Late Northern News.
From our Northern News, of the 14th and 15th insts., we continue the following extracts of the latest telegraphic and general news:
The expedition to Alabama.
From Kansas.
Gen. Hunter will himself accompany the second brigade, which will consist of the 9th and 12th Wisconsin regiments, 3d Ohio cavalry, and the 3d Kansas. Probably Col. Chas. Doubleday, of the 2d Ohio, will be made Acting Brigadier-General of this brigade.
From the upper Potomac.
From Missouri.
‘ from Lebanon, just arrived, Gen. Sigel's division arrived at four miles from Springfield, on Gen. Price is reported to Springfield, and is encamped near ground of Wilson's creek. Gen. now in Springfield.
Got fight
The rebel prisoners taken at Fort Henry have been sent up to Paducah. The son of Ex-Senator Jones, of Tennessee, who is among the captured says he has got all the fight he wants; and it is said that even Gen. Thighman was not aware to quitting the service of the rebels.
Battles Won.
The New York Extract.According to were sixty-one battles fought here in the middle of last February (when Summer fell) and the close of the calendar year. Of these, fifty-three were rebel successes, and but eight national successes. We published the other day a curious table given by a Richmond paper, and collected from official (rebel) sources, showing the dates and localities of all these battles, with a list of the killed, wounded and captured on both side. Some of the battles we had never heard of before, and others it was odd enough to see designated as rebel triumphs.
While making our ‘"preparations"’ we have fought the following battles of the rebellion, giving to the rebels the battles of Wilson's Creek, Belmont, and Sumter:
- June 2--Philippa.
- June 17--Booneville.
- July 3--Brier Forks, (Sigel's victory.)
- July 11--Defeat of Pegram by McClellan.
- July 13--Carrick's Ford, (death of Garnett, rebel.)
- August 28--Hatteras forts.
- September 10--Rout of Floyd, Gauley Bridge.
- October 5--Second defeat of rebels at Hatteras.
- October 8--Santa Rosa Island.
- October 11--Repulse at Southwest Pass.
- October 25--Charge of Fremont's Guard.
- October 27--Romney, (Kelly wounded.)
- November 7--Port Royal.
- December 13--Camp Alleghany, Virginia.
- December 18--1,300 rebels captured by Pope in Missouri.
- December 18--Dranesville.
Union victories, 1861.
- Second rebel repulse at Santa Rosa.
- Humphrey Marshall's rout.
- Capture of rebel batteries in S. Carolina.
- Mill Spring, (Zollicoffer killed)
- Fort Henry.
- Roanoke Island.
- Fort Donelson, (predicted.)
- April 12--Sumter.
- June 10--Big Bethel.
- July 21--Bull Run.
- September 20--Lexington.
- October 25--Massacre of Ball's Bluff.
- November 7--Belmont.
Rebel victories, 1861.
1862, None.
Union victories, 23; Rebel victories, 7; ratio, 3 to 1.
From Mexico.
By the arrival at New York of the steamship Columbia, from Havana, we have news from Vera Cruz to Jan. 29.The advices are interesting and important. General Miramon, who left Havana for Vera Cruz on board the English mail steamer, arrived at that place on Jan. 24. By order of Commodore Dunlop he was at once arrested and taken on board H. B. M. frigate Challenger, for having violated his pledge not to leave Havana. It was rumored that he was subsequently transferred to the Jason for attempting to effect his escape to the mainland. The affair had created much excitement among Miramon's partisans, who had been anxiously anticipating his arrival.--The Commissioners representing the allied Powers, who left Vera Cruz for the city of Mexico on January 14th, returned on the 19th. Senor Zamacona, a Plenipotentiary, commissioned by Juarez; accompanied them.--The Allied Commission represent that they were everywhere received with cordiality.--Juarez treated them with great consideration. He attempted to exact, as a condition of future negotiations, that all of the allied forces which had been landed at Vera Cruz, with the exception of a guard of 2,000 men, should be re-embarked. This preliminary was at once declined, but as the Plenipotentiary of Juarez returned with the Commission, it was taken for granted that negotiations would proceed. Where the conferences would take place was uncertain, although it was generally believed that Jalapa would be agreed upon. Juarez, it is said, had acknowledged that his Government had not fulfilled its obligations to foreigners, and expressed his willingness to extend any additional guarantees. The allied forces at Tejeria have advanced three leagues toward Santa Fe, in order to be removed from the unhealthy localities where they had at first encamped, and measures were in progress to advance immediately upon the capital, should a disposition be manifested to resist the demands of the allies. All reports of conflicts between the opposing forces are contradicted. On the contrary, it is alleged that the pickets of the Mexican and allied armies maintained the most friendly relations, and that the price of provisions in Vera Cruz had fallen materially. H. B. M. gunboat Plover had gone ashore near the bar of Alvarado, and it was thought would prove a total loss.