The total virial contains contributions from three components: kinetic energy, bonded interactions, and nonbonded interactions. The kinetic and bonded components are easily calculated every timestep, and thus may be computed during a normal simulation run. The nonbonded component, however, adds significant overhead and has not been implemented for PME calculations. The calculation of the nonbonded contribution should be performed offline, using the saved frames of the trajectory file and a long nonbonded cutoff.
Pressure profile calculations may be performed in either constant volume or constant pressure conditions. If constant pressure is enabled, the slabs thickness will be rescaled along with the unit cell; the dcdUnitCell option will also be switched on so that unit cell information is stored in the trajectory file.
Periodic boundary conditions must also be enabled.
pressureProfile compute pressure profile
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
When active, NAMD will compute kinetic and bonded contributions to the
pressure profile. Results will be recorded in the NAMD output file
in lines with the format
PRESSUREPROFILE: ts Axx Ayy Azz Bxx Byy Bzz ... , where ts is the
timestep, followed by the three diagonal components of the pressure tensor
in the first
slab (the slab with lowest z), then the next lowest slab, and so forth.
NAMD will also output the pressure profile averaged over all the steps since
the last output. The format of this line is
PRESSUREPROFILEAVG: ts Axx Ayy Azz ... ; i.e., exactly as for the
instantaneous pressure. It is recommended to use the averaged pressure profile
instead of the instantaneous value as this will give better statistics and
may prevent artifacts when using multiple timestepping.
pressureProfileSlabs Number of slabs in the spatial partition
Acceptable Values: Positive integer
Default Value: 10
NAMD divides the entire periodic cell into horizontal slabs of equal
thickness; pressureProfileSlabs specifies the number of such slabs.
pressureProfileFreq How often to output pressure profile
Acceptable Values: Positive integer
Default Value: 1
Specifies the number of timesteps between output of pressure profile data.
pressureProfileNonbonded Compute nonbonded pressure profile
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
When enabled, only the nonbonded contribution to the pressure profile will be
computed. For trajectory analysis the
recommended way to use this option is to use the NAMD Tcl scripting
interface as described in Sec. 2.2.2 to run for
0 steps, so that NAMD prints the pressure profile without performing any
Here is an example snippet from a NAMD input that can be used to compute the nonbonded component of the pressure profile. It assumes that the coordinates were saved in three dcd files (pp01.dcd, pp02.dcd, and pp03.dcd) every 500 timesteps. The pressureProfileSlabs must be the same as was used for the calculation of the bonded part of the pressure. Note the use of no switching function; this way the calculated electrostatic energy will be closest to what would be calculated by PME.
switching off cutoff 20.0 pairlistdist 20.5 pressureProfile on pressureProfileSlabs 60 pressureProfileFreq 100 pressureProfileNonbonded on # Assume that coordinates were written to the dcd files every 500 timesteps. set ts 500 foreach dcd { pp01.dcd pp02.dcd pp03.dcd } { coorfile open dcd $dcd while { [coorfile read] != -1 } { firstTimestep $ts run 0 incr ts 500 } coorfile close }