
Congress yesterday.

Confederate States Senate, April 2d.
--The President was requested to inform the Senate if any and what orders have been given by the military authorities in Richmond to arrest soldiers whose furloughs have not expired, and confine them in barracks of prisons while said soldiers remain in Richmond. The bill to levy taxes for the common defence was reported with an amendment, and ordered to be printed for consideration in secret session. The bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to establish the form of fifty cent notes was passed; also, the bill to establish a preferred mail across the Mississippi. Mr. Maxwell moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill to recognize the Navy was passed yesterday. The motion was debated several hours. Adjourned.

In the House a bill reported by Mr. Chilton, of Ala., from the Post Office Committee exempting from military duty contractors carrying the mails in the Confederate States, and the drivers of post-coaches and hacks carrying the mails, was passed.

A resolution, offered by Mr. Davidson, of N. C. authorizing the Doorkeeper to employ additioned assistance, was adopted.

A bill, introduced by Mr. Smith, of N. C. in referrence to the enlistment of minors under 18 years of age, and for their discharge, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

A resolution, also offered by Mr. Smith, was adopted, requesting the President to communicate to the House whether the requirements of the 5th section of the act to better provide for the sick and wounded of the army in hospitals, has been compiled with; and if to, the number and location of those within and near the city of Richmond, which have been respectively assigned to the several States, and the names and place whence appointed of the Surgeons and assistant Surgeons assigned and doing service at each; and if said requirements have not been carried out, the reasons for such delay.

A resolution, also offered by Mr. Smith was agreed to, that, the Senate concurring, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall adjourn their respective Houses on Thursday, the 20th of April, at twelve o'clock M.

A motion to reconsider this vote was lost.

On motion of Mr. Garnett, of Va., the House decided to take a recess at 3 o'clock each day during the remainder of the session, to meet again at 7½ o'clock in the evening.

A bill was passed allowing miners to hold commissions in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States.

The House passed the bill, reported from the Committee on Military Affairs, to exempt certain persons from military only, and to repeal all acts heretofore passed by Congress on the same subject.

During the evening session the House considered the bill to regulate the compensation for public printing, which was passed by a vote of ayes 46, nose 3t.

On motion of Mr. Miles, of S. C., the House adjourned over until Saturday, to observer Good Friday. On this motion the vote stood — ayes 33, nose 37.

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