"What's the Front?"
--It is well known that Wheeler has some splendid troops, and some who are as bad as can be found. These last are scattered from the Ohio river to Savannah. A gallant soldier tells the following:‘ "He was going through North Alabama to rejoin his command. Stopped at a house to get dinner. To old lady's 'Who's youin's ?' replied, 'Wheeler's cavalry,' 'Whar gwine?' 'To the front.' The old lady put on her spectacles and eyed him intently, then drawled out, 'Mister, some of them fellers you call Wheeler's hoss critters been gwine by here every day — some gwine North, some gwine South, some East and some West, some this way and some that — they all sed they war gwine to the front; now, mister, kin you tell me whar is the front?" The soldier left.