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On the 10th of December Sherman, with sixty thousand men, had announced the investment of Savannah garrisoned by Hardee with a force supposed to be fifteen thousand. On the 17th he had demanded its surrender, and been refused on the ground that he had not invested the city, and that his guns could not even reach it.

On the 14th Thomas had successfully attacked Hood, and on the 15th had utterly defeated and routed him, and the War Department had telegraphed Thomas:

War Department, December 15, 1864.
Major-General Thomas, Nashville.
I rejoice in tendering to you and the gallant officers and soldiers of your command the thanks of this department for the brilliant achievements of this day, and hope that it is the harbinger of a decisive victory that will crown you and your army with honor, and do much toward closing the war. We shall give you a hundred guns to-morrow.

Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

On the 24th Mr. Stanton had notified Thomas of his nomination as a Major-General in the regular army for the ‘recent brilliant military operations’ under his command, and expressed the opinion that ‘no one has more justly earned promotion by devoted, disinterested, and valuable services to his country.’

On the 18th of December, in a letter to Sherman of warm congratulation over the success of the march to Savannah, General Grant added:

‘my dear General: * * * * If you capture the garrison of Savannah it certainly will compel Lee to detach from Richmond, or give us nearly the whole South. * * * * Congratulating you and the army again upon the splendid results of your campaign, the like of which is not read of in past history, I subscribe myself more than ever, if possible, your friend.’

Eight days after, when the news arrived of the capture of Savannah and the escape of Hardee, it was guardedly acknowledged by Grant as follows, under date of December 26th:

‘General: Your very interesting letter of the 22d inst., brought by Major Gray, of General Foster's staff, is just at hand. As the Major starts back at ’

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