2018 Awards

2018 Awards

For the 2018 equipment awards, special consideration will be given to proposals that include one or more of the following:

Unidata's technical staff stands ready to assist with installation and configuration of both servers.  And as always, these special emphases do not preclude other proposals from members of the Unidata community for procuring new computers or upgrading existing classroom and laboratory equipment to integrate Unidata tools and data services in geoscience education and research. 

Additionally, small institutions, academic departments that have not previously submitted proposals to this program, and programs outside Unidata's traditional atmospheric sciences community are particularly encouraged to apply. Proposals from academic institutions outside the United States will be considered. However, preference will be given to academic institutions within the U.S.

View the 2018 solicitation

Awardee Information

Institution & PI Proposal/Report
Jackson State University
Duanjun Lu
Upgrade the JSU Meteorology Computing Lab by installation of AWIPS II EDEX Server and CAVE Clients
Proposal | Report
Pennsylvania State University
George Young
Upgrading the Penn State IDD Relay for the Next Generation
Proposal | Report
San Jose State University
Alison Bridger
San Jose State University Unidata Equipment Proposal
Proposal | Report
Texas Tech University
Eric Bruning
Cloud-ready Processing and Dissemination of GOES-16 Geostationary Lighting Mapper Gridded Imagery
Proposal |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Natalie Umphlett
Enhanced Accessibility of Climate Data for Research and Teaching through a THREDDS Data Server
Proposal | Report
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gregory Tripoli
A community THREDDS/ADDE data server and IDD infrastructure upgrade at UW-Madison
Proposal |

Questions About the 2018 Equipment Awards?

Questions or comments about the 2018 Equipment Awards can be sent to: support-egrants@unidata.ucar.edu