General Assembly of Virginia.
Monday, March 16, 1863.Senate--The Senate met at 10 o'clock A. M., Mr. Johnson, President pro tem in the chair.
The act passed by the House of Delegates, authorizing a new issue of State Treasury fractional notes, of the denomination of ten, twenty, and fifty cents, to the amount of a million and a half dollars, was received from the House, read, and laid on the table.
The Senate agreed to House amendment to the bill authorizing the use of the jails of the State by the Confederate Government, and making their use common to both the Confederate and State authorities.
Bills Passed.--An act for the relief of George W. Chambers, of Harper's Ferry, for castings seized by the State. A bill to pay E. W. Canfield and C. L. Bragg, for services as instructors of artillery under Brig. Gen. Carson.
Committee Bills Introduced.--A bill to prevent and punish the hoarding of provisions by speculators. An act authorizing an increase of the capital stock of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company. The joint resolution passed by the House of Delegates construing the law enacted October 3, 1862; to further provide for the public defence, was received from the House and referred to the Committee for Courts of Justice.
Resolutions of Inquiry--By Mr. Christian, of Middlesex: Instructing the Committee for Courts of Justice to inquire into the expediency of amending the 91st section of chapter 35, Code of Virginia, go as to extend the time now required by law for Commissioners of the Revenue to discharge their duties under said section in counties threatened by the public enemy. Agreed to
The discussion of the Tax bill — the order of the day — was resumed and continued up to the hour of three o'clock, when the Senate took a recess until eight o'clock.
House of Delegates--The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Moore.
Mr. Barbour, from the Committee on Finance, to whom had been referred the subject of the burning of the tobacco warehouse, reported that they had the same under consideration, and the allegation was that a drunken man in the employment of the Confederate Government, engaged about the building, had probably occasioned the fire, and that the committee, in its investigation, had summoned contain parties to appear before them, who had failed to do so. He gave notice that on tomorrow he would ask the action of the House to compel the attendance of such delinquents.
Upon the re-opening of the doors Senate bill increasing jailors'fees for keeping and supporting prisoners of the Commonwealth was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Burks so amended as to assess the compensation for the purposes indicated at a sum not less than thirty five cents nor more than one dollar and a quarter for each prisoner in their charge.
Mr. Wynne moved a proviso that the Hustings Courts of Richmond, Petersburg, and Lynchburg, be allowed, in their discretion, to increase the maximum allowance to two dollars.
Mr. Forbes moved to amend the proviso so that the excess above $1.25 should be paid by the respective corporations. The proviso as amended was adopted.
Mr. Wynne asked leave to withdraw his proviso, which was, after a brief discussion, granted.
Mr. Hopkins, of Petersburg, moved that the proviso and its amendment be at least applied to that city; which was agreed to by the House.
The bill as amended was then passed — ayes 67, nose 7.
A message was received from the Governor, enclosing a letter from Adjutant General Richardson refuting certain imputations reflecting upon the conduct of his office contained in a letter from Maj. J E Davis, of the State Line, addressed to the Committee on Military Affairs of the House, and by them published; and in further vindication of himself, the Adjutant General invites a searching investigation of his office by the committee aforesaid. The message and the letter were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Magruder called up the report of the committee who had under consideration the bill transferring the State Line to the Confederate Government.
Pending which the hour of three arriving, the chair was vacated until 7½ o'clock.
Evening Session.--The House reassembled at 7½ o'clock.
A message was received from the Governor, enclosing a letter from R. D. Sanxay, Superintendent of the Public Warehouse, in which the net cost to repair the damage sustained by the recent fire is estimated at $21,700. The message and accompanying documents were read and appropriately referred.
The report of the committee relative to the bill transferring the State troops, under consideration at the morning session, was slightly amended upon the motion of Mr. Boulding, and passed as amended.
Mr. Burks submitted a resolution, which was agreed to, authorizing the keeper of the rolls of the House to have printed 500 copies of the law relating to slave impressments, and forward one copy to each of the county clerks throughout the State, the remainder to be distributed among members.
On motion of Mr. Hunter, the bill providing for voting by persons in camp, and persons absent from their homes because of the presence of the public enemy, for members of Congress, Governor, Lieut Governor, Attorney-General, and members of the General Assembly, was taken up, read a third time, and passed.
At 10 o'clock, on motion of Mr. Prince, the House adjourned.