirect
 Set ambient occlusion direct lighting factor. More...

class  CmdDisplayAOOn
 Set ambient occlusion rendering mode. More...

class  CmdDisplayAxes
 Change the axes location. More...

class  CmdDisplayBackgroundGradientOn
 turn on/off background gradient. More...

class  CmdDisplayCacheMode
 set caching mode of display. More...

class  CmdDisplayClip
 clipping plane controls This handles the whole range of clipping plane options There are derived classes so you won't have to have the funky flags to change {near,fixed} clipping plane {to a fixed,by a relative} amount or not. More...

class  CmdDisplayClipFar
 Change the far clipping plane to a fixed value. More...

class  CmdDisplayClipFarRel
 Change the far clipping plane to by a relative value. More...

class  CmdDisplayClipNear
 Change the near clipping plane to a fixed value leaving everything else up to the base class :). More...

class  CmdDisplayClipNearRel
 Change the near clipping plane to by a relative value. More...

class  CmdDisplayCueDensity
 Set the depth cueing exp/exp2 density parameter. More...

class  CmdDisplayCueEnd
 Set the depth cueing end distance. More...

class  CmdDisplayCueMode
 Set depth cueing mode. More...

class  CmdDisplayCueStart
 Set the depth cueing start distance. More...

class  CmdDisplayCullingOn
 turn on/off culling. More...

class  CmdDisplayDepthcueOn
 turn on/off depth cueing. More...

class  CmdDisplayDoFFNumber
 Set depth of field f/stop number. More...

class  CmdDisplayDoFFocalDist
 Set depth of field focal plane distance. More...

class  CmdDisplayDoFOn
 Set depth of field rendering mode. More...

class  CmdDisplayEyesep
 set eye separation of display. More...

class  CmdDisplayFocallen
 set focal length of display. More...

class  CmdDisplayFPSOn
 FPS indicator. More...

class  CmdDisplayLightHL
 Highlight the Nth light. More...

class  CmdDisplayLightMove
 set the position of the Nth light. More...

class  CmdDisplayLightOn
 Turn on/off the Nth light. More...

class  CmdDisplayLightRot
 rotate the position of the Nth light. More...

class  CmdDisplayProj
 set the projection to either perspective or orthographic. More...

class  CmdDisplayRenderMode
 set rendering mode of display. More...

class  CmdDisplayScreenDistance
 set distance to screen from origin. More...

class  CmdDisplayScreenHeight
 set screen height value. More...

class  CmdDisplayShadowOn
 Set shadow rendering mode. More...

class  CmdDisplayStageLocation
 Change the stage location. More...

class  CmdDisplayStagePanels
 Set the number of stage panels. More...

class  CmdDisplayStageSize
 Set the number of stage panels. More...

class  CmdDisplayStereo
 set stereo mode of display. More...

class  CmdDisplayStereoSwap
 turn on/off stereo eye swap. More...

class  CmdResetView
 reset the current view for the current scene. More...

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:34 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002