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A town about 40 miles east of Ponce, in the district of Guayamo, Porto Rico. Early in August, 1898, General Brooke, of the United States army, decided to capture the town and make it a base of operations, as it was the only town of importance on the main road leading to the military road between Ponce and San Juan. On the morning of Aug. 5 General Hains, with the 4th Ohio and the 3d Illinois regiments, under the orders of General Brooke, moved against the place. There was no sign of the enemy until the advance entered a cut leading up a steep hill about a mile from the town, when a hail of Spanish bullets whistled over their heads. Owing to their small force, the advance were compelled to retire. As soon as this firing was heard the main body of American troops hurried forward and up the hill-sides. At. a short turn in the road the Spaniards had built a barricade, but a flanking movement forced them to retire. For about a half-hour the Americans pushed forward, meeting with little resistance. The enemy then rallied, made a stand, and wounded three Americans. Soon, however, the Spaniards were driven from their position. At 11 A. M. General Hains entered the town, and shortly afterwards a flag of truce was raised and Guayamo surrendered. The inhabitants greeted the Americans with manifestations of joy and friendliness. At about the same time the Spaniards in the hills began to bombard the town. This action lasted about a halfhour, when the Americans sent six dynamite shells into the midst of the enemy and nothing more was heard from them. The entire action lasted about five hours and was notable for its slight casualties. The town of Guayamo has a population of 16,000. [184]

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