Thus the Athenians quickly raised their walls, the structure itself making manifest the haste used in the building.
For the foundation consisteth of stones of all sorts, and those in some places unwrought and as they were brought to the place.
Many pillars also taken from sepulchres and polished stones were piled together among the rest.
For the circuit of the city was set every way farther out, and therefore hastening they took alike whatsoever came next to hand.
Themistocles likewise persuaded them to build up the rest of Piraeus, for it was begun in the year that himself was archon of Athens, as conceiving the place both beautiful, in that it had three natural havens, and that being now seamen, it would very much conduce to the enlargement of their power.
For he was indeed the first man that dared tell them that they ought to take upon them the command of the sea, and withal presently helped them in the obtaining it.
By his counsel also it was that they built the wall of that breadth about Piraeus which is now to be seen.
For two carts carrying stones met and passed upon it one by another.
And yet within it there was neither rubbish nor mortar [to fill it up], but it was made all of great stones cut square and bound together with iron and lead.
But for height it was raised but to the half, at the most, of what he had intended.
For he would have had it able to hold out the enemy both by the height and breadth, and that a few and the less serviceable men might have sufficed to defend it and the rest have served in the navy.
For principally he was addicted to the sea because, as I think, he had observed that the forces of the king had easier access to invade them by sea than by land, and thought that Piraeus was more profitable than the city above.
And oftentimes he would exhort the Athenians that, in case they were oppressed by land, they should go down thither and with their galleys make resistance against what enemy soever.
Thus the Athenians built their walls, and fitted themselves in other kinds, immediately upon the departure of the Persians.
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