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Cold-blooded murder.

--The Memphis Argus publishes the following account of a cold-blooded murder, narrated by a correspondent at Prentiss, Bolivar county, Miss.:

For some time past two families--one named Cleveland and the other Crawford —— have made their home on Ozark Island, about two miles below this place, living together in the same house, and uniting their labors in the making of their small crop. A difficulty occurred between them some time since; the parties were arrested, brought to Prentiss, examined, and the case discharged, it being considered the result of a drunken brawl, both parties being addicted to drinking.

On Friday night last the quarrel was renewed. On Saturday morning, while Cleveland was in the garden gathering vegetables to be prepared for breakfast, Crawford took a double-barrel shot gun; which he had loaded with twelve buck-shot to each barrel, and going to the corner of the house, took deliberate aim and fired, the shot entering Cleveland's side, killing him instantly. It is supposed that Cleveland's wife, hearing the report of the gun, ran out to her husband, when Crawford fired on her, the shot taking effect in the back, killing her instantly.

Crawford then covered the body with weeds, and in the evening came to Prentiss and gave himself up to the authorities.

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