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Five hundred dollars reward.

--Ran away from my residence, the Carlton House, Sidney, the slave of Major J. J. Parham, of Tennessee. He has been-in my service since last January. Last year he was hired as an officer's servant in the Western army. This boy is a bright mulatto, of rather spare build, about twenty years of age; five feet ten or eleven inches high, without beard. When spoken to, he usually puts on a stupid air, dropping his eyelids and jaw, and pouting his lips. He pretends to a slouching gait, although brisk enough when he chooses. He is a good hastier and fair cook. When last seen at home, at 6 o'clock P. M., Sunday, the 11th instant, he had on a grey cassimere sack coat, blue pantaloons, a drab left hat, and army cloth shoes, much worn. Is supposed to have taken with him a heavy woolen drab oversack. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in person.

A. E. Peticolas. se 18--1w

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