House of Delegates.
The House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Peterkin.Mr. Payer, of Fauquier, who has been detained at home by illness, appeared in his seat.
The following bills were reported:
A bill to amend the 5th section of chapter 13 of the Code, in relation to administering the paths to be taken by both Houses of the General Assembly.
A bill changing the place of holding a separate election in the county of Rockingham.
Mr. Barbour moved to suspend the rules so as to take up the bill to provide for the assumption and payment of the Confederate war tax — which was adopted.
Mr. Barbour briefly explained the bill. He said that the Finance Committee had affected arrangements with the leading banks of the city to raise sufficient funds to pay the whole amount of Virginia's part of the tax.
The bill then passed unanimously.
An adverse report as to compensating the families of persons killed by wrongful act, neglect or accident of Railroad, was received from the Committee on Courts of Justice.
A communication was received from the Governor, enclosing a communication from the Secretary of War, with a letter from the acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, concerning certain Indian Trust Funds. Referred to the Committee on Finance.
The House then went into secret session on the Military bill.