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International law,

The name now given to what was formerly known as the Law of Nations. It is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages, and to have been first applied for the purpose of regulating commercial transactions. From this fact it took the name of “commercial law,” and subsequently was extended to transactions other than commercial of an international character. Today the aim of international law is to prevent war. The distinctive features of [59]

Summary of receipts in 1880-1900

Fiscal Years. Spirits. Tobacco. Fermented Liquors. Banks and Banker. Miscellaneous. Adhesive Stamps. Collections Under Repealed Laws
1880$61,185,509 $38,870,149 $12,829,803 $3,350,985 $383,755 $7,668,394
188167,153,975 42,854,991 13,700,241 3,762,208 231,078 7,924,708 $152,163
188269,873,408 47,391,989 16,153,920 5,253,458 199,830 7,570,109 78,559
188374,368,775 42,104,250 16,900,616 3,748,995 305,803 7,053,053 71,852
1884 76,905,385 26,062,400 18,084,954 289,144265,068
1885 67,511,209 26,407,088 18,230,782222,681 49,361
1886 69,092,266 27,907,363 19,676,731 194,42232,087
1887 65,766,07630,083,710 21,918,213 4,288 219,05829.283
1888 69,287,431 30,636,076 23,324,218 4,203 154,970 9,548
1889 74,302,887 31,862,195 23,723,835 6,17983.893
1890 81,682,970 33,949,998 26,008,535 69 135 555
189183,335,964 32,796,271 28,565,130 256,214
189291,309,984 31,000,493 30,037,453 239,532
189394,712,938 31,843,556 32,527,424166.915
1894 85,259,252 28,617,899 31,414,788 2 1,876 509
1895 79,862,627 29,707,908 31,640,618 1,960,794
189680,670,071 30,711,629 33,784,235 135 1,664,545
189782,008,543 30,710,297 32,472,162 85 1,426,506
189892,547,000 36,230,522 39,515,421 1,1802,572,696 794,418
189999,283,534 52,493,208 68,644,5589,225,453 43,837,819
1900109,868,817 59,355,084 73,550,754 1,461 11,575,62640,964,365

Of the receipts in 1900 classed as “Miscellaneous,” $2,884.492 was from legacies; $4,515,641 from special taxes on bankers, billiard-rooms, brokers, and exhibitions ; and $1,079,405 from excise tax on gross receipts, under the War Revenue law of 1898; $2,543,785 from oleomargarine; $331,011 from playing cards ; $193,721 from penalties; and $17,064 from filled cheese. international law may be summarized in brief as follows: First, that every nation possesses an exclusive sovereignty and jurisdiction in its own territory; second, that no State or nation can by its law directly affect or bind property out of its own territory, or persons not resident therein, natural born subjects or others; third, that whatever force the laws of one country have in another depends solely on the municipal laws of the latter.

There have been numerous congresses of international law experts for the purpose of simplifying and making more definite the obligations which one country owes to another, and in these congresses the United States has occupied a conspicuous place. The Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations held its first session in Brussels, Oct. 10, 1873, and subsequent ones were held in Geneva, The Hague, Bremen, Antwerp, Frankfort, London, Berne, Cologne, Turin, and Milan. An Institute of International Law was organized in Ghent in 1873, and has since held numerous sessions in various cities of Europe, The most conspicuous action of the nations concerning the abolition of international hostilities was taken in the Peace Conference at The Hague, in 1899, to which the United States was also a party. See codes; field, David Dudley.

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