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On the next day Bocchus sent for Aspar, Jugurtha's envoy, and acquainted him that he had ascertained from Sylla, through Dabar, that the war might be concluded on certain conditions; and that he should therefore make inquiry as to the sentiments of his king. Aspar proceeded with joy to Jugurtha's camp, and having received full instructions from him, returned in haste to Bocchus at the end of eight days, with intelligence "that Jugurtha was eager to do whatever might be required, but that he put little confidence in Marius, as treaties of peace, concluded with Roman generals, had often before proved of no effect; that if Bocchus, however, wished to consult the interests of both,1 and to have an established peace, he should endeavor to bring all parties together to a conference, as if to settle the conditions, and then deliver Sylla into his hands, for when he had such a man in his power, a treaty would at once be concluded by order of the senate and people of Rome; as a man of high rank, who had fallen into the hands of the enemy, not from want of spirit; but from zeal for the public interest, would not be left in captivity.

1 CXII. Interests of both] “Ambobus.” Both himself and Jugurtha.

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  • Cross-references to this page (9):
    • Smith's Bio, ASPAR
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae intro, Praefatio
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, Aspar
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, Bocchus
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, C. Marius
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, Dabar
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, Iugurtha
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, L. Cornelius Sulla
    • Sallust, Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index, Romani
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (12):
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