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2. Two kings of Sparta bore this name. Eudamidas I. was the younger son of Archidamus III. and succeeded his brother Agis III. in B. C. 330. The exact length of his reign is uncertain, but it was probably about 30 years. Plutarch (Apophth. p. 220, 221) records some sayings of Eudamidas, which bespeak his peaceful character and policy, which is also attested by Pausanias (3.10.5).

Eudamidas II. was the son of Archidamus IV. (whom he succeeded) and grandson of Eudamidas I. (Plut. Agis 3.) He was the father of Agis IV. and Archiidamus V.


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    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 3.10.5
    • Plutarch, Agis, 3
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