Google Africa Initiative

Google Africa InitiativeUnidata, in collaboration with sister UCAR entities and a few external institutions, is involved in a project called the Google Africa Initiative Meningitis Project. Unidata's role in this initiative is to employ Unidata technologies in the collection and dissemination of data relevant to the project. Packages being used actively are: LDM, IDV, RAMADDA, THREDDS, and McIDAS ADDE.

The UCAR Africa Initiative is motivated by the fact that Africa's future development and quality of life will be greatly enhanced by improving weather data, human resources in the sciences, weather forecasts, and insights about the impact of climate-change.

Three initial endeavors, focused on West Africa and the Sahel, are a response to the Initiative's goals:

These efforts support the overall Initiative goals of building capacity in the areas of meteorological observing systems, data distribution, human resources related to atmospheric sciences and information technology, and numerical weather prediction.

Additional Information
For more information on the Google Africa Initiative, see the Initiative home page and activities list.
Questions About This Project?
Questions or comments about the Google Africa Initiative can be sent to:

Project Collaborators

The Unidata Program Center is collaborating with the following entities on the Google Africa Initiative project: