From Norfolk.
[Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Father Pinakett, the esteemed pastor of the Catholic Church in Portsmouth, I understand, delivered a most excellent oration at one of the camp near that city.
At about o' clock a beautiful flag was presented to the Lynchburg Beauregards, encamped some five miles from our city, by a patriotic Indy from the above city, whose address was replete with wholesome sentiments and sound patriotism. A large number of ladies and gentlemen graced the occasion with their presence, and a most lively time was occasioned.
The Young Guards, of our city, was also the recipients of a splendid flag from the young ladies of Mrs. Whiting's school, which, on receiving, they gracefully unfolded to the breeze from their quarters.
We paid a visit to the North Carolina troops, stationed some two miles from Norfolk, where we were greeted with a soldier's welcome. While here, we could not help noticing the varied and beautiful inscriptions on some of the tents, showing the religious feeling pervading the camp. And a happier, set of troops, it has never been my lot to witness. We must return our grateful thanks for the great courtesy we met with. They are located on a most beautiful spot and enjoy themselves greatly.
Not with standing the many rumors afloat about the Hygeia Hotel being consumed by fire. I am able to say, on the authority of a party of gentlemen who returned from Ocean View on yesterday, that they saw the wreck of the steamer, whose name they did not learn, just above the edge of the water, besides pieces of timber they found on the shore, which clearly prove that it was a Federal steamer and not the famous ‘" Hygeia."’ The gentlemen were enabled to discern the wreck from this point by aid of a spy-glass.
On Wednesday a handsome flag was presented to Company F., stationed at Craney Island. The presentation speech was made by our excellent Mayor, Wm. W. Lamb, in behalf of the ladies of Norfolk. This was replied to by some happy and appropriate remarks from our talented young townsman, Richard S. Thomas, in behalf of the ‘" F. 's "’ The affair drew together a large number of spectator who expressed themselves highly pleased with the sociality of the occasion.-- A fine hand of music was in attendance, and altogether, the affair was such an one as it will be a pleasure to those present to recut to it hereafter with every feeling of rejoicing.--The ‘" F. 's "’ no doubt, feel the great honor just accorded them in receiving so appropriate a gift.
Three or four ships went to Old Point on Wednesday, with troops. It is evident they expect an attack or meditate an early one on our city.
Great dissension seems to exist at Old Point, in regard to the appointment of sutler to that post. The friends of a man by the name of Moody desired him to have the post while Secretary Cameron wishes to install a relative. It may be that the result of this contention will be the defeat of both parties.
I regret to say that the remains of another volunteer of the Gulf City Guards, from Alabama, were conveyed to his home in that State, on Wednesday. A large detachment of his fellow comrades accompanied his body to the cars in Portsmouth. We deeply feel for his dear relations in a Southern clime, who are called upon to receive the dead body of one so dear, who was greatly beloved.
I am glad to hear that there is but little sickness among our troops.
The hospital at Old Point, it is reliably stated, is tilled with the wounded and sick.
There are almost every sled of vegetable in our market, at the lowest prices, and we have not the least idea of being starved out.
There is a large fleet off Old Point.
[A dispatch from Gens. Lee or Beauregard to Gen. Huger, tells him to keep a bright look cut, that in all probability Richmond or Norfolk would be shortly attacked. This seems to correspond with the idea of concentrating a large force at Old Point. Luna.]