Doc. 102.-retreat of General Banks.
General Johnston's address.
The combined divisions of Major-Generals Jackson and Ewell, constituting a portion of this army, and commanded by the former, attacked and routed the Federal forces, under Major-Gen. Banks, successively at Front Royal, Middletown and Winchester, capturing several thousands of prisoners, and an immense quantity of ammunition and stores of all descriptions.
The Federal army has been dispersed and ignominiously driven from the Valley of the Shenandoah, and those who have freed the loyal citizens of that district by their patriotic valor, have again earned, as they will receive, the thanks of a grateful country.
In making this glorious announcement, on the eve of the memorable struggle about to ensue, the Commanding General does not deem it necessary to invoke the troops of this army to emulate the deeds of their noble comrades in the Valley. He feels already assured of their determined purpose to make illustrious in history the part they are soon to act in the impending drama.