Such were the passions of the Corcyraeans, first of all other Grecians, towards one another in the city;
and Eurymedon and the Athenians departed with their galleys.
Afterwards, such of the Corcyraeans as had fled (for there escaped about five hundred of them), having seized on the forts in the continent, impatronized themselves of their own territory on the other side and from thence came over and robbed the islanders and did them much hurt;
and there grew a great famine in the city.
They likewise sent ambassadors to Lacedaemon and Corinth concerning their reduction;
and when they could get nothing done, having gotten boats and some auxiliary soldiers, they passed, awhile after, to the number of about six hundred into the island.
Where, when they had set fire on their boats that they might trust to nothing but to make themselves masters of the field, they went up into the hill Istone and, having there fortified themselves with a wall, infested those within and were masters of the territory.
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