About the same time in Sicily arrived also Lamis, with a colony from Megara, and first built a certain town called Trotilus, upon the river Pantacius, where for a while after he governed the estate of his colony in common with the Chalcideans of Leontium.
But afterwards, when he was by them thrust out, and had builded Thapsus, he died;
and the rest going from Thapsus, under the conduct of Hyblon, a king of the Siculi, built Megara, called Megara-Hyblaea.
And after they had there inhabited two hundred and forty-five years, they were by Gelon, a tyrant of Syracuse, put out both of the city and territory.
But before they were driven thence, namely one hundred years after they had built it, they sent out Pammilus and built the city of Selinus.
This Pammilus came to them from Megara, their own metropolitan city, and so together with them founded Selinus.
Gela was built in the forty-fifth year after Syracuse, by Antiphemus, that brought a colony out of Rhodes, and by Entymus, that did the like out of Crete, jointly.
This city was named after the name of the river Gela;
and the place where now the city standeth, and which at first they walled in, was called Lindii.
And the laws which they established were the Doric.
About one hundred and eight years after their own foundation, they of Gela built the city of Acragante, calling the city after the name of the river;
and for their conductors chose Aristonous and Pystilus, and gave unto them the laws of Gela.
Zancle was first built by pirates that came from Cume, a Chalcidean city in Opicia;
but afterwards there came a multitude, and helped to people it, out of Chalcis and the rest of Euboea;
and their conductors were Perieres and Crataemenes, one of Cume, the other of Chalcis.
And the name of the city was at first Zancle, so named by the Sicilians because it hath the form of a sickle, and the Sicilians call a sickle zanclon. But these inhabitants were afterwards chased thence by the Samians and other people of Ionia that in their flight from the Medes fell upon Sicily.
After this, Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium, drave out the Samians, and peopling the city with a mixed people of them and his own, instead of Zancle called the place by the name of his own country from whence he was anciently descended, Messana.
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