Thus, or near thus, went the battle, the greatest that had been of a long time between Grecians and Grecians, and of two the most famous cities.
The Lacedaemonians, laying together the arms of their slain enemies, presently erected a trophy and rifled their dead bodies.
Their own dead they took up and carried them to Tegea, where they were also buried, and delivered to the enemy theirs under truce.
Of the Argives, and Orneates, and Cleonaeans were slain seven hundred;
of the Mantineans, two hundred;
and of the Athenians with the Aeginetae, likewise two hundred, and both the captains.
The confederates of the Lacedaemonians were never pressed, and therefore their loss was not worth mentioning;
and of the Lacedaemonians themselves, it is hard to know the certainty;
but it is said there were slain three hundred.
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