University of California, San Francisco

Academic Software License Agreement

Thank you for your interest in DOCK. Each version of DOCK is licensed separately.

To obtain DOCK, complete and submit this form. There is no fee for the academic use of DOCK.

For commercial enquires, please write to

Please use latin characters only.

NOTE: * denotes required fields

Version of DOCK


Requester's Full Name (First and Last Name)*

Requester's Title*

Project Title*
(Short sentence describing planned application of DOCK)

E-mail Address*
(One address ONLY please)

Retype E-mail Address*

Telephone Number

Fax Number seriously, this is only for nostalgia.

Research Institution*
(Please do not use abbreviatations)

Research Institution Mailing Address

Address Line 1*

Address Line 2

City, State, and Country*

Zip Code*

Research Advisor's Full Name*

Research Advisor's Title

Laboratory/University Web Address*
(For example:

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I agree to use the DOCK program for academic research purposes only. I will not transfer or redistribute this program to other laboratories. I agree that any public reports or publication of results obtained using DOCK will acknowledge its use by an appropriate citation.

By clicking the "SUBMIT" button below, I confirm that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge and that I will abide by the license. I also confirm that my advisor has read and approved of this license.