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[210a] but I doubt if you could approach the rites and revelations to which these, for the properly instructed, are merely the avenue. However I will speak of them,’ she said, ‘and will not stint my best endeavors; only you on your part must try your best to follow. He who would proceed rightly in this business must not merely begin from his youth to encounter beautiful bodies. In the first place, indeed, if his conductor guides him aright, he must be in love with one particular body, and engender beautiful converse therein;

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hide References (9 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (7):
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 208C
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 210E
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 211B
    • J. Adam, A. M. Adam, Commentary on Plato, Protagoras, CHAPTER I
    • James Adam, The Republic of Plato, 5.476C
    • James Adam, The Republic of Plato, 6.489D
    • James Adam, The Republic of Plato, 6.490B
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (2):
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