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The Legislature.

In the Senate, on motion of Mr. Alderson' five hundred extra copies of the Governor's message were ordered to be printed.

The Auditor of Public Accounts, in response to a resolution of the Senate, adopted on 31st October last, made "a statement of the amount of revenue assessed under the 11th section of the act imposing taxes for the support of Government, passed 28th March, 1863, on all profits from trade, use of money, buying or selling real estate, &c." The report and accompanying documents were tabled and ordered to be printed.

The rules which governed the late extra session of the Senate were adopted for the present without amendment.

The Chair announced the standing committees to be the same as those of the late extra session, with but one or two exceptions.

On motion of Mr. Carson, a resolution was adopted authorizing the admission of deeds to record and wills to probate, upon proof of handwriting of attesting witness, when they are in the army of the Confederacy or in the lines of the enemy.

On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, a resolution was adopted to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Auditor of Public Accounts to tender to the judicial officers of the State an equivalent in the current paper of the country during the existing war, in lieu of the payment in specie of their annual salaries.

On motion of Mr. Ball, it was resolved to inquire into the expediency of increasing the appropriation to the Virginia Military institute.

On motion of Mr. Douglas, it was resolved that the Committee on Finance be, and are hereby, instructed to report as speedily as may be, the bill of the extra session, or a similar one, providing for a commutation of the pay of members of the General Assembly.

Mr. Dickinson presented a joint preamble and resolutions in regard to the death of the late Major John Seddon, of Stafford county, a member of the Senate, who died in Richmond on the 3d inst. Mr. Dickinson paid a feeling tribute to the memory of the deceased, as also did Messrs. Douglas and Newman of Mason. The preamble and resolutions having been adopted were reported to the House by Mr. Dickinson.

The Senate then adjourned in honor of the memory of Mr. Seddon.

In the House of Delegates, the Clerk called the roll, when, seventy- eight members answering to their names, the Speaker announced the organization complete, there being one more than a quorum present.

On motion of Mr. Haymond, a committee was appointed to wait upon and inform the Governor that the House, having organized, was prepared to receive any communication he might desire to make.

The committee soon returned, when the Governor's annual communication was received and read by the Clerk. Adjourned.

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