
From Mobile.

[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch]
Mobile, Ala., March 11, 1862.
"fam setis terris dirat eighe wendinis misit pater."

ch a reason as is said to have been un to say, such raise as have a place only money of antidelavians, such incongress as may be supposed incidental to a on the Alabama river — at an average of a few hundred yards, now swollen many miles — suddenly finding one's self distant from its shore, lying "high and a cotton field, with no visible means off, and with recollections of hav heard at the last meal that provisions exhausted, such views as of negroes, on suddenly flooded, remaining for trees, affording amusing illustrations primitive habits, when, uncivilized, perilla like, roamed through the forests as beasts;--these it has been my to have ever present from Montgom Mobile, now arrived safely, feeling too my the sufferings of a ‘"stranger in a land. "’ (It is my first, and shall I not last, visit to the ‘"sunny South?"’-- I have endeavored to see the of produced by our late reverse of arms in and I am induced to think that it fortunate, has it everywhere had the tap dency to renewed and proper exer to arouse the eitherto slam bering patri of many, that, with the divine, they laim--

‘"Awike, my coul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on"’

s in this fair land, figuratively as that of the "Magnolla and Honey "(few, very few of which I have seen, announcing in moss, now for the first time to account in the manufacture of there are those who have patiently, gently awaited a ‘"draft."’ Worshippers shrine of Mammon, by their course endorsing A. L, when he said ‘"all right,"’ ‘"sobody was hurt,"’ through the of Gov. Shorter who has called out "may now find active employment and, assuming the required patriotism, with enthusiasm, exclaim, ‘"Dules at pre patris mori"’

you are doubtless aware, all places of in the city are closed at three P. M., all who can walk devote the afternoon killing. Varied are their equipments, no having in every respect the same. Many ly a belt, others with a gun without a sin some with perhaps only a cart Yet their whole souls are enlisted their improvement must be rapid. will shortly be sent to different places vicinity, and regiments there organized. Unconquerable spirit of our men seems predeveloped by our misfortunes, and from the unmistakable evidence that is with us, I believe they are firmly re have to-day seen an old man of per ghty years, with grand-children now having gun in hand and expressing mention to be in the approaching action be found amongst others than " Re

Bragg has the esteam of all classes, confidence seems to be placed in his an officer. Many have told me, when the Yankees could take the city, that Bragg here it would be imposed he is easily within reach, should be needed, ago, Mobile will flour green bay tree. There is much that I tell you which would be of general but from prudential reasons am

just seen some gentlemen from Pen who are moving their ‘"contrabands,"’ a successful attack by the enemy. It med entirely unnecessary, as from their ‘"mobility,"’ they are perhaps as safe in place as another.

whole city is in a state of excitement a fews of the exploits of the Merrimac, has just been received. It is consid quite a nice thing, and fortunately hap just at the right time.

weather is exceedingly unpleasant, and it is not so cold as in Virginia, it is, if a thing be possible, very much more and is always damper. Upon rivers there is an almost constant fog. shop Wilmer is shortly expected, and Mr. of Christ Church, gave notice that soon confirmation would be administered the Bishop.

martial law is enforced, and without full or permits one advances slowly. upon every approach to the city, with trouble or tered, with greater is left — as at Nashville, where the were beginning to fortify, when it was so I fear this wisely stringent sure has been too long neglected, and the commated all they desure. C *****

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