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Confederate Congress.

The second session of the Second Permanent Congress meets to-day at 12 o'clock M. The list of members will not be complete. In the Senate there is a vacancy in the Missouri delegation, occasioned by the death, last winter, of Senator Peyton, of that State. Since the adjournment of the last Congress, Senator Mitchel, of Arkansas, has deceased, and Hon. Augustus H. Garland, a prominent member of the House of Representatives, has been elected to fill the unexpired term.

In the House there will be a falling short. Hon. B. L. Hodge, of Louisiana, is dead, and the vacancy is not supplied. Hon. J. B. Helskell, of Tennessee, a prisoner in the hands of the Federals. The Texas delegation is not complete, lacking one. The State of Missouri is, for the first time, fully represented, having seven members. Messrs. Thomas L. Snead, Nimrod L. Norton, Peter S. Wilkes, and Robert A. Hatcher are the new members from Missouri. There is one new member from Tennessee, Hon. M. W. Cluskey filling the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Currin. Hon. Stephen H. Darden is a new member from Texas, elected in the place of Hon. John A. Wilcox, who died suddenly from apoplexy in this city last session.

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