The Ladies' gunboat Association.
--A committee, appointed by the board of directors of ‘"The Ladies' National Defence Association,"’ composed of the following persons: Mrs. Judge Clopton, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. Gwathmey, and Mrs. Smith, waited upon the President and Secretary of the Navy yesterday, for the purpose of soliciting the co-operation of the Government in their project of building a gunboat for the protection of the city of Richmond, and we are happy to state that the result was most satisfactory. The committee were received by the officers in the most courteous manner, both of whom expressed their earnest sympathy in their patriotic enterprise.Secretary Mallory, with approval of the President, tendered to the Association the gunboat now in process of construction by the Government, which will facilitate the consummation of their project very much, and enable the ladies to afford the Confederate capital a most formidable defence.