The landlord swore a good deal, but finding them so resolute, he concluded it was best to open the door. After obtaining the particulars of the case from Johnson himself, Friend Hopper cut the cord that bound his hands, and said, ‘Follow me!’
The men on guard poured forth volley of threats and curses. One of them sprang forward in great fury, siezed Johnson by the collar, and swore by his Maker that he should not leave the room till the constables arrived. Friend Hopper stepped up to him, and said, ‘Release that man immediately! or thou wilt be made to repent of thy conduct.’ The ruffian quailed under the influence of that calm bold manner, and after some slight altercation let go his grasp.
Johnson followed his protector in a state of intense anxiety concerning his wife and children. But they had been conveyed to a place of safety, and the man-hunters never afterward discovered their retreat.