
From Montgomery.
[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Montgomery, Wednesday, May 22,
It has been said there are three things a wise man ought not to trust:

‘"The wind, the sunshine of an April day, And woman's plighted faith,"’

to which the good citizens of Montgomery will hereafter add the ‘"foolish Congress" ’ which adopted on yesterday a resolution removing the Government in all its departments and ramifications from their city to Richmond, Va. Throughout the past day or two, the indications favoring this movement (which was determined on in secret session) have been unsteady as a weather-cock upon his steeple point; but now, the gauntlet of doubts is run — the removal is a certainty, and forty thousand dollars appropriated to meet its expenses. ‘"So there's an end."’

Not only, however, is the Capital of Virginia, temporary Capital of the Confederation, but Richmond — the queen city of the South--seated like an Empress on her throne of hills, crowned by her massive old State House, looking like Nature's Palace, and adorned with her public grounds, whose shadowy walks, seem fanned by the ‘"whispering air from mountain heights."’ and at whose feet rolls the brilliant flow of her Fair River, presenting to the admirer's eye.

‘"A line of silver, amid a fringe of green,"’ is destined by the influence of her beauty, health some location and accessibility, to be selected as the permanent, abiding seat of the new Government — an opinion, not the result of hope, but based upon authority.

Congress adjourned last night to meet in the city of Richmond on the 20th July, if not convened earlier by the President Of course the date fixed by Congress, on which to assemble in Richmond, is the latest moment of time that the Government could remain in Montgomery. I know, however, that the change will occur long before the meeting of Congress. That body contemplated, by their resolution, a speedy removal. Arrangements are now being made for it, and by the middle of June, or earlier, the removal will commence.

The officers of the Revenue are being directed by the Secretary of the Treasury to make their returns to Richmond, and the officials of the Government are writing in hot haste to secure board and rooms.

A committee, consisting of the Virginia Congressmen, was appointed to contract for suitable buildings, &c, who will engage, it is said, for the use of as many of the departments as it can accommodate, the Custom-House.

The indications are now plain that the noble old Mother of States holds her accustomed high place in her affections of Congress and the Government, who have resolved, by their favor and devotion to her interests and cause, to mitigate the dangers and losses to which her border situation subjects her, and to supply all the aid of whatever character deemed necessary to enable her to breast in triumph the black billows of the Northern ‘"Dead Sea,"’ and to blot out the few false hearted traitors who are conspiring against her very liberties upon her own soil.

Tremendous sums of money have been recently sent to several portions of Tennessee to pay for the recruiting, subsistence and transportation of troops, who, judging from the appropriations, must be as overwhelming in numbers as they are high and undaunted in courage.

P. S — I have just received reliable information that in Cabinet meeting to-day it was resolved to go to Richmond immediately. A contract has been entered into with the proprietor of a furniture store to pack up the desks, stationery cases, books, papers, and other valuable property of the Government during next week. I am now convinced that the removal will be made at the earliest possible day — little if any later than the departure of the President. Montgomery.

Montgomery, May 24.
The Government will suspend operations on next Tuesday or Wednesday, and enter earnestly on the work of removal, and I doubt not that all its Departments will be established in Richmond by the 1st Monday of next month.

Nothing can delay this but some unfortunate difficulty in the procurement of suitable buildings for their accommodation, which of course will not be encountered in ‘"Big Richmond. "’ The resolutions of removal authorizes the President to cause the several Departments to be established in Richmond at such time previous to the 20th of July, as he may determine. It also provides, that in case of any public emergency which may in his judgment render it impolitic for Congress to meet in Richmond, that he shall have power by proclamation to call it together at such place as be may deem best.

Considerable pecuniary loss will result from the movement, as well to the Government, which had entered into contracts for its prospective necessities, (the penalty of which, like Antonio's bond, will be exacted,) as to the enterprising citizens of Montgomery, who had made large outlays to supply its wants. The lease of the extensive buildings occupied by its Departments does not expire until the termination of twelve months from the date of its execution, the full consideration of which will be demanded by the lessors and recovered of the Government. A large building had also been arranged especially for the Post-Office, and now in its possession, the abandonment of which will result in a large sacrifice.

Numerous officials, including one or two high officers in the Treasury Department, residents of this city, announced some time ago their resolution to resign, should the removal to Richmond, then in contemplation, be determined upon. But a sudden change has come o'er the spirit of their dreams. All threats to retire are now hushed, and the Government's employees with their wives and babies will follow it to Virginia, and even through storm, mist and snow, into the bleakest crag of her everlasting mountains. All hands, of whatever age, size or situation, are eager to start for Richmond; even the Messengers, whom the Secretary of the Treasury is hesitating to take, are arranging to secure private passages in the freight train as part of the Government's property.

Hon. Mr. Wigfall will leave this city tonight for Richmond. It is rumored that President Davis is also going.

The Secretary of State, his Assistant and other officers, will go to Richmond on Monday or Tuesday. All will be there by the first Monday, and located permanently.


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