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Hugh McDaniel

--Capt. A. G. Brown relates an incident connected with the fight at Leesburg, which as it concerns a man born and raised in Hinds county, we take pleasure in recording. At one time during the battle, Hugh McDaniel, who is a very large and powerful man, found himself in the vicinity of two Yankees whom he determined to capture. Holding his musket in his right hand, he attempted with his left to collar the one nearest to him. Yankee resisted, and Hugh, unwilling to lose a load of powder, let drive with his naked feet and knocked him down.

The other Yankee, not relishing the prostrating power of the Mississippian's arm broke to run; when some ten or fifteen steps distant, McDaniel threw his gun muzzle foremost, at him, driving the bayonet entirely through his body, killing him instantly.

We mention this incident with the more pleasure from the fact that McDaniel's mother is a poor widow, and has five sons (her all) in the army of the Confederacy.-- Jackson Mississippian.

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