1 XXXVII. Throughout the year] “Totius anni.” That is, all that remained of the year.
2 On the edge of a steep hill] “In prærupti montis extremo.” "In extremo a scholiast rightly interprets in margine, Gerlach. Cortius, whom Langius follows, considers that in extremo means at the bottom; a notion which Kritzius justly condemns; for, as Gerlach asks, what would that have to do with the strength of the place ? Müller would have us believe that in extremo means at the top; but if Sallust had meant to say that the city was at the top, he would hardly have chosen the word extremus for the purpose. Doubtless, as Gerlach observes, the city was on the top of the hill, which was broad enough to hold it; but the words in extremo signify that the walls were even with the side of the hill. Of the site of the town of Suthul no traces are now to be found.
3 Vineæ] Defenses made of hurdles or other wood, and often covered with raw hides, to defend the soldies who worked the battering-ram. Tho word that comes nearest to vineœ in our language is mantelets. Before this word, in many editions, occurs the phrase ob thesauros oppidi potiundi, which Cortius, whom I follow, omits.
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