1 XXX. By the 27th of October] “Ante diem VI. Kalendas Novembres.” He means that they were in arms on or before that day.
2 Quintus Marcius Rex] He had been proconsul in Cilicia, and was expecting a triumph for his successes.
3 Quintus Metellus Creticus] He had obtained the surname of Creticus from having reduced the island of Crete.
4 Both which officers, with the title of commanders, etc.] “Ii utrique ad urbem imperatores erant ; impediti ne triumpharent calumniâ paucorum, quibus omnia, honesta atque inhonesta vendere mos erat.” "Imperator" was a title given by the army, and confirmed by the senate, to a victorious general, who had slain a certain number of the enemy. What the number was is not known. The general bore this title as an addition to his name, until he obtained (if it were granted him) a triumph, for which be was obliged to wait ad urbem, near the city, since he was not allowed to enter the gates as long as he held any military command. These imperatores had been debarred from their expected honor by a party who would sell any thing honorable, as a triumph, or any thing dishonorable, as a license to violate the laws.
5 A hundred sestertia--two hundred sestertia] A hundred sestertia were about 807l. 5s. 10d. of our money.
6 Schools of gladiators] “Gladiatoriæ familiæ.” Any number of gladiators under one teacher, or trainer (lanista), was called familia. They were to be distributed in different parts, and to be strictly watched, that they might not run off to join Catiline. See Graswinckelius, Rupertus, and Gerlach.
7 The inferior magistrates] The ædiles, tribunes, qaæstors, and all others below the consuls, censors, and prætors. Aul. Gell., xiii. 15.
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